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“She told me. If it comes to court, I will make them aware, but I’m just warning you what might happen. I don’t think it will. I think once Mr. Reynolds hears what happened, he’ll choose to lock it down.”

I nod, not saying anything else.

What else could I say?

Then, I pick up the phone and call Wally’s dad to ask if he could come down to the school and pick me up. I hate to do it, but when push comes to shove… I don’t really have anyone else to call.

How pathetic is that?

Chapter Thirty Two


“Is Gavin okay?” I ask Attie uncomfortably.

I don’t like asking him, but I haven’t spoken to Gavin since the fight at school. I know he’s tried to call the house, but my parents won’t let me talk to him. They took my cellphone. Gavin doesn’t have a phone—cell or house, so there’s no way I can call him either. My parents watch me like hawks and there’s no way I can call while he’s at work with them breathing down my neck. Dad’s even postponed his business trip to keep me on lockdown. It’s ridiculous. I don’t know how to deal with them at this point.

“Are you seriously asking me that, Luna?” Attie asks, and I can tell he’s pissed.

“Please, Attie.”

He lets out a growling breath to show his irritation with me. I’m pretty sure he’s not going to answer me, but he finally does.

“He’s fine. Same old asshole. He had court yesterday.”

“How did that go?”

“It didn’t. The judge dropped all the charges and bitched at Richards’ dad for pushing it.”

“He did?” I asked shocked, but so relieved I almost feel like I can’t catch my breath.

“Yeah, I guess Principal Issacs testified on Gavin’s behalf. Who knows what my brother did to pull that off. Anyway, he told the judge that Gavin was only trying to pull Larry off of another student and things got out of control. When the judge found out the student was a girl…” Atticus stops talking, ending with a jerk of his shoulder.

“When does Gav get to come back to school?” Jules asks.

“Three more days.” I sigh, thinking these three days are going to be the longest of my life.

“Oh, come on, Luna. It’s not the end of the world.”

“You aren’t living with my parents. It’s like I’m on prison lockdown lately.”

“You could go to the movies with me and Darren Oakes tonight,” Jules suggests.

“You’re going out with Darren? When did this happen?”

“Eh… he’s been asking me out for a while. I had my eyes on someone else, but he doesn’t seem anxious to make any moves. He’s all strung out over some other chick. So, I figured what the hell, I’d throw Darren a bone. At least he wants me and not some other girl.”

“I’m leaving if you two are just going to talk about guys,” Attie mutters, shooting me and Jules an angry look, then gets up and leaves.

“I guess I shouldn’t have asked him about Gavin,” I gripe.

“Oh please, if he doesn’t understand by now that you are hung up on his brother and will never give him the time of day then he deserves what he gets.”


“Luna, trust me. Attie will be fine.”

“Yeah, you’re right. How come you didn’t tell me about Darren asking you out?”

“You’ve been kind of preoccupied. Besides, it’s nothing. I’m not even that excited about it.”

“Then, why are you going out with him?”

“I was hoping it might make the guy I like stand up and take notice. I don’t think that’s going to happen, though. He’s too busy mooning over another chick who doesn’t even know he’s alive.”

“Jules! You’ve been keeping secrets. I hate that. Who is it you like? You didn’t even tell me!”

“It’s silly. I don’t really want to talk about it. I promise when I’m ready, I’ll tell you,” she says, and I frown.

We never used to keep things from each other, and I hate that we’re doing it now.


“Let it go, Luna. I just don’t want to talk about it right now. I’ve never really been rejected by a guy before. Give me time to process it.”

“Well he’s an idiot,” I protest, feeling bad.

“Yeah, most guys are,” Jules jokes.

“And I don’t know who the other girl is, but there’s no way she’s as wonderful as you,” I assure her. Jules gives me a sad smile.

“Whatever. Hey, did you hear about that girl that got killed in Hagerstown?”

“Hagerstown? That’s kind of close. I haven’t heard anything—note my prison lockdown,” I whine.

“Dude, some guy chopped her up. We’re talking she had like twenty stab wounds.”

“Holy crap,” I mumble.

Nothing like that has ever happened this close to Stone Lake before. I can’t remember something like this happening in the whole state to be honest. I mean, I don’t watch a lot of the news, but still….
