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The couch was too damn small, so he drew her down to the floor. In real-time, she ran her fingers through his brown hair. He looked panicked, but she could tell he wasn’t going to put a stop to things.

He pushed her legs part with his knees then settled in-between. He was fully erect, and she was streaming, so ready for him. As he pushed inside, she gave a cry. She was one with Brann on the floor of the cottage in real-time, yet experiencing the wind of the dreamglide.

Passion flowed so strong, but still she caught his face in her hands. “Tell me straight up that you know you started this.”

“I know. I did. This is on me.”

“Good.” She had no illusions about Brann’s conscious self. But it didn’t matter, not when he possessed her body as he did with his cock drawing in and out and hitting her just right.

She arched her back and a long cry left her mouth of sheer pleasure. The wind whipped around her, as the dreamglide reflected how she felt and what Brann was doing.

Heat radiated from his body and the humming electrical field of his vampire nature tingled wherever his body met hers.

He nudged her neck, and she cried out again. “Yes, do it, Brann, I want to feed you.”

A quick strike came next, which sent a thrill between her legs. More sizzle and heat.

He began to drink, grunting with each thrust of his cock and pull on her neck. She felt her life force leaving her and flowing down his throat.

She could feel his muscles bulking up as they’d done before each time she’d fed him. He drove deeper now, curling his hips. She glided her hands down his back and caressed his ass, loving the way it moved up and back and the way it arched, which gave her so much pleasure.

That’s when she let everything go. She became one with him, feeling what he felt, savoring his body, the feeling of him drinking. Pleasure built like a bonfire. The dreamglide wind buffeted her, adding another layer of sensation.

On he drove. I’m going to come, Juliet. I’m so hard for you. Are you ready for me, Baby? You ready to come?

“I am. All you have to do is go a little faster or a lot, doing that vampire thing you do.” She moaned at the thought of it.

He released her neck and swiped at the wounds. He was glowing as well, a silvery aura around his body. She probably was as well.

When he lifted up, he held her gaze. “Come with me, Baby. Come now.”

He increased the rhythm of his hips, going faster and faster.

She stared into his intense green eyes. She breathed in heavy gulps as ecstasy bore down on her, the wind of the dreamglide sweeping over her body.

“Brann.” She cried out his name as pleasure began to flow.

He kept looking at her, driving harder and faster.

He roared his passion, his eyes glowing, his body an electrical current that kept taking her to the heights, over and over. The wind carried her back and forth as well.

She cried out again and again, her chest expanding, her heart on fire.

When the wind began to die down, and his hips slowed then finally stopped, she lay with her arms stretched out to the sides, gasping for breath.

He kissed her neck, her cheeks, her forehead then lingered on her lips. She took his tongue inside and suckled gently, wanting him to know how much she loved doing this with him.

When her breathing had evened out and she looked up at him, he wore his serious expression once more. His brows were pinched tightly together. “What if in all this I lose you the way I lost my family or worse, the way my sister died? Do you understand?”

She knew what lay beneath his words. “Does it really matter how I die? Or when? I’m choosing to go down this path. In fact, I think I made this choice five months ago when I met you in the White Flame. Resistance fighters don’t tend to survive the war, and I’ve already accepted my fate.

“Don’t get me wrong. I plan to stay alive. But even if you ended our business arrangement, I’d find another way to battle men like Roche. Do you understand? I’m in this fight ‘til the end.”

“I don’t think it’s that simple,” he said.

“I know you don’t. But for me it is.”

He looked around and grabbed his t-shirt, shoving it between her legs as he pulled out of her.
