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“Yeah, she is, but she lied to me. She should have told me the truth.”

“She’s probably going through hell right now, Moonbeam. I’d say she was just trying to shield you for as long as she could.”

“Maybe, but that doesn’t make it any better.”


“Anyway, I called her from Jules’ and told her I need a break. They won’t be sending any search parties out tonight.”

“That’s good. I’d rather not deal with your dad tonight.”

“You and me both, but he’s not an issue since he left for the Hamptons and back to his mistress.”

“Fuck, Luna—”

“It’s okay, Gavin. I’m okay. It’s just what I needed to make me realize something.”

“What’s that?”

“That you’re my home. We’ll leave after graduation and we’ll start our own place in the world.”

“You mean that,” I whisper, suddenly feeling better than I have in years, despite the pain.

“I’m completely serious.”

“God, I love you,” I tell her, leaning down to kiss her, and I press our lips hard together, despite the pain, thrusting my tongue in her mouth and kissing her with all of the hunger I have for her.

When we break apart, I rest my forehead against her as my heart rate slowly comes down to normal.

“I love you. I do have a small favor to ask you, however.”

“Anything,” I promise.

“You don’t even know what I’m going to ask,” she laughs.

“It doesn’t matter. I’ll find a way to give you the world if you wanted it.”

“Silly. All I want is you, Gavin Lodge.”

“You have me, Moonbeam. You always will.”

“I’m counting on that,” she murmurs softly, our gazes locked on one another, and I can see the love radiating on her face.

Love for me.

“What was your favor?” I ask.

“Can we go back to Jules and spend the weekend there? She’s kind of freaked out, even though she won’t admit it.”

“Why? What’s happened?”

“There was another murder. This time in Russell.”


“Same scenario. Found the girl naked, her hands were bound this time and apparently, it’s not a black rose they found like Jules has been getting, but a blood rose, which is even creepier. It’s a white rose with splashes of red that look like blood.”

“Well, that’s good for Jules though, right?”

“I guess. But she got a note today and she hadn’t read it until she got home. She thought it was just another annoying note the guy has been putting in her locker. Instead, it told her to watch the news.”


“She did. That’s how she found out about the second murder.”

“Fuck. Did she call the cops?”

“She did, but they told her it was probably just a prank. They did promise to do some patrols in her neighborhood and asked to talk to her parents, but of course…”

“Her parents are gone for the weekend.”

“Let’s load up.”

“Are you up to it?”

“Yeah, you’ll probably have to drive, but I’ll survive.”

“We don’t have to, Gavin.”

“We do, Moonbeam. Your girl needs people around her and besides, if there is some freak on the loose just the next town over, the last thing I want is for you to be out in the open all night.”

“If you’re sure.”

“Yeah, just one thing.”

“What’s that?” she asks.

“Help me up.” I sigh, feeling weak as water and hating that I need help to do anything.

“You got it, Baby,” she says with a grin, pressing a gentle kiss on my cheek.

Maybe needing help isn’t such a bad thing….

Chapter Forty Three


“It’s about time you got home,” Dad growls as soon as I walk through the door.

“I spent the night at Jules’ house,” I tell him, barely bothering to look up. If he thinks I care what he has to say at this point, he’s crazy. “Besides, I thought you left us again… on business—right?”

“That’s it, Luna. You’re grounded. There will be no going to Jules’ house. There will be nothing but school and home for you, young lady.”

“Are you seriously starting this shit on me?”

“Since when is it okay for you to curse, Luna Ann Marshall?”

“Oh, I don’t know since you failed to recognize that I’ll be eighteen in a couple of weeks?”

“You still live under my roof!”

“No, I don’t. You have a new family now, Dad. Remember?”

“Quit being sarcastic, Luna. It doesn’t become you.”

I look at the man I used to love with everything inside of me. The man I still love, but also hate a little. I look at the man that I used to think hung the moon. He doesn’t look like my superhero now. He doesn’t even look like my dad. If he wasn’t trying to ground me and be a complete asshole, I’d almost feel sorry for him. Then, I look over at my mother and see how her eyes are swollen, take in the fact that she’s been crying. While I’m looking at her, I notice for the first time that she’s lost a lot of weight. She’s been living in hell and I didn’t even know. Any sympathy I had for my father dissipates.
