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In this dreamglide episode, he’d taken her into the air and she was completely naked. He’d made love to her high in the night sky. She’d been uninhibited and had cried out the most erotic things, about his size and how his cock felt buried inside her.

The images, as before, rolled through his head like a movie he couldn’t shut off.

Juliet turned toward him, blinking slowly. A crease appeared between her brows. She moved toward him and caught his arm. What is it?

He was acutely aware of the men standing close by, but he couldn’t tear himself away from Juliet. They really had been lovers. I’m remembering the time we had sex in the air. You were so … willing. He thought that was a polite way of saying, game for anything, and she had been. Holy fuck, Juliet.

A blush crept up both her cheeks.

Fergus intruded. “What’s going on? Is it Roche?”

Brannick turned back to the shifter and shook his head. “No, we’re okay.” But they weren’t. Not by a long shot. Not if the memories kept surfacing like this. The images had worked him up, and he wanted to get her alone.

Juliet’s blush deepened. She excused herself and left the room.

Brannick turned to Fergus. “Things are complicated right now between me and Juliet. We’re sharing powers, the way Vaughn and Emma do and I’m on constant alert in case Roche should try to attack her again in the dreamglide. But I need to go talk to her right now. Will you take charge of the detail?”

Fergus sniffed the air and appeared as though he was examining carefully what he smelled. “I’ll see to the men. You go to Juliet. Call me if you need anything.”

Still, Brannick hesitated. He didn’t feel good about abandoning the men right now.

Fergus turned to the two warlocks. “I want you both on the front door.” Pivoting to the shifters, he issued a second set of orders. “One of you stay in the back patio, the other in the alley behind the garage. I’ll be here, on the canal entrance side.” He then turned to Brannick. “Go. She needs you.” He lowered his chin, his eyes darkening. “And take your time. Whatever this is between you and Juliet, she needs you right now as much as you need her.”

A silent understanding passed between the men.

He found Juliet in a study opposite the second bedroom. The small space held a large desk and barely enough square footage for the two of them to inhabit at the same time.

He’d meant to reassure her that he had no expectations and to apologize if he’d made her uncomfortable with his abrupt recounting of the in-the-sky sex.

But the moment he moved into the room, she swept a hand in the direction of the hallway. “Shut the door and lock it.”

Aw, hell. So much for keeping his distance.

His whole body lit on fire. He whipped around, closed the door with a not-too-polite ‘bang’, and locked it.

By the time he turned back to Juliet, she’d stripped off her dress so that she stood in her navy lacy thong and a bra that pushed her breasts up into an inviting line of cleavage. Both sights made it difficult for him to unzip his pants.

She drew close and planted a hand on his chest. “Get your boots off, too. I’ll need you to maneuver. I’m thinking from behind with my body splayed out on the desk.”

For a quiet, artistic fae woman, she could be commanding during sex, and the vampire in him loved it.

As he worked to get his boots off, Juliet moved stuff off the desk, then turned to face him.

With his boots gone, she slowly slid her thong down her thighs and over her feet. When she rose, his gaze went straight to her light brown landing strip. His mouth actually watered as he removed his tank top.

He started toward her, but she held up a hand. “Wait.”

He froze. She slid her hands behind her back and undid her bra. He watched the cups fall away from her full breasts.

He dropped to his knees and in the same motion cupped a breast and drew the already beaded nipple into his mouth. Fergus had understood what needed to happen here.

Looking up at her while suckling, he slid into telepathy. Thank you for this.

Her eyes flared. Same here. The minute you walked into the kitchen, I started aching between my legs. She had both hands on his head, caressing him.

He rose up and took her in his arms, letting her feel his cock against her abdomen. He plundered her mouth as he had while making love to her in the night sky. He hadn’t been gentle with her, and from the moans she was making, it sounded like she wanted some of the same right now.

He drew back, arching his hips into her. She held onto him, digging her nails into his back.
