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Caitlyn wished a little bit that she had joined in too.

From there, Emrys had taken her to Mykonos, saying that a proper Greek vacation had to include the islands at some point, and he particularly enjoyed Mykonos for the kind of relaxation they were after. The hotel where they stayed had technically shut down for the season, and they were the only two there. The décor was very crisp, with white walls and white linens. Their suite opened into a large living room, off of which branched a small bedroom featuring a king-size bed and a balcony overlooking the ocean. From the balcony, Caitlyn could see the stretch of shops and clubs along the beach, and in the distance, a line of windmills.

They arrived very late at night, and Caitlyn was both tired and hungry. Their early dinner in Athens, delightful as it had been, had worn off long ago. Emrys slipped a bill to their bellboy to ask the kitchen for some service.

“I should have vacationed with a prince sooner,” Caitlyn said as she sifted through her clothes for a nightgown. She paused to adjust her bra, which didn’t seem to fit right. It must have warped, because her cup size hadn’t changed since she was in high school.

Emrys swooped in behind her and kissed the back of her neck. “This is our holiday before I go back to filming. You get anything you want.”

“And you?”

“I get you, don’t I? You’ve allowed me so much more than the one week you promised.” Emrys kissed up her neck until she turned her head to meet his lips. “I am properly spoiled.”

“I’m glad we decided to do this. Your father was ruining your time off,” Caitlyn declared.

She rubbed her stomach, feeling hunger pangs again. This Greek food was so strange. Some of it was very rich and filling at the time. Then she found herself hungry again after a couple hours. But it all tasted so amazing. Caitlyn had always labored under the assumption that she disliked tomatoes until the moment Emrys had fed her a slice from his plate. Juicy, ripe, and red, the flavor burst in her mouth. It was nothing at all like the watery offerings that people had tried to force on her for most of her life in Ohio.

Emrys slipped his hands under her blouse and unhooked her bra. She sighed as he massaged her breasts, and she cupped the back of his head and kissed him again. Her appetite for him had increased as well. Now that they were on their own, every room of every hotel suite they’d stayed in had been a possibility for their lovemaking. Even now, she felt a bit swollen from three vigorous sessions in the jet over here.

“Unnn,” she whined. “I want to, but my body is weak.”

Emrys bowed over and kissed the tops of her breasts. “Then just let me worship the perfection that is you.”

“Stop!” Caitlyn laughed and swatted him off.

She had to admit that she felt very sexy. Part of it was his gushing attention, yes. But it was also how her clothes were fitting. She felt slinky, but weighty. She felt like her clothes hugged her body in a good way, her breasts bouncing more with each step. It was like his love had taken root in her body and begun to bloom. Because he wanted her, she had become more and more of what he wanted.

Caitlyn removed her blouse and jeans and slipped on a long, silky pink nightgown. Emrys sat on the edge of the bed watching, and so she dressed just a little bit slower, with a few extra motions, feeling over her own plump backside, a hand down her stomach. Once her gown was on, she ran her hands up her sides and cupped her breasts, causing Emrys to gasp and lean forward.

On a whim, Caitlyn slid her hands back down her sides, wiggling her hips and swaying to no tune but the sounds of the ocean and the fan spinning lazily above them. Emrys folded his hands between his legs. His eyes followed the gyrating of her hips, her arms moving over her head, and the swishing of her hair. He reached out for her, and she took his hand before turning and rotating her hips around and around. When she stilled, his other hand squeezed her hip, and she bent over at the waist, swishing her ass from side to side.

“Have mercy,” he muttered.

She bounced her ass up and down a little, giggling when his hands finally gave in to temptation and reached forward for a squeeze. She sat in his lap, spreading her legs wide, and stretched her arms over her head, dancing in his lap against his rock-hard erection.

“You’re going to destroy me,” Emrys declared.

“What do you suppose we can do with this?” She ground against him.

“It’s looking like we’re going to have to send these pants out for cleaning.”

Caitlyn reached back, touching his hair as she continued to rub herself against him. After a moment, he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to the side, where she laughed and kissed him.
