Page 78 of On the Mountain

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Taking off his hat, he dropped it on his dresser and went over to look out the window. He could see the saloon a few buildings down. Its lights were burning brightly and even with his window shut, he could hear the noise coming from its interior. He thought about Marion and considered going down for a quick visit. Contrary to what she told him on his last visit, he was certain he would be very welcome. Not too many customers pay as well as he did.

He sighed and began to unbutton his shirt. Far too many sleepless nights had left him exhausted. The comfort of bed beckoned. As he stripped then crawled under the covers, he did think that a warm, soft female body next to his wouldn’t have been so bad. The last conscious image he had before slipping into a deep sleep, was not that of a redheaded saloon woman, but of a dark-haired beauty with big brown eyes.

* * *

Anna sat next to Wade as they watched his ranch hands compete in the roping and steer wrestling competitions. Bleachers were set up along the corral and women carrying parasols and men in their Sunday best sat to watch the sport that would stir up the dirt and soil a few bottoms.

Prescott and Elizabeth sat next to them and Anna laughed to herself when it was discovered that Wade’s brother was such a fan of the annual event. “Come on, Neil, get that steer’s head down low.”

She looked up at him as he stood on his seat and shouted to the competitors. Anna smirked and looked away. She caught Wade’s gaze looking at her. He smiled suddenly and she easily returned it. Ever since they had come back from Kamloops, something had changed between them. She wasn’t certain what it was, but there definitely was a difference. For one thing, he never left her side. Admittedly, Anna quite liked it.

“Hey.” Someone to her right said. She turned and saw Joe beckoning for her. Anna frowned and went over.

“They’re getting set up for the bull ride,” he told her and Anna felt a chill run down her spine. She had completely forgotten about the bull. “You best get goin’ or ya will miss your name bein’ called. I already registered ya.”

Anna bit her bottom lip and went to turn to look over at Wade. Perhaps to mentally send a message of help, but Joe grabbed her by the shoulder and turned her in the opposite direction. “No need to worry ‘bout him. I’ll let him know you’re okay.”

That was just the problem, Anna thought. She didn’t think she would be okay if she climbed onto the back of that bull. “Come on now.”

She turned and headed in the direction he indicated. Wade called after them and Joe shouted back, “No need to worry boss. Got him good and safe. Be back shortly.”

He quickly grabbed her arm and dragged her toward the pen where the bulls were being held and pointed to a very large one in particular. “That’s the one ya going to ride, so if you need to whisper a few words with him or somethin’, ya best get at it. You’ll be up soon.”

Anna’s large round eyes shot to Joe in alarm. The bull was the biggest and scariest animal she had ever seen. Why in heavens would she consider whispering to it? However, the lead foreman had already gone and Anna was left all alone staring at the beast that would surely be her means to death.

She hadn’t been standing there long when a few wranglers roped the beast by the horns and dragged him off to the far side of the pen, where a gate opened to a holding pen just big enough for the animal alone. She grew nervous and looked around anxiously for Joe. A tall and thin cowboy from the far side announced, “Next up, Peter from the Circle H. Bull riding.”

Joe’s animated face lunged into view and Anna would have sighed with relief, but he grabbed her arm and propelled her toward the area where the cowboys had dragged the mean looking bull. A thick rope encircled its massive stomach, which only seemed to irritate the animal more. He snorted and pawed the ground and gave the fence closest to him a good lurch with his body. Anna instinctively took a few steps back. Panic began to swell in her throat, replacing her nervousness.

“Get on, climb on up that there rail.” Joe gestured toward the fence. “Best position to straddle the animal without gettin’ your legs broken.”

Good Lord, she felt her stomach begin to rumble and she feared she may bring it up all over the bull. She tried to make eye contact with him, but his black eyes only glared and shook in his head as he thrust about violently inside the pen. Cautiously, she stepped up onto the first fence rail and felt the animal’s body slam into the barrier, sending Anna flying backwards.

“Come on, get up kid.” Joe grabbed her under the armpits and hoisted her to her feet. “Otherwise they goin’ disqualify ya.”

Which didn’t sound like a bad idea to Anna. The men were able to calm the animal once again and this time Anna succeeded in reaching the top. She held on for dear life as she looked down at the bull and sent a silent prayer up above.

“What the hell!!”

She went flying off the fence once again, but this time not from the bull, but from a strong hand seized around her ankle. Anna’s eyes went wide as she realized she was airborne and would end up landing hard on her backside if a familiar pair of arms hadn’t caught her just before she hit the ground.

“What the hell did you think you’re about to do?”

So relieved to see him, Anna flung her arms around his neck and clung to him in a death grip. She felt Wade suck in a harsh breath and wondered if she clung to him too tightly.

“Anna.” He pleaded her name softly against her ear and she felt his hands as they tried to uncoil her grip around his neck.

“Hell, Haddock, he ain’t about to do anything he ain’t never done before.” Joe’s voice sounded distant, but she could feel Wade as his muscles tensed and knew he was about to get angry.

“Whose idea was this?” he snarled at his foreman.

“The kid agreed.”

Wade cursed and Joe quickly tried to explain. “Hell, there’s a lot of money layin’ on that kid’s ability to ride the bull. Ya seen him on Lucy. He’s a natural.”

“Christ, Joe, I ought to kick your hide far across the country.” He moved then, still carrying Anna in his arms.

“He was a sure bet. Would have made me a lot of money.”
