Page 51 of Our Last First Kiss

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He’d kissed those lips, had his hands tangled in that hair, had been entwined with that small body of hers, creamy limbs and slender curves. Again, he remembered the first time he’d seen her, the moment that their hands had met, the shift inside him, the spark of flesh against flesh.

As inescapable as headlights on the highway.

What the hell was this, exactly, between them?

As if she felt his stare, she glanced his way and their gazes caught.

His muscles tightened as he recalled the sweet flavor of her, her gasps of pleasure as he discovered the secrets to her body, this need to know her inside and out, this drive to protect her, to be the one to catch the tears she claimed she did not shed.

What the hell? What was it about this woman that he found so different, so fascinating?

They had the rest of this week to figure it out. No matter how she fought him on it.

“What could I do but agree?” Lilly said, appealing to Audra, who had finally ditched the wedding dress for heather-gray baggy sweats. The lace she’d been using as a headband now bound the bottom of a single braid thrown over the ex-bride’s shoulder.

“I mean,” Lilly continued, when her friend didn’t say anything. “Now that I know she lost her son I couldn’t see myself saying no to her.”

She’d told her friend about Simon’s death and Audra had remembered hearing something about it from her former groom-to-be. “So what is it you exactly agreed to?” the blonde asked now.

Lilly clutched her shopping bag from the resort’s boutique. “The hotel is hosting a pool party movie night. They’re serving dinner first then passing out floats so you can watch Jaws from the water.”

“That doesn’t sound so terrible.”

Lilly leaped on the hint of interest. “Would you like to join us? I bought a suit at the resort boutique but I know you have at least one in your bag. Please say you’ll come with me.”

Audra was already shaking her head. “And get between you and your swain?”

“You mean Alec?” Lilly tried brushing that off. She hadn’t shared with her BFF what they’d done the night before in his bedroom, though she could feel her cheeks heating just thinking about it. Whirling around, she crossed to the mini-fridge in search of a bottle of water. “There’s nothing to me and Alec. I don’t want there to be anything between me and Alec. If anything we’re just acquaintances, not even friends really—”

“Gaga,” Audra interrupted. “Lady Gaga’s ‘Poker Face’!”

They were playing their game? Perplexed, Lilly tried recalling the lyrics of the song and how they could relate to this emotional moment. “‘Poker Face’?”

“In that you don’t have one.”

Lilly glared. “So funny.”

Her friend gave her a little flippant salute, then her expression sobered. “Has he—Alec—said anything about Jacob? Does he know anything?”

Oh, damn. Lilly crossed to perch on the arm of the sofa Audra sat upon and softened her voice, wishing she could soften the truth as well. “He’s not coming back to you, Audra. You know you wouldn’t want him anyway. Some guys…” Most guys, Lilly thought. “They have misgivings about commitment.”

“Jacob never once told me he had misgivings.”

“I know, Audie. He’s a dick. Let’s—”

“You know what? I want a man who admits to misgivings. I want a man who admits to misgivings to want me beyond them. In spite of them. I want a gorgeous, arrogant man to fall in love with me so hard that misgivings are crumbs beneath my shoe.”

“Well, yes, um—”

“And then I’m going to dump him.” She rubbed her palms together, a classic villain move.

Lilly stared at her friend. “Uh, Audie. That doesn’t sound like you.” The other woman didn’t have a mean or calculating bone in her body.

“But it’s going to fix me.” Her eyes glinted as she seemed to relish the idea. “I’m going to take back my power by crushing this gorgeous, arrogant man’s heart.”

Eeek. Lilly didn’t know whether to laugh or shudder.

“But first I have to find him.” Audra continued. “And to find the kind of man who is going to fill the bill means I’ll have to get out of my comfort zone.”
