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Duncan, she sent, tears in her eyes, desire building in a heavy sensation deep between her legs.

Rachel. His voice pierced her mind, adding to all the sensations.

He groaned heavily as he used the momentum of the wings to push into her with his hips. He drove faster and harder.

He left her neck, which meant he was close.

A soft cry slipped past her lips as she met his gaze. Her breaths came in small gasps, until suddenly the orgasm barreled down on her, catching her tight between her legs with each thrust of his cock. She screamed, pleasure pouring through, gripping her low, and filling her chest with an incredible explosion of ecstasy. Duncan thrust faster than ever and finally began his second release.

His roars pressed against her screams as the orgasm spun through her mind. On and on, ecstasy spiraled through her body, flooding her veins with pleasure, and sending her straight into the heavens.

After a full minute of so much sweet sensation, the movement of his hips slowed. The sensual feel-good eased through her veins and caused her legs to finally grow lax.

Duncan shifted them to a more upright position and let his wings shape into parachute mount, rocking them both in place. With her arms now around his neck she kissed him over and over, thanking him for the extraordinary moment.

On the way down, she rested her head against his shoulder, trusting him completely. But the fatigue of the night’s training settled on her and before he touched down outside the mountain home, she’d drifted off.

She awoke only when he was putting her to bed. As Duncan headed into the shower, she realized her nausea had returned, which seemed really strange. She began to wonder if she’d contracted some kind of stomach ailment that shouldn’t really exist on Second Earth. Or maybe it was just a result of the intensive training she’d received.

Whatever the case, she decided she’d seek out a healer’s advice the next night when she returned to HQ. She might even contact Horace whose team tended to the wounds of those who served as either Militia Warriors or a What-Bees.

With the decision made, she fell sound asleep.


The team soars,

When human nature settles its wings.

Collected Proverbs – Beatrice of Fourth

Duncan awoke before Rachel late in the afternoon. He made a pot of coffee and took a mug out onto the east-facing porch. The sun was well on its way to setting, so he had a clear view of a granite out-cropping, several forested ridges, and a lot of deep blue sky.

Rachel. Sweet Christ, making love with her high in the air had been an amazing experience. He’d never felt so connected to her. He’d been swept into a different reality, one that pointed him toward Third Earth. Yes, he’d serve on the black ops team as long as he was needed. But he also felt a strong call to something else, something more, though he had no idea what. And Rachel was part of it.

He accessed his grayle power and focused for a moment on the veiled woman

the entire team now believed was Merl’s sister, Katlynn. He also held the Third Earth Warriors of the Blood in his mind. Images arrived swiftly of a quiet prison setting, holding steady, and he could breathe easily. He knew for the moment all was well.

But the earlier vision lived in him at the same time, pressing him to stay tight and focused. The hour would come and the black ops team would head for Mexico City Three through the Third Earth darkening grid.

He felt different within himself and with Rachel, stronger. He’d reached a new level of power, as they all had, but he’d also begun staring down the serpent in his gut. He didn’t know how he would make the breh-hedden work, but he was more committed than ever before.

He was still concerned about Rachel and her stomach sickness. She didn’t seem like herself. She’d resisted becoming a warrior for so long, maybe it was all too much. Yet, he knew she was committed to serving on the team.

He’d just have to keep an eye on her.


Lying on her stomach, Rachel took her time waking up. She felt almost dazed and when she opened her eyes, her surroundings didn’t look familiar. Then she remembered Duncan had brought her to his mountain home.

She blinked and took a deep breath, forcing the veil of sleep away. Fatigue had settled on her in a surprising way. In fact, she could hardly move.

With her cheek pressed into the pillow, she checked out the room. Walnut paneling covered the walls and the bedstead was made of polished tree branches woven together. A painting of a waterfall surrounded by a dense woodland hung above a mahogany chest of drawers.

She smiled because the style really appealed to her.

Rolling onto her side, she glanced at the large picture window. She had a view of treetops, a fading evening sky and a few stars just making an appearance.

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