Page 128 of Wrapped Up In You

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Dominic and I slip into the back of Mike’s car. I snuggle up close to my husband. ‘Are you happy?’ I ask him.

‘I am very happy,’ he says. ‘Very happy indeed, Just Janie.’

‘Good. Because if you are happy, then I am happy too.’

‘One day I would like to go back to the Mara and have a Maasai ceremony with all of my family,’ my husband adds.

‘Is jumping involved?’

Dominic guffaws. ‘But of course, Just Janie!’

I bloody knew it.

‘We’ll save up,’ I promise him. ‘We’ll save up and take you home.’

‘Home is here now,’ he says softly to me. My husband rests his hand gently on my bump. ‘With you and with my child.’

And I know deep in my heart and in my soul, that this truly is real love. Real love that overcomes all obstacles – colour, creed, culture. Real love that lasts until the end of time.
