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“I hate it. I love you so much. I just…” She huffed and shook her head. “I haven’t been honest with you, either. I needed to find the right time, and there never was one!” Her hand took his and squeezed it. “I-I’m pregnant, Emrys.”

Ermys raised both brows high. He couldn’t breathe.

“I’m pregnant,” she repeated, moving his hand to a small bump at her middle, which was hidden by the large sweater she was wearing. “At first, I didn’t know what to think, and then you were out of the country, and I—”

Emrys shot up and kissed her. He took her in his arms and swung her around. His heart was beating so fast and so hard that he thought it might explode, and he never wanted to let her go.

Caitlyn felt a huge weight lifted from her in Emrys’s arms. He wanted the baby, clearly. He wanted her. Even after he set her down, they couldn’t stop kissing each other for some time, until finally, Emrys grabbed her hand and then her bag, and took off.

Within a few minutes, they’d changed their tickets. They were off to Vegas.

Caitlyn managed to clean him up a bit before they found their chapel, and he’d bought her a gauzy off-white dress. She had never imagined when she’d set out the day before that she would be married within 48 hours. And there wasn’t a damn thing Emrys’s meddling parents could do about it.

Emrys carried her into their penthouse suite and placed her on the bed before turning to tip their bellboy. She could barely keep up with everything that had happened. She was deliriously happy, completely uncertain, and at the same time, utterly determined that no matter what, they would make this work.

“There’s my wife,” Emrys declared as he locked the door behind him and looked over her with a smile.

“Mrs. Playboy Prince.”

“Playboy Prince Impregnates Princess and Pisses-off Patriarch,” Emrys said merrily. He kicked off his shoes and strolled over to the bed to take her hand. “We’ve got them now, babe. Not just with that ceremony just now. Mother will absolutely insist that we be officially married in Cabeau.”

“Will it be in that church you showed me?” Caitlyn laid back on her elbows and looked at the slight bulge betrayed by the thin fabric of her dress. “That’s probably where our kid got his or her start.”

Emrys laughed. “I’ll insist on it. A royal wedding. A royal ball.”

“Don’t make me dance,” Caitlyn pleaded.

“You’ll be far too pregnant for that sort of thing. The princess is ‘in a delicate way,’” he said, providing her with her excuse. He leaned over and kissed her belly. “You only dance for me.”

“I do feel a lot more comfortable when you’re my only audience. And if I’m taking my clothes off while I do it. Is that okay for a princess of Cabeau?”

“It’s perfect.”

Emrys moved his hand up her thigh and worked his thumb against her panties. Caitlyn gasped.

“You have to be careful with that! Now that I’m not getting sick anymore, it’s like I’m constantly starving.” Caitlyn smiled as Emrys raised a brow curiously. “You might get your hand bitten down there.”

“I’ll take my chances.”

He reached behind her to unfasten her dress, and she shimmied out of it and let him slip it the rest of the way down her hips. He took a moment, looking at her in her bra and panties, and let out a low whistle.

“I know,” she murmured.

Emrys cupped her breast in his hand and stroked it gently.

“Oh! Be careful.”

“Your body loves being pregnant. I don’t know if you do, but I hope you love it half as much as your body seems to.” Emrys kissed her breast and worked his way up to her neck.

“I could be persuaded. I like an excuse to try everything on a menu.” Caitlyn arched her back and started to rub herself against Emrys. The throbbing between her legs grew stronger, just from being so close to him, or maybe because he was talking about how much he enjoyed her body like this. She wanted to wrap her legs around him and devour him whole.

“Persuade me,” she begged.

Emrys didn’t need convincing. He unhooked her bra and removed it carefully, watching as her swollen breasts spilled out and sat up pert and waiting for his attention. He supplied it, teasing them with tender touches as his other hand slipped her panties down. His hands explored her as though getting reacquainted with a lost friend, and she moaned and wriggled in anticipation of more.

When he moved back to remove his clothes, she let out a cry of protest and reached for him.

“In a moment, my pregnant princess.” He rose, slipped out of his jeans and T-shirt, and stood before her naked, moving his hand over his taut abs. Caitlyn gave a whine and bounced a little in a feigned tantrum. His eyes refocused on her jiggling breasts.
