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“Why are you so stubborn? I would rather know you’re safe and with someone like Matteo, than alone and vulnerable in a giant stadium where everyone knows exactly where you sit. ”

“No. This is ridiculous. ” And I didn’t know why I was fighting, honestly, because it was a brilliant idea, and I already felt more settled at the very thought of someone like Matteo by my side. He was strong and intimidating, and I knew he’d fight to keep me safe. I honestly believed he’d do anything Jack asked him to do.

“It’s not a fucking discussion, Kitten. ” He leaned in close, his breath hot on my face. “I can’t be on the mound, trying to concentrate on my game, when I’m worried about what people are doing or saying to you up in the stands. Matteo will go with you, and that’s the end of it. ” He raised both hands into the air as if I had no choice, and my defenses flared.

“That’s the end of it? What am I, twelve? I don’t even get a say in what happens in my own life? I’m a prisoner to your press and your fans when I’m at the stadium, and now I’m a prisoner at home too?”

“Goddammit, Cassie, just listen to me!” His voice raged and I jumped, startled by its intensity. “I’d do anything to keep you safe. Anything! But I can’t protect you when I’m down on the goddamned field!”

He sucked in a short breath. “And I promised you after that night at Fullton that I’d never let anyone hurt you again. Do you remember that? Because I do. I remember every single detail about that night. You didn’t see what I saw. You don’t know how you looked through my eyes. I felt like my entire reason for existing was crumbling around me as the girl I loved sat there spitting up blood. ”

His eyes glistened at the memory. “I failed you that night, Cassie. I’ll never forgive myself for not making sure you were safe and protected. That should have never happened to you. And it won’t ever happen again. I promised you I’d never let anyone hurt you like that. Just let me keep my fucking promise to you,” he finished, exasperated as the worry lines deepened on his face.

I choked back the emotions brought on by his words and released a small sigh. “OK, babe. I’ll sit with Matteo. ”

He closed his eyes, and the tension lines faded from between them. “Thank you. It’s my job to protect you. It’s my job to keep you safe. Let me do it or I’ll fucking go insane. ”

“I already said OK. ” Jack was right, and I didn’t want to fight anymore.

“You already said OK?” He mimicked my voice and I glared at him. “That’s right, you said OK. ” He took two steps toward me, and my insides quivered as he neared.

Without warning my back was pinned against the wall, his mouth hot and wet all over my neck. “I love you,” he breathed against my flesh, my legs nearly giving out. “Don’t argue with me about your safety again,” he demanded, and I moaned in response.

“Goddammit, Cassie. What did I tell you about those sounds?” His tongue made its way toward my mouth, where I parted my lips in anticipation of him.

We were ravenous. So hungry for each other, it was if we couldn’t stop from eating this meal if we wanted to.

I don’t want to.

He sucked at my bottom lip, bringing it into his mouth before nibbling and grabbing hold of it with his teeth. I couldn’t control the sounds escaping from my lips as my tongue licked and explored the inside of his mouth before he pulled back slightly.

“Tell me you love me. ” His voice was hot, commanding me to obey.

And obey I did. “Of course I love you. ”

He forced my arms up with one of his hands and with his other, he pulled my shirt off and dropped it on the floor. His dark chocolate eyes took me in before his head dropped and he buried his face between my breasts. His fingers unclasped my bra, and the material between his lips and my skin fell away, baring me to him.

I tangled my hands in his hair as his hardness pressed against me. He grabbed my ass and lifted up. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around his waist, grinding into him with each step he took as he walked me toward the bedroom.

“Jesus, Kitten. I’m going to fuck you on this floor if you don’t stop doing that. ”

I laughed, his tongue entering my mouth with new determination. He placed me on the bed before positioning himself on top of me. My hands groped his back, fingers digging into his muscles as I lifted my hips to meet his.

I traced the lines of his muscles down his arms before working my hand between our hips. I fumbled with the button on his jeans until he gently lifted up, making sure not to put all of his weight on me. I unfastened the button, unzipped the zipper, and worked his jeans down over his hard ass.

He pushed himself from the bed, standing to remove the rest of his clothing. Then he looked at me, a deep grin appearing. I lurched forward, desperate to plant kisses on each dimple when he forced me back down. He removed my pants and underwear, and I lay on top of the bed, completely exposed.

“You’re so beautiful. I love everything about you. ” He planted a kiss on top of my foot. “Even when you’re stubborn…” His tongue glided up my shin as excitement beelined throughout every fiber of my body. “And bossy. ” His lips kissed my thigh, his tongue continuing its assault. “And a pain in my ass. ” His breath warmed the skin near my hip.

He slipped a finger inside me, and I moaned with pleasure. I rocked against him, his tongue licking my lower stomach before working its way up toward my breasts. He sucked and nibbled as my back arched with pleasure. “You like that?” He moaned against my skin.

“Mm-hmm,” I hummed, tangling my fingers in his hair again. “Get in me,” I said, and he moved his hardness toward me before pulling it away. “Get in,” I repeated, and he inserted the tip of himself inside of me.

I gasped and shuddered at the feeling of him entering me as I pulled on him to move deeper. He gave in, and my legs spread further apart, welcoming him. He rocked in and out of me as my hips ground against him, creating that familiar building of sensation. He pushed inside me with intensity, his tongue licking, his mouth sucking wildly from my breasts to my neck and back down again. I moaned and his mouth crushed against mine, silencing my pleasure. He rocked harder, faster as I moved against him, heading toward climax.

“You feel so good. You always feel so fucking good,” he breathed against me, his arms flexing above me.

My hands followed the lines of his back until they landed on his ass. I squeezed, pulling him forcefully into me. “Oh, Jack. Just like that. ” I worked against him, pulling, grinding, building. He quickened his pace, our bodies moving in unison as we barreled down the same ecstasy-ridden path.
