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“You ready to roll?” Jules asks, coming up behind me laughing as I slam my locker shut.

“I uh… Dad’s here to pick me up, Jules.”


“Yeah,” I whisper.

“Do you think he knows that you and Gavin are seeing each other?”

“No… I mean I don’t think so? I don’t see how he could. I guess it’s possible, but—”

“Luna, you’re babbling.”

I stick my tongue out at her and give her a worried smile. “Honestly, it feels like something is wrong Jules. I’m kind of worried.”

“Okay, go talk to him. You will call or text me the minute you know what’s up, right?”


“You have minutes left to text me, right?”


“Good. Give me a heads up, ASAP, girl. And don’t worry, it’s going to be fine.”

“Even you don’t sound like you believe that,” I tell her, walking back towards the front office with her.

“Okay, I admit your dad showing up isn’t the greatest of signs. He’s usually away on business all the time.”

“That’s what I’m worried about,” I confide, keeping my voice down, shoving my books against my chest and holding onto them like they’re a lifeline. I hold my chin against them, biting on my bottom lip in worry.

“Still, it doesn’t necessarily mean anything bad. Don’t worry about anything, until you have something to worry about. Right?”


We walk the rest of the way in silence and when we get to the office Jules gives me a quick hug.

“Hey, Mr. Marshall, you’re looking good!” Jules calls out, a little too peppy.

“Hey, Julie. Drive safe going home,” he says, his voice solemn. I turn to Jules with my eyes wide and see the same mini-freak-out on her face.

“Call you later, Jules.”

“Sure thing, chicken wing,” she says with a grin and heads outside.

“Are you ready, Luna?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be, Dad,” I tell him and pray I’m telling the truth.

Chapter Thirty Nine


“You free tonight?”

“Who’s asking?” Jules quips as I stop her from getting into her car.

“Not in the mood for your bullshit tonight, Jules,” I warn her.

“Gee, Attie, maybe I’m not in the mood for yours.”

“What’s that mean?”

“It means, I haven’t heard from you in weeks. I’m not just some whore you can call when you want to screw.”

“That’s exactly what you are. Don’t forget you started this,” I warn her.

“Then, I’m finishing it.”


“I mean it. I’ve been dating Darren for a while. He’s a good guy and he likes me. He sure as hell doesn’t treat me like a whore.”

“I treat you exactly the way you like, and we both know it.”

“Well, maybe I want more now.”

“Then I’ll give you more tonight,” I respond, grabbing her arm and pulling her into my body roughly, my hand sliding under the short skirt she’s wearing. My finger pushes against the thin lace strap of her thong as I massage her ass.

She shoves me away and my eyes narrow on her.

“What is your damage? I told you I’ve been dating Darren. We can’t let him find us together.”

“What’s it matter? It’s me you want. You can’t tell me that straight-laced football player knows how kinky you like it, Jules.”

“Yeah, but sex isn’t everything. We’re getting ready to graduate. Darren has a promising career as a quarterback. He’s had pro scouts come check him out already.”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

“What? I can’t want better for myself?”

“I’m out of here,” I growl, sick of the fucking bitch. She was only good for a quick release anyway. I’ll find a different one. I don’t need her shit.

“Don’t be like that, Attie. We can still have fun, just not as often.”

“Forget it. I got bitches lined up. You’re easily replaced, Jules. Whores always are,” I tell her over my shoulder, not bothering to turn around. She’s not worth my time.

I head out walking. I don’t live far from the school. It’s actually less than a mile until you turn off the road. It’s only once you do take that turn it’s another three miles to get to the house. Our house is the very last one too, which works great for my dad because people don’t see him drinking until he passes out or hear him screaming at all hours of the night. Probably the thing he likes the most is that he can beat the shit out of us without anyone calling the cops.

I’m still fucking sore from the baseball bat he used on me last night. I was stupid. The son of a bitch hasn’t gotten the drop on me like that in a while. I wasn’t expecting him to hit me from behind. I went down so hard, and I couldn’t seem to recover, not until he was already whaling into me.

The beatings used to be pretty regular, but since Gavin and I got older I think the asshole is afraid of us. If I’m honest he’s probably more afraid of Gavin. He’s never really respected me and someday I’ll make him pay for that.
