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“More, Gavin, I need more,” she pleads like a prayer.

We’re so close, almost nose to nose, and I’m lost to the desire I see in her eyes, her breath feathers out against my lips.

“I’ll give it to you, Moonbeam. I’ll always give it to you,” I vow.

Then, I make love to her, using my body, my mouth… my heart and right before I come, I make sure Luna does too.

I don’t know if I did everything right, but I know—at least for me—coming inside of Luna, feeling her climax while I’m buried deep inside of her, is beautiful.

And sheer and utter perfection.

Chapter Fifty Five


“I don’t want to leave.” I stare at Gavin as I say that. They’re simple words, but I feel them all the way to my soul. Last night with Gavin, being able to spend the whole night with him… I never dreamed anything could be that wonderful in all of my life.

“I don’t either, Moonbeam,” Gavin says, walking to me and wrapping me up in his arms.

I lay my head on his chest and I can hear his heart beating against my ear and it’s reassuring. If I had my way, we’d just stay like this.

“I don’t know how I’m supposed to be okay with not having you beside me at night now.”

“Babe,” he says with a smile, his hand under my chin to pull my face up so I’ll look at him. Gavin, I’m learning, loves eye contact.

“I’m serious,” I grumble. “I don’t want you to leave.”

“I know, Moonbeam. I feel the same way. But it won’t be for long and soon we’ll be together all the time.”

“When we leave Stone Lake,” I tell him, excitement filling me.


“Where are we going to go?”

“We’ll just hop in the truck and drive, Babe. Go wherever the road will take us.”

“What if—”

“No worrying. It’s just the two of us and together we can tackle it all, Moonbeam.”

“You sound so sure, I wish I could be…”

“I will be sure enough for both of us,” he promises.

“Have I told you yet today that I love you?”

“I don’t think so.” He gives me a sly grin.

“Liar. I told you in the shower,” I remind him.

“Ohhh… yeah the shower. I was distracted at the time.”

Heat raises on my face at the heat in his eyes. I was still fighting my nerves this morning when we showered together, but Gavin makes me feel beautiful, and the pleasure we found in each other’s arms was definitely worth getting over my bashfulness.

“I noticed.” His face clouds for a minute and a chill moves through me that I don’t understand.

“We have to be more careful,” he says.

“What?” I ask, not understanding.

“I didn’t use a condom in the shower, Luna.”


“Yeah, oh. I’m so sorry, Moonbeam. I lost my head.”

“It’s okay, Gavin.”

“No, it’s not. We have to be more careful. A baby would ruin everything right now.”

“Not everything. We’d make it work together,” I reassure him, going to wrap my arms around him. He pulls away, looking at me, I can’t read the emotion on his face, but I know it is one I don’t like.

“It wouldn’t work, Luna. Don’t you see? If I screwed up and got you pregnant it would mean the end of all of my dreams, of all of our plans.”

“I… I don’t understand.”

“I have to get out of Stone Lake, Luna. It’s killing me. Hell, if I stay here much longer, my old man will kill me.”


“We can’t go on the road with a baby. I won’t be able to get the training and school I need to be a cop or detective. I need that to be able to give you the kind of home you deserve, the life you deserve. Everything hinges on making sure our plans hold so our dreams will come true, Luna.”

“I don’t really have any dreams, other than being with you for the rest of my life, Gavin.”

“And you will. I just need to be more careful.”

“I’m sure it will be fine. You pulled out when you uh… you know.”

“Yeah, probably. I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again. To be sure, we need to get you on birth control as soon as possible,” he says, softening some and taking me back in his arms.

“I can’t do that. Not here in Stone Lake at least, it would get back to my mom. You know how this place is.”

“Then, it will be the first thing we do when we leave here. Until then, we’ll just use condoms.”

“Okay,” I tell him, feeling uncomfortable talking about this. Something about the way he talks about it and the near panic I saw on his face when he realized he wasn’t wearing a condom, makes me feel weird. I mean, I don’t want to have a baby either. Gavin’s right, that would be the last thing we need to happen. But, still, his reaction and words hurt my feelings. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that—at least to myself. “I thought Jules would be back by now,” I tell him, needing to change the subject so that he will quit worrying.
