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“Sorry about that. Attie has become protective of me after everything that has happened.”

“He’s something alright. You do know that he’s one of the main ones that testified against Gavin, right?”

“He didn’t really have a choice, Wally. His father threatened him. I don’t know how much you and Gavin have talked about Mr. Lodge, but—”

“We’ve talked enough, but I am just warning you, Luna. Don’t trust Atticus.”


“Ask Gavin.”

“That will be kind of hard, since I don’t know when I’ll see him again.”

“He’s at school today.”

“He is?!?! Where? I haven’t seen him. Can you take me—”

“The principal is keeping him out of the classrooms. He’s been doing his work in the office. I got to see him at lunch. He wanted me to get a message to you.”

“What message?”

“He asked if you could meet him out by the concession building on the football field during the awards ceremony Saturday night? I told him the only place your parents have allowed you to go is to the senior events and that they’re always close by.”

“I… yeah. I’ll be there. It will take me a bit to get away from my mom. The ceremony starts at seven. Can you tell him I’ll be waiting for him around seven thirty?”

“Yeah. Do yourself a favor and don’t tell Atticus that, Luna.”

“You really don’t trust him.”

“And you shouldn’t either.”

“I won’t tell him,” I promise, wondering what Atticus has done that has set Wally so against him. I know Gavin has issues with him, but maybe it’s deeper than I realized.

“Good. Later, Luna.”

“See ya, Wally,” I tell him, but it doesn’t matter, Wally is already walking away.

Chapter Sixty Two


“Hello, Miss Marshall.” My head jerks up when I hear that voice. I know it.

“Agent Dern? What are you doing here? Is something wrong with Gavin?”

“Not exactly. I was wondering if we might talk a moment.”

“What do you mean, not exactly?”

“Gavin is fine, at least for now.”

“Oh…” I respond, his comment kind of weird. “My father is waiting for me. If I don’t get to the car—”

“I have his permission to speak with you. Will you sit down with me in the cafeteria for a minute?”

“I… I guess… Where is Gavin?”

“He and his friend Wally left a few minutes ago. I waited until he was gone to seek you out.”

“Why?” I ask.

He doesn’t answer at first. Instead he leads me from the hallway into the lunchroom. It’s eerily quiet and completely empty. Agent Dern grabs the first table we pass and pulls out a seat for me. I sit down, frowning as he does the same.

“You’re meeting with Gavin Saturday night,” he says, surprising me.

“How do you know that?” I kind of evade.

“Gavin told me.”

“Oh,” I respond breathing easier. “You’ve spoken to Gavin. Is he okay? Does he know that I still believe him? I haven’t been able to talk to him at all. I’m worried. The last time I spoke to him he—”

“He’s fine, Luna. Can I call you Luna?”


“He’s fine. He has a very big decision in front of him.”

“He does?” I whisper, my hand going to my stomach. Agent Dern can’t see that, it’s hidden by the table itself, but what if he knows.

Surely that can’t be what he’s talking about.

“I’ve offered Gavin a place to stay and to help make sure he gets through school. He wants to work in law enforcement, and I’d like to see that happen. I see a lot of potential in Gavin.”

“Oh my God! Gavin will be so excited. That’s all he’s ever wanted,” I almost squeal. I grab Agent Dern’s arm and hold onto it in my excitement. “He has to be so happy. I can’t believe this. Thank you, Agent Dern. Thank you so much.”

“He turned me down, Luna.”

“What? No way. Gavin wouldn’t do that. This is his dream. You must have misunderstood.”

“He turned me down because of you.”

“Me? I don’t understand. I won’t stand in Gavin’s way. I want him to have his dream.”

“But he won’t leave Stone Lake without you, Luna.”

“Oh… and you don’t want me to be with him. I mean, I get it. That’s okay. Gavin and I can still see each other and once he’s out of school we can—”

“It’s not so much that as the fact that if he tries to take you with him, or pursue any kind of relationship with you, your parents will prosecute him. You were there the day your father warned me of that.”

“Well, yeah. But I’m eighteen and—”

“There have been witnesses that say you were only sixteen when the relationship began and was consummated.”

“But… that’s crazy,” I accuse.

“Maybe, but they’ve all signed affidavits.”


“That’s not important, I just—”

“Who?” I growl, my hand clutching tightly against my stomach.

“Gavin’s father—”

“He’s just a jerk.”

“Jules’ Mom and Dad.”

“Come on, they’re not even in town most of the time!” I snap.

“Gavin’s brother.”

“Atticus?” I ask, remembering Wally’s warning now.
