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“Sure I c-can. It’s an emergency.”

“No, I mean, you’re not supposed to …”

She said something then, something featuring the words “illegal” and “blizzard” and “not safe,” but he was busy throwing the car in park, flipping on the hazards, unbuckling her seat belt, and dragging her across the space between the seats.

When he had her in his lap, her knees on either side of his hips, he cupped her neck in one hand and gave her one last chance to back out. “Is this okay?”

In the dim interior of the truck, her face seemed fragile, her eyes huge. She looked vulnerable and alive and real in a way Sean couldn’t quite understand. It was as if everyone else moved through his world in black-and-white, and Katie came at him in Technicolor. He wanted to know what it felt like to take a piece of her and pull it inside himself. He wanted to kiss her so bad, he ached with it.

She nodded.

With gentle pressure, he pulled her closer until their lips were just a few inches apart. The private scent of her settled around him, faded remnants of her lemony perfume, laundry detergent, shampoo. The more intimate smell of Katie’s body at the end of a long day. His dick roused to it with a throb that made him wince. “This is wuh-what you want?”

She dropped her head and brushed her mouth over his, and it was the only thing that mattered. Her warmth. Her breath against his mouth. The exploratory slide of her tongue along his bottom lip. The nip of her teeth as he held himself still and let her investigate, because it seemed important that this time Katie be allowed to take the lead. He’d stolen their first kiss. Let her have this one.

She took it with a confidence and enthusiasm he hadn’t prepared for, and his hands slipped away from where he’d told them to stay and began to memorize the territory of her body. The dip at her waist. The toned muscles of her upper arms and the delicate shape of her shoulder blades. Her hips. Her ass.

Sean angled his head and anchored his fingers in her silky hair. He took control, turning the kiss into a seduction because he wanted more of her. He wanted all of her, and this mating of their mouths wasn’t going to be enough. He needed to get lost in it, to let go of everything and be with Katie—inside Katie, on top of Katie, touching Katie for an hour. Just an hour.

She could have his control for an hour.

Gripping her hips tight, he pressed up against her heat as she put her hands on his face, smoothed her thumbs over his cheekbones, and kissed him back with a fervor that told him she wanted this as badly as he did.

They sank into it, making out like teenagers who had no idea what came next. Kissing for timeless minutes that melted the icy casing of his self-control until he couldn’t remember who he was supposed to be with Katie and didn’t care. His shameless hands roamed all over her, raking down her torso, up her thighs. Discovering the shape and weight of her breasts. She pushed into his erection, moaned and purred and set him alight.

“You are so fucking hot,” he said, his mouth against her neck as his fingers found their way to the hook of her bra and released her breasts into his palms. She made a hitching little sound in the back of her throat that completely slayed him.

“And those noises—” He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, and she gasped. “K-keep doing that, sweetheart, and I’m going to make this so worth your while.”

“Oh,” she said. “Oh … Wait, what’s ‘this’?”

“ ‘This’ is what we’re about to do in the back,” he mumbled, shoving her shirt up and out of his way so he could lower his mouth to her breast. “For a very long time.”

“See, but we’re not,” she said, cradling the back of his head and pulling him closer. “I’m—Oh, man. Oh, Sean, don’t stop doing that, because—” And then he licked her nipple and she ground against him and stopped protesting. He was too busy smelling and tasting her, too enthralled with the texture of her nipples against his tongue and the heat between her legs to worry about anything at all.

When he sucked, Katie began to grind more insistently against him, and there was way too much denim between them, way too many layers of fabric keeping him from sinking inside her. Her jeans were a tight, stretchy Fort Knox, their removal presenting a serious challenge to his sex-addled brain.

“The backseats fold down,” he said, his thumbs settling over her hipbones as he pulled her tighter, closer. As close as he could get her, but not nearly close enough.

“I’m not—Mmm … oh! Oh, for fuck’s sake, I am, aren’t I?”

“I hope so.

You’ve got to say ‘yes’ first.”

He forced himself to take his hands to neutral territory, knowing that if he pushed her into sex and she regretted it later, he’d find it difficult to live with himself.

She lifted her head. The sight of her flushed cheeks and swollen lips rolled right over his resolve. Sean kissed her again. Again. Thrusting up against her, dangling over a cliff.



“Say yes.”

She only moaned. He redoubled his efforts, sliding his hands down to splay over her taut stomach. It was when he started looking for the button on her jeans that he saw the pulsing amber light, and even then it took him the span of seven or eight seconds to figure out what was about to happen. Seven or eight seconds for the rumbling noise of the plow to become deafening as it shoved a couple feet of wet snow around them and completely blocked in the SUV.

Both of them stared out the window at the place where the plow had been.
