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The town of Placid sat perched above the bluffs overlooking Lake Huron. Though he had been gone far longer than any other excursion, nothing had really changed. Seagulls swept over the piers as boats sailed in and out of the small harbor. To the south side of the waterfront, several children played on the beach while their parents watched them with huge parasols to shade them from the blistering sun. As the shoreline came closer, he noticed more than the usual amount of schooners and ships docked along the north pier, which now extended further out allowing larger vessels to come into port. The expansion was a project Jay and Garrett had been working on before he had last left town. With an extended pier, they hoped it would bolster the town’s ability to welcome larger ships and therefore attract better trade agreements.

Other than that, the only difference in the town’s waterfront was the brand new three-story hospital with huge picture windows overlooking the lake. The once intended casino Erika’s late grandfather had planned on building was now a tranquil place of healing.

Once the Francesca pulled into port, he drew his attention to a young woman sitting on a docking post watching as the ship pulled into port. She was a beautiful woman with a head of golden blonde hair swept up into the most stylish updo that framed a pale complexion only tinged with a touch of natural ruby cheeks and lips. She sat primly on the docking post twirling a tiny parasol as if bored with the entire scene. However, upon seeing Ryan disembark from the Francesca her face lit up with joy. He grinned in response before heading for the plank and disembarking.

“Just like old times, Erika, finding you sitting on a docking post waiting for the Francesca to come home.”

“Some things never change.” She smiled and absolutely radiated. He wasn’t exaggerating. He couldn’t remember Erika ever looking more beautiful than she did now.

Before he could respond, he heard a deep baritone voice say. “And as always, it seems some American port has kept you away from home months on end once again. Only to find upon your return, you start flirting with the prettiest girl in town.”

“Guilty as charged.” Ryan grinned sheepishly before turning toward the owner of the voice emerging from a fishing boat near the docking post where Erika sat.

Jay was a man of great size in frame and girth. He always had been on the huskier side when they were children but as he grew into his teen years, he also grew into his body. Year after year, he grew another foot taller until eventually, he towered over all the citizens of Placid. His boyish fat turned into muscle and by the time he was an adult, he was the strongest man in town. And you can bet that the townsfolk took mighty advantage of his strength. He offered his service anywhere from digging wells to chopping down trees to help clear farmland. But his greatest strength lay in his compassion. He went out of his way to help the poor and needy. That kindness is what eventually earned him the position of town mayor. That and a headstrong wife who believed in him and his vision for the future.

“And yet some things do change,” Erika said rising to her feet. She lowered her shawl and revealed a rather large rounded belly. Ryan’s eyes widened in surprise before lighting with pure delight. “I’m going to be an uncle?”

“Uh-huh. In just over a month’s time.”

The brothers grin at one another and exchange a bear hug. Taking a step back, Ryan looked at his brother with his heart overflowin. Not only was Jay looking far healthier and happier than he had been for the past several years, but he was also now becoming a father. Something that was nearly impossible. The robust man had come far too close to losing his life. It was a miracle to see him doing so well and happy.

“You’ve been out in the sun too long, Erika.” Jay turned to his wife. “You best get up to the house and out of the sun.”

“I’m perfectly cool next to the water.”

“That might be so but the sun’s reflection off the lake is already starting to make your pale skin red.”

She sighed irritably. “You may try to get rid of me but I’m not leaving your side.”

Jay shot Ryan a knowing look. “As you can see, she’s still the same overbearing princess.”

“And you’re the same stubborn ox who won’t let others fret over you.”

He laughed and drew her close. “I love it when you fret over me.”

She tilted her chin all the way back and beamed up at him before he laid a passionate kiss on her lips.

Ryan turned away. Not because it pained him to see his old flame kissing his brother, but because he suddenly was overcome with an intense feeling of missing Evelina.

“No need to worry about me, Ryan will follow me back to the house.”

She glanced from one brother to the next then exhaled on a defeated note. “I suppose then. The sun is beginning to burn and I fear my skin is beginning to blister. But you promise not to leave his side, Ryan?”

Ryan smiled. Jay’s near-death occurred nearly a year ago but that didn’t change the fact that Erika never left his side. He recognized the concern still lingering deep in her eyes.

“You’ve got my promise,” he said, trying to help relieve her fears.

Jay walked her over to her waiting carriage and assisted her on the seat. Giving her hand a quick kiss on the back of the palm, he sent her off. He stood watching her leave with undisguised love. “She worries too much.”


Jay turned back to Ryan and moaned. “Not you too.”

“Everyone just wants to make sure you’re healthy and fine.”

“I’m fine.”

“Yes, but apparently that doesn’t make a difference.”
