Page 2 of Bred By My Daddy

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School started at the end of August, so I was packing my books and things like that for the big move. My mom was, of course, gone. Peter was helping me get my stuff together, but he wasn’t happy. Not in the “jealous parent being overprotective” way, but more out of fear that once I was gone, he would be completely alone for months at a time. He wanted me to go. Talked me into it, actually, when I started to get scared and worry that I was making a mistake.

“Liz,” he said, “you’re a grown woman. A beautiful, smart, wonderful grown woman and I can’t keep you from the world. You have to get out there, gotta find your way.”

“I know daddy,” I replied, “I’m going to miss you though.”

He smiled. “I’ll miss you too little girl, I’ll miss you too. But you have to get out there, find some boy that deserves you. You look just like your mother. Smart just like her. I want you to be happy and so even though it hurts to see you go, it has to happen.”

I think he got a little bit misty-eyed, but I can’t be sure. I hugged him. Tight.

His cock was hard. I felt warmth coming from his body, radiating out of his dick and down the cleft between my legs. The yoga pants I had on, skin-tight spandex numbers, didn’t hide very much of me, or keep me from feeling him through the fabric.

I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck and, unable to help myself, spread my knees just a little bit, letting his shaft slip between my lips. I decided that I couldn’t go without knowing if he really wanted me. If he didn’t react, or tried to stop me, I wasn’t going to push. All he did though was hold me close and move his hips in the smallest motions imaginable. Probably not enough to even see, but oh my God did I feel that rock-solid cock of his sliding against my pussy, grinding on me like I spent so much time doing with my palm.

I felt like I was going to burst after probably ten seconds of this. His little shoves, that red-hot cock prodding me down there where few had gone and none had entered. I think I took him by surprise just a little bit, because as soon as I started to grind on him a little harder, he seemed to freeze up, almost like he didn’t know what to do. That didn’t last very long.

Just when I thought he was having second thoughts, Peter put his arms around my lower back and pulled me harder against his body. Even though I’d never seen the guy naked before, I knew he was fit, but being up on him like that, I realized just how rock-solid he was. Those big, bulging arms of his fit around me just right – I don’t know how to explain it exactly, but after so many years of wishing and fantasizing about this exact thing, well, I think I started to melt a little bit.

“If this isn’t what you want,” he said to me in a hushed, whispered voice, “then just say so. But I’ve been thinking about this for a couple of years now. I feel terrible about it, but there’s nothing I can do. Your mother’s just not here, ever, and you look and act so much like her. Is that okay? Is this okay with you?”

His candor confused me. I mean, I’m the one that made all the moves, right? All he did was jerk off thinking about me every so often. Right? How could he feel guilty?

I put my hand to the side of his face, and reassured him by sucking his bottom lip between mine. I gave him a little nibble, felt the ridges and texture of his lips with my tongue and even flicked it between them for a taste of his mouth. My daddy let out a low, satisfied sounding groan and tangled his hand in my hair, clutching me close.

When our tongues danced back and forth – first in his mouth, then in mine – everything seemed right. Like this is how it was supposed to be, if that makes any sense. Daddy’s hand left my hair and traced a light line down the middle of my back, stopping tentatively before my waistline. He slipped his hand under the back of my shirt and rested it on the part of my back just before my ass. I felt him draw tickling little circles on my skin. I craned my neck again and pried my tongue back between his lips, running it along his bottom teeth, tasting his breath.

Suddenly, a switch seemed to flick in his brain.

“I... I’ve wanted you for years,” he said in an urgent whisper, “but I felt terrible. It ate at me, but I wouldn’t give in. Felt like some kind of pervert. But it’s you, too? You feel the same way?”

Something flashed in those dark eyes of his and before I could answer, he kissed me hard again and lifted me off the ground, one thigh in each of his hands. My legs wrapped around his waist, Peter carried me to the couch across the room. He sat me gently down and as soon as I was out of his arms, he jerked my hips forward so that my slit pressed against his cock, and slid his hands up my back under my shirt.

“Your skin, it’s just so soft. I’ve always thought your back was beautiful, but feeling it... just, you’re just incredible, Liz.”

I can see why my mom fell for this guy, I thought, drawing a quick breath as my daddy’s cock grinded my clit. The layers of clothes between us almost weren’t there. It felt like I was actually riding him, sliding bareback against his thick, hard dick. I knew I couldn’t wait very long. I just had to have him. The hands underneath my shirt, warming the skin on my back and gently kneading the muscles, sent little chills up and down my spine and when he grabbed the back of my hair and gave me an experimental tug, I groaned a low, sex-charged sound. No one had ever done that before. For the first time that day, but nowhere near the last, I was glad my daddy was the first.

I pushed my hips up against him, vaguely aware that pussy juice was starting to slick me up, to get me ready for my daddy’s dick. I used him like a vibrator; I turned my hips in quick circles and then straight up and down. Each time his cock went to the stop of my slit, a pulse shook the muscles in my abdomen, tingles from my clit shot out over my belly.

“Please daddy, please fuck me, I can’t take it anymore!” I cried out, surprising myself. I mean, it was true, but I never thought I’d actually say something like that.

“Not yet, I want to make you want this cock so bad it hurts. You’re gonna get it though, don’t worry.”

With that, he reached down and popped the button of his jeans. His cock was straining so hard against the zipper that his pants unzipped on their own, until a wonderfully smooth, dick sprang out and pointed directly at me.

I reached down and stroked him, gingerly at first, with just my fingertips. Against the wetness of my crotch, which he could now feel, this thing felt like magic. I wrapped both hands around his shaft and gave him a tug that made him groan a little. I kept jerking him with one hand while I explored every inch that I could with the other. The rigid shaft, the rim around his head, the line running up it, the round tip, and then I found his favorite place – the little line underneath his glans.

“Please, yes baby, right there,” he sighed as I squeezed him harder near his balls and rotated m

y thumb slowly on that tiny place. I pressed his tool to the bare skin on my belly when he pushed my shirt up, and imagined it was inside me. As I pumped him and massaged him, I raised up my hips so I could feel his balls rest on me. That heavy heat, lying right on my asshole, made me – somehow – want him even more than I did already.

I was so whipped up by now that I had completely forgotten something rather important. I had never been fucked before. I knew, pretty much, that it was supposed to hurt and if you fucked a high school boy it was bad sex. Past those two points, I was pretty much a clean slate. I wasn’t worried about it not feeling good, because, well, I was grinding my daddy’s cock head against my cuntbutton and it felt so good I was already about to cum. The pain though, was different. I had used a dildo before, a pretty big one, as well as a few different vibrators, but nothing as big as Peter’s cock. Nowhere near.

Those thoughts quickly faded away as soon as Peter lifted my shirt off above my head.

“That’s not much of a bra,” he remarked, looking at my breasts which were barely held in place by black-and-purple polka dot cups. He reached around with one hand, undid my hook and slid the other hand down my belly, pressing his cock against my clit. When he made those little strokes that had me so close to cumming already, I noticed that the skin on my nipples had puckered.

“Oh my God,” he said, “they’re perfect. Just like the rest of you. You’re perfect, Liz.”
