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"Dex, it's me. Lily Anna." She takes a step closer, then another one. She grabs Dexter's shirt and he steps back, disgusted. "You love me, Dexter. You always loved me. It's supposed to be you and me. Just us. Not that stupid fucking kid. And his name isn't Reign."

My heart soars and falls in a matter of seconds.

"Lily Anna." Dex grabs the girl firmly by her shoulders, making her look up at him. "Tell me where Reign is, and I'll help you."

"He's so close, Dexter. Dexter Jr. That's his real name. He's so very close..." She seems delirious, and I have no way of knowing she's telling the truth. But my heart hopes anyway, just as it has been hoping for the past six years.

"Where?" Dex shakes her. "Tell me where."

"And then we'll be together?" she asks hopefully.

"Yes," Dex grits out. "Where's my kid?"

She points down the cliff and I retch, fighting back sickness.

She didn't, she couldn't, she wouldn't have.

But then I remember how she climbed up. I try to recall the shore beneath the Manor. There's a beach on it that's only accessible by boat...

Trying to be as quiet as I can, I move past the boathouse. If Lily Anna turns around now, she'll see me. But I need to fucking know.

I lie down as close to the edge as I dare and stare down.

It's a dark, deep night, and the sound of waves crashing against sand and rock is overwhelming.

There's a canu pulled up to the shore. Am I imagining it, or is there something huddled over in there?

I let out a sob, forgetting I'm supposed to be keeping quiet. Lily Anna whips around, her eyes turning crazy when she sees me.

"What the fuck is this bitch doing here?" she snarls, marching toward me. "Get away!"

Dexter catches her before she can lunge at me, restraining her hands behind her back.

"Father!" I scream. "Father! Come here!"

Lily Anna roars with displeasure as Emilian runs up to the cliffs. He stops, frozen, when he sees his obsession in the flesh.

"Lily Anna." His voice is ignited with desire. It's disgusting. The man is sick.

"Hold her," I demand. "Dexter, get someone down to that beach! I think she kept Reign there."

Dexter and Father switch places. Emilian looks mesmerized, and Lily Anna begins to trash wildly in his arms as Dex runs off, calling for backup. I stare down at her, then launch myself forward, attacking her. I slap her, pull her hair, scratch and scream, and she resists as best as she can while screaming bloody fucking murder.

It takes ages for Father's voice to ring in my ears.

"Stop it, Pandora! Stop! Stop this!"

I turn to face him, my face pale and my cheek bloody where she bit me. The fucking bitch is as feral as an animal.

"You're just trying to protect her," I hiss at Father. "You're still fucking obsessed!"

"Daddy." Lily Anna starts to wail pathetically, and I watch in disgust as she plays yet another role for Father's sake. "Please, Daddy. She hurt me, I'm hurt. Help me, Daddy."

"You're fucking disgusting," I tell her, shifting my attention back to Emilian. "And you're no better. Don't even think about letting her go, or I'll-"

We hear something loud then. A helicopter hovers behind us, and I watch Dexter climb on board. Father, Lily Anna and I watch the helicopter go up, then descend to the beach beneath us. My heart pounds with nervous anticipation.

"He's my son now," Lily Anna tells me with a wicked smile. "You'll never be his mom now. This will never be home. I ruined him. Tainted him. I took him from you."
