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He kissed her again, then moved his hips vampire fast, until her mouth opened wide and she screamed the ecstasy that poured through her.

He roared his pleasure at the same time, and their energies merged once more.

When the last pulse settled down, Iris kissed C

onnor over and over. He stayed connected to her for a long time, doing the same thing.

“I never even imagined you,” she said.

“What do you mean?”

“All this time, I’d come to accept the harshness of this life in Five Bridges. Now it’s as though an oasis appeared in the middle of a barren desert and I get to live in it. I could never have imagined such a bounty here in our desolate world.”

~ ~ ~

Connor finally drew out of Iris, but only because he wanted to take her to bed. He felt a powerful need to spend at least an hour worshipping her body and making her scream repeatedly. He would only be happy when he’d worn her out.

He dried her off and led her to her bedroom, drew the covers back then settled her on the sheets. He made love to her as though this was their last day on earth. He promised himself he’d do the same for the rest of their lives, no matter how many days, months or years would belong to them.

When he’d professed his love repeatedly and she was at last asleep in his arms, the French doors suddenly blew open.

Iris remained asleep, but the smell of thyme filled the air and he could sense Violet’s presence once more. He owed the woman everything. She’d stayed behind year after year, until she could resolve a decade of suffering for both him and Iris.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

He felt soft fingers down his face. You’re welcome, swept through his mind. Then, Tell Iris I love her, but I’m going home now. For good.

She’ll understand. It’s what she wants for you.

And let her know I’ll be with Anna.

Connor’s throat grew tight as he felt the wind sigh and Violet’s fingers once more touch his face.

He felt her move over to Iris and watched the slight indentation on her cheeks as Violet touched her for the last time.

The wind blew quickly out of the room, but Violet left the French doors open and for that he was grateful. He could smell the myriad of scents from Iris’s garden and each one eased his heart a little more.

He was home now.

After three decades of being on his own, he was home.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
