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But now Brannick and Juliet could move forward in secret and begin a slow, progressive assault on the fae underworld. The first order of business would be shutting down Roche’s club. Of course it was possible with Roche gone, the club might lose its clientele all on its own. Either way, Brannick would do everything he could to rescue the women involved.

He would include Fergus, if the wolf wanted to join in. But Fergus had already mentioned that there were a few heinous institutions in Savage that needed a correction or two. Brannick thought it likely Fergus intended to start cleaning house as well.

After the last beer was consumed, Fergus sent his men home, since wolves were nocturnal as well and dawn was coming. He didn’t go with them, however. Instead, he asked to accompany Brannick and Juliet back to Agnes’s compound.

Brannick wasn’t certain why the wolf had insisted on coming with them. But he wasn’t about to refuse the man who had not only helped to bring Roche down, but who had saved his ass in Roche’s dreamglide.

As soon as Brannick touched down in front of Agnes’s compound, he turned to bid Fergus goodnight. One look at the flaring of Fergus’ nostrils, told him something else was going on. He just didn’t know what.

Juliet, however, had more of a clue. She drew Fergus apart from the guards at the front entrance and spoke in a low voice. “Do you want to know about Mary?”

Fergus’s lips drew into a tight line as he nodded.

Brannick should have guessed, but it still seemed unusual.

Juliet smiled softly. “Mary is recovering extremely well, though given the amount of dark flame in her system, it put her into a tough recovery process. Otherwise, she’s in very good spirits.”

When Fergus glanced at the guards at the exterior of the building, Juliet added, “For my sake and Mary’s, Agnes has doubled security on the roof and around the entire exterior of the compound. She also added several snipers to the tops of the surrounding buildings. Mary couldn’t be safer.”

“Good. That’s good. I’ve been concerned. Roche isn’t a threat anymore, but there are a lot of forces at work.”

“You’re absolutely right.”

Brannick caught a strong scent of wolf musk, a reminder Fergus was entering his annual mate-hunting cycle. It was also clear that whatever was going on with the shifter, it wasn’t simple.

Fergus planted his hands on his hips and kept nodding long after Juliet stopped talking. He glanced in the direction of the front door to the compound, his brow heavily furrowed. “Please tell Mary that I asked about her.”

He nodded a couple more times and after meeting Juliet’s gaze, then Brannick’s, he said, “I’ll bid goodnight to you both.” With that, he turned on his heel, took a few steps, then shot into the air.

Two weeks ago, Brannick would have thought the man crazy for sniffing around a fae woman. But not tonight. Not anymore.

When he entered the compound, he saw Mary had come to the front entrance area. She was thinner than before the abduction. “Was that Officer Fergus?”

Juliet went to her and took her arm. “Yes, and he was asking about your recovery.”

“I wanted to thank him for getting me out of Roche’s prison.”

Brannick remained where he was and let Juliet walk Mary back to her room by herself. He heard Juliet’s soft, melodious voice as she no doubt shared the events at Roche’s home and the part Fergus played.

He was glad she’d gone with Mary, since he needed to think about what he should say to her once she returned. He hadn’t shared his heart with anyone since his arrival in Five Bridges, not in thirteen years.

It was about damn time.

After a few minutes, Juliet appeared at the end of the hall. She moved toward him slowly but his faeness could once again tell how guarded she was. He didn’t blame her.

When she drew close, he smiled then took her hand. He’d half expected her to pull away, but she didn’t. As he walked her to the cottage, she looked up at him once or twice. He squeezed her hand each time, but didn’t say anything. He wanted privacy for what he was about to say.

Once inside the cottage, he closed the door and before a word was spoken, he drew her into his arms and kissed her. He could feel her hesitation and that she held back, but he kept on kissing her, savoring her the way he’d done for five months in her dreamglide, only now it was in real-time.

Brann, you seem different or am I imagining it?

He drew back, but didn’t let her go. His heart kicked up a couple of heavy beats. How could he have thought, for even a moment, that he could live without this woman?

“Brann, you’ve got me really worried. What’s going on?” She laid her hands on his chest, her brow as furrowed as his normally was.

He thought for a moment, because he wanted to get this right. He decided to speak his heart straight out. “I’m in love with you, Juliet.”

Her lips parted and a soft gasp emerged. “What?”
