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“You received my flowers?”

“Thank you. But you need to stop.”


“Why?” She blinked. “Do I need to list the reasons?”

“You don’t like flowers?”

“That’s not the point.”

“So you did enjoy them?”

“Mr. Sterling, please. Let me introduce you to your candidates.”

“Is this how it’s going to be?” That telltale warning tic in his jaw was back. “Foisting me off on others?”

“I’m here to do a job. You’re here to save your empire.” She had to remind herself of that. Hope flicked a glance toward her assistant. By prior arrangement, she hurried over. “This is Skyler Morrison, the heartbeat of Prestige. We couldn’t function without her.”

“We’ve spoken on the phone,” he said. “Great organizational skills and an effective communicator. I agree, she’s a great asset to your organization. It’s a pleasure to put a face with a name, Ms. Morrison.” He shook Skyler’s hand, quick and perfunctory without holding on.

Skyler stood there, blushing, silent. In all the time they’d worked together, with all the rich, powerful men that Skyler had met, she’d never been at a loss for words.

“We were discussing the venue,” Hope prompted

“Yes. The venue. Right. It’s…beautiful.” Skyler cleared her throat, then smoothed a hand down her slacks. “And the champagne is delightful. Dry but not pretentious.”

“I’m glad you approve.”

“Yes, well. Can I get you a glass? I mean, it is yours, right?”

He cut his glance toward Hope. “I’d rather your boss fetch it for me.” His tone had changed. Now it was firm, an order that promised reward or punishment. “Then I’ll spend a couple of minutes discussing strategy with her before I meet the first of your candidates.”

A moment later, one of the servers circled the room, carrying a tray of filled flutes.

Their final guest arrived, and Skyler smiled, as if she’d won a reprieve. “I’ll greet Hannah.”

“Thank you.” Hope fought to keep her tone even.

Skyler dipped one knee, the move suspiciously like a curtsy. Hope blinked, resisting the temptation to wring her assistant’s neck.

“Ma’am?” The server offered wine.

From across the room, Hannah demanded, “You’re sure he’s not a sadist?”

Hope closed her eyes, praying Rafe’s hearing wasn’t as good as hers. His smile told her it was. Her earlier resolve to abstain from alcohol wobbled. Deciding she needed the fortification, she plucked a glass from the tray.

Rafe studied her. It was obvious he was waiting for her obedience. A dozen thoughts jammed together. He could get his own damn champagne. After all, he was as close to the server as she was. But with his studied silence, he was reminding her of last night and what they’d shared.

Had he been anyone else, she would have offered a glass without hesitation. After a long internal debate, she complied.

“Perfect.” He made sure their fingers touched and a satisfied purr curled through his words.

Despite her resolve, his approving tone sent shockwaves of unwanted response through her.

“Pleasing me is painless. Isn’t it, sweet Hope? Part of you finds it gratifying, even.”

“Ma’am, would you like a glass?”

Jolted, Hope realized the server was still close by. Once again, Rafe had filled her entire world. “Ah… Thank you.” She accepted a flute for herself.

Disconcerted by the realization that what he had said was true, even though she didn’t want it to be, Hope took a much larger sip than normal. The bubbles burst through her mouth, tickling her nose. It tasted of honey and citrus and luxury.

“It’s to your satisfaction?”

“I didn’t think anything could be as good as the one we had last night.” She should not have admitted that. “It’s superb.”

He touched the rim of his glass with hers. “I changed the order this morning with you in mind.”

“You…” Before she could lose herself in him, she sunnily focused on the event. “So, strategy. This event is scheduled to end in two hours. I hope you’ll take a chance to chat with each candidate, get to know her a little. We will keep an eye on you, and if you don’t appear to be enjoying yourself, one of us will join the conversation. I think I’ve mentioned it before—if you like someone, we will set up another meeting on your behalf.”
