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“Cassie, isn’t it? I’m Sheriff Scott Tyler. Are you too upset to drive?”

His kind tone and understanding look in those gunmetal eyes helped ease her tense grip on the steering wheel. “No, thank you. I can make it home.”

“I’m headed back to Bear Creek myself; I’ll follow you to be sure. These roads can be treacherous if you’re not used to them, more so at night. You live above the bakery, right?” At her startled look, he hurried to assure her. “I’m the sheriff, Cassie. I know what goes on in my town.”

Cassie knew she overreacted, but she learned from her short time with Master Greg, she couldn’t be too careful. “Yes, I’m in the apartment upstairs. I would feel better with some company on this road.” Looking out her windshield, an eerie shiver went up her spine when all she could see was the dark shape of trees lining the narrow road.

“Wouldn’t want anything to keep our new baker from opening up soon. You’re going to be a popular lady. A lot of people have missed Martha’s sweets.”

“You?” she asked him, smiling for the first time since leaving Marc’s lodge.

“You bet. Go slow, I’ll be right behind you.”

His wink set her stomach to fluttering, after all he was a good-looking man, but he wasn’t Marc. Rolling up her window, she pulled back on the road remembering how she had found Master Greg attractive, and how his kind words and demeanor had hidden his true nature. It wasn’t until her sixth session with him that he had revealed his true self, even though she had caught hints of it before then. The best thing to have come out of her return to the club where she first met Marc was the affirmation that Marc was who she’d wanted. Too bad her time with another master had ended just as disastrously as her and Marc’s short acquaintance.

Pulling into her reserved parking space behind her bakery, she waved to the sheriff as she got out of her car. Locking the door behind her, she went upstairs to the small one-bedroom apartment, took a quick shower, and fell into bed. She groaned as the soft caress of her sheets over the sensitive flesh of her buttocks renewed the warm tingling from her spanking. Sleep eluded her as memories assailed her, memories of both past and present mistakes.

Cassie entered the club, her eyes zeroing in on Master Marc. Last night it had taken all her nerve to attend the first of three beginner’s nights at this popular BDSM club in Omaha. In truth, if her friend, Andrea, hadn’t found her researching the lifestyle on the Internet and wheedled her into coming here, she never would have had the nerve to come.

There were more people here tonight, she suspected because it was Friday. The echo of slapping flesh followed by high-pitched screams of release rent

the air, sending a shiver of remembrance rippling just under her skin as she recalled the surprising pleasure she’d experienced from her first spanking.

Last night Master Marc had shown her how the pain of a spanked bottom could arouse her to a shattering climax. Her embarrassment over being spanked soon abated as the pain bled into heated pleasure, throwing her into a maelstrom of sensations, sensations she was already craving again. But not with any dom. She set her sights and her heart on Master Marc. The way his green eyes focused on her made her feel special. She liked to think he saw only her, wanted only her, but of course that was wishful, naïve thinking. When he commanded her in that deep voice, she was helpless to refuse him anything. She craved him as an addict did his drug of choice, which should worry her. He wasn’t from here and would leave soon. Nothing could come of spending these few evenings with him, nothing that is except experiencing the supreme pleasure of being fucked by him.

Spotting Andrea sitting at the bar, Cassie joined her before she talked herself out of staying. “Did you think I wasn’t coming?” she asked when Andrea looked surprised to see her.

“I thought you’d chicken out,” Andrea said. “Where’d you disappear to last night?”

“She was with me.”

Cassie swiveled around on the stool, her heart speeding up at hearing that deep voice again. “Hi.” She smiled up at Master Marc and damned if her nipples didn’t pucker and her sheath didn’t clench at seeing him again. Seeing him dressed in jeans and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to show his strong forearms sprinkled with black hair, his look deep and probing, she knew he was way out of her league.

“Hi yourself.” Cupping her face between his palms, he lowered his head and gave her a devastating kiss.

“Well, I guess that explains why you didn’t chicken out tonight.”

Andrea’s dry voice broke through her befuddled brain and had her pulling back from him. “Um, sir, this is my friend, Andrea.” Cassie introduced her hoping she’d go away so she could start playing with Master Marc.

“I hear you’re the one I have to thank for making sure Cassie attended beginner’s night. You have my gratitude. Have you found someone to show you the ropes?”

They both laughed at the gleam in his eyes and the double meaning behind his words. “Master Wade wants us to have a different dom each night. He said it would broaden our experience.”

“Well, he is right about that, but you’ll have to tell him not to bother with finding someone for Cassie.” Taking her hand, he helped her off the stool. “She’ll be spending tonight and tomorrow night with me. Have a nice evening, Andrea.”

Cassie waved to her friend as he led her away. There were a lot of new faces tonight, but she had eyes only for Master Marc. His tight grip of her hand bolstered her courage as he ushered her to an empty sofa, sat down, and pulled her onto his lap.

“What took you so long?” he growled before claiming her lips in another wet, heated kiss.

She liked the impatience in his tone and let his mouth distract her from worrying too much about where she knew this could never go. “Sorry I’m late,” she answered him when he released her mouth, her voice sounding as breathless as she felt. “I couldn’t get away from work early like I had planned. What are we going to do tonight?” She hoped her question sounded more like a casual inquiry instead of revealing how eager she was to feel his hard cock inside her again. From the gleam in his eyes and the small one-sided smile lifting his mouth, she was sure he knew the truth.

“Looking forward to another lesson?”

“Yes,” she admitted, having learned not to evade the truth with this man. “What are you doing?” Pressing her hand to her falling top, she kept it from exposing her breasts as she cast an anxious look around to see if anyone watched. She hadn’t realized he loosened it when he slid his hand behind her neck, her attention riveted on her body’s instant reaction to his.

Displeasure crossed Marc’s dark face. “You agreed to submit to me tonight, did you not?”

Cringing at the disapproval in his voice, she discovered she would do almost anything to replace it with a note of approval. “I’m sorry. You took me by surprise.” She lowered her hand, allowing the top to fall and expose her breasts, averting her face as a heated blush stole up her neck.

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