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“I always miss you, Milly, but this week has felt like a special kind of hell without you.” I drop kisses on the shell of her ear, under her jaw, and down her neck, breathing in her sweet rose scent.

“Mmmm, baby, me, too,” she murmurs.

She turns around and steps up on her toes to press a hot kiss to my mouth. And that's all it takes. It’s like all of our longing erupts in that moment. The next thing I know, I have her hoisted up, legs wrapped around my waist.

I’m walking her to the waist high counter in my kitchen. We are lost in our kiss, it’s angry, desperate, loving, sexy, hot. Her tongue parries with mine. She sucks at it, licks the inside of my mouth, nips my lips, kisses me like she needs me to know that she's on fire.

And I kiss her so she knows my heart is on fire for her. So she knows I know who these lips belong to. I say I’m sorry with this kiss. I say I love you with it. I say I would fucking burn the earth to ashes to keep you with me, and I say please don’t ever leave me.

She reaches between us and pulls my sweat pants down. My cock, eternally ready for her body, jumps out and bobs between us.

I unbutton her jeans and break our kiss just long enough to pull off her shoes and her jeans and her panties all the way down her legs.

“Dean, please, now,” she demands. My woman does not beg, she knows she never has to, and I comply.

I slide home, she's wet and warm. It feels so good; I know my eyes roll into the back of my head. My lips find hers again as I make love to her. On the counter, with my heart in my throat and my love on my lips as I kiss her with everything I have.

Because everything I have, everything I am, is hers.

She groans, a sound that might as well be the song of the Siren calling Odysseus, because I start to chase it, to move so she makes this sound endlessly.

She lays down on the counter, and I lift her blouse so that her magnificent breasts are in my line of sight. I bend down over her and suck her beautiful, dark brown nipples until I feel her coming.

And when we come, we come together. The ferocious wave of pleasure that moves between us is a centrifugal force. I don’t know where it begins, but I know I never want it to end.

I kiss her as I pull out of her, and she captures my mouth in a searing, quick kiss and mumbles, “I love you,” as she releases me.

I reach around the counter for a paper towel and wipe up the mess we’ve made.

“Can I just get a T-shirt or something,” she says as she sits up on the counter. She pulls her shirt all the way off and she sits there naked. She looks like she has been well-fucked, her beautiful lips tipped up in a smile of satisfaction as she eyes me.

“Of course. Let me get one from my room. I walk down the hall, snag one of my Stanford T-shirts and rush back. She slips it on, slides off the counter, and walks to the bathroom without a word.

I'm sitting on the couch when she comes out a few minutes later and plops down next to me.

“Dean, I need to tell you a few things,” she starts.

I stop her. “Milly, can I go first? I have so much to explain about where I’ve been and what I’ve learned,” I implore.

She looks pained but nods. “Okay, go ahead.”

I tell her about the last seventy-two hours. My conversation with Ed, my trip to Sedona, my visit with my mother, and what I think it all means.

When I’m done, she looks at me with an expression I cannot discern in her eyes. So, I keep talking.

“I know it’s a lot. I don’t know how you can reconcile spending your life with the son of the people who did this to your family, but I had to tell you, even if it meant you wouldn’t be able to—”

She cuts me off when she leaps off the couch, stands in front of me, and starts shouting at me.

“What the fuck is this? Are you breaking up with me?”

She looks furious. And I'm relieved and confused because I thought she was going to be the one breaking up with me. Her eyes look like they are lit with fire burning within her. And Milly never curses. I’m immediately contrite.

“Red, no. I just—”

“You just what? Please, don’t even finish that sentence. You cannot finish that sentence.”

She pins me with a glare that makes me grateful I just finished having sex because my balls might not be capable of descending far enough to ever do it again. She starts to stride back and forth in front of me.
