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“Oh, how about we do it in Felicia’s room, I’ve really wanted to try that great big bed of hers,” Zelda’s eyes brightened with excitement.

“No! For heaven’s sakes no,” Martha flinched at the thought. “She died there, it really should be burned, the whole room dismantled. This will do just fine,” she remarked looking at the lovely brass bed in Zelda’s room. “I’ve always loved this room, it’s so bright, kind of like you.”

She looked at the woman’s eyes, seeing how dark they had become. The light in them wasn’t the pretty green she’d seen downstairs in the kitchen earlier that morning.

“Well, dear Martha, you just lie back on my brass bed and rest yourself. You’re in for one terrific treat.” Zelda went to a closet and brought out some rope.

“You’re going to tie me up, too?” Martha asked. She was trembling inside, thinking that she’d never been submissive this way. She’d dreamt about it many times, even suggested it to Remy once, thinking that the two should really broaden their sexual horizons. But Remy shirked away so badly at the idea that Martha knew never to bring up the subject again. There had never been anyone else to try these things with, maybe if Felicia had remained alive there would have been the opportunity. Felicia certainly had her dominant reputation, but she only seemed to want Martha’s control, nothing more.

“I’m going to love you like you’ve never been loved,” Zelda assured her. Laying the ropes down, she climbed on the bed with Martha and caressed her body carefully, the two embroiled in a sensuous moment that could have easily brought them both to a climax.

“Oh, we’re not going to go too fast today,” Zelda suddenly stopped. “Let’s see how we can stretch this out.” She picked up one rope and took Martha’s right wrist, tying it ever so carefully with a neat knot.

“You’ve done this before?” Martha asked.

“A few times. I know you have to tie the knots right, or your wrists will have marks afterward, and I wouldn’t want that.” Taking the right ankle, she repeated the process, first binding the ankle with the length of rope and then securing it to the brass foot board. She repeated the process until all four limbs were securely fastened.

“Feel them, are they too tight?”

“No, they’re perfect,” Martha said, moving against the binding ropes. Her body trembled with anticipation; the wait as delicious as the act itself. Seeing Zelda’s vibrant eyes glimmering so beautifully, with all that dark purposeful light in them, she was transported into a world she’d longed for.

“You like being helpless, don’t you?” Zelda purred so sweetly.

“Oh, it’s wonderful,” she replied, as she sank into the feeling of being out of control. How long had it been since she’d been treated to this kind of selflessness. Her body was clamoring for more.

“Just close your eyes and relax,” the green-eyed nymph purred. “You’re totally in my power, just let go and let me have you.” Zelda had picked up a soft deerskin whip, stoking Martha’s aroused body with the instrument, gliding the soft talons over her tender skin. Martha twitched excitedly, a smile breaking out on her face. She opened her eyes to see Zelda grinning at her with a nasty stare. “Just keep your eyes closed and let me caress you,” she purred at the submitting woman.

Martha closed her eyes again, feeling as if she might float away. “Whip me more,” she groaned. “All over please.” The whip continued its journey over Martha’s breasts, down her belly, which moved erotically to each stroke, and then her thighs, and between her legs where her pink cunt lay exposed.

The groans from the surrendering woman were beautiful music to Zelda’s ears. She listened for the mounting arousal, then whipped her hard, the talons cutting ever so wickedly in some places, more softly in others. Martha’s groans became more heated. But the submissive woman didn’t say stop. She didn’t protest. She was into the scene and wanting more, exactly what Zelda wanted too.

Zelda knew when to end it. There seemed to be that happy oneness between the two, as Martha drifted away lost in the sensations, and Zelda’s eyes darkened to a hard edge, a necessarily determined edge taking control. She’d know when to end it, and she knew Martha would take much more before she did. And when the time came, she’d give her that last exquisite finale, that final moment of passionate release.

“You really think we have to rush so fast?” Leslie said, as she struggled to keep up with Robin, who was quickly making her way to the house.

Jane had stood at the cottage door with an uncharacteristically confused look on her face, then decided to follow the two detectives into the house. She was used to gauging female emotions and she could see that Robin was terrified. From what she knew of the detective, Robin had strong gut instincts.

“I thought you said this Eve was dead?” Leslie asked.

“How do we know that for sure?” Robin said. “Remy’s gone. We interrupted Zelda and Martha yesterday… if we’re going to find out if Zelda is Eve, we’re going to now. We could be stopping a murder!”

A horrid shiver raced down Leslie’s back, as Robin ran into the house, and she followed close behind.

“Upstairs.” Robin lead the way. How she knew where to go Leslie wasn’t sure, but she would follow. God, she hoped that this was a silly goose chase.

They turned at the top of the stairs moving away from the front of the house, away from Felicia’s room to the rooms at the back. They passed Martha and Remy’s room, the door standing open. It was empty. At the end of the hall the door was closed.

Robin stopped to listen.

“I hear her voice,” the detective said, pressing her ear against the door. “Zelda’s.”

“They could be in the middle of an innocent scene,” Leslie said.

“Or Zelda could be killing her,” Robin said. She was certain of herself. The knob turned and the door opened easily. The two detectives stood at the doorway looking in on Martha and Zelda. Yes, the two were in the middle of sex, a scene, S&M in bold relief; but not typical S&M – whipping, bondage, the usual fetish play. This was something more.

Martha was tied to the bed, eyes closed, writhing in lewd abandon, her body glistening, hot with sweat and sexual fever. She moaned lustily and loud. Robin gazed at the bondage, seeing the knots tied to the bed’s brass footboard. As she expected, they were the exact same type of knots that had found Felicia when she was murdered. But, though Robin noticed the knots immediately, it was not the knots that concerned her.

Zelda stood at the far side of the bed, her eyes glazed over, her attention unwavering, not even the sounds of the door opening shook her from the spellbound stare fixed on Martha’s undulating form. The smirk on her face was other worldly.

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