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I sighed before heading down in the elevator, the stress of the situation starting to gnaw at me. I hated the things I had to think about now before I even walked out the door. All the added drama affected my ability to be happy. I was too concerned with everything around me to simply sit back and enjoy Jack’s time on the field.

I hated this.

I spotted Matteo the moment I exited the elevator. He smiled, and I couldn’t help but smile back in response.

“I get to be your date tonight,” he said with a wink.


“Yeah, I guess so,” I said, silently berating myself for agreeing with that word choice.

I walked toward the car, and when Matteo pulled open the back door, I declined, opening up the passenger door instead. “I hate sitting

back there while you drive me around. It’s dumb. ”

“You sure?” he asked with surprise.

“Yeah. ” I nodded before sliding in and closing the door behind me.

I fastened my seat belt as Matteo scooted into the driver’s seat, starting the sleek Town Car with a flick of his wrist. “This should be fun, huh?”

“I hope so. Honestly I think it might create more drama at first, but hopefully that will die down in time. ”

“More drama how? Because I’m going with you?”

I wondered how exactly to phrase what I meant. Matteo was stupid hot, but I wasn’t about to tell him that. “Matteo, it’s not like you’re ugly. So I’m sure it’s going to cause some sort of chaos. ”

He laughed, and I noticed a hint of color creeping into his cheeks. “You think I’m pretty?”

“No,” I choked back. “I said I think you’re not ugly. ”

“Well, thanks. ” He grinned. “I think you’re not ugly either. ”

Unsure of how to respond, I flashed a quick, tight-lipped smile instead. The last thing I wanted was to make things uncomfortable between us, so I dropped the subject altogether and reached for my phone. I typed out a quick text message to Melissa before gazing out of the car window at the city whizzing by in a blur.

“So, tell me what I’m in for tonight,” he asked.

“Um, well, we have the chatty fans and the mean wives. ”

“Oooh. Tell me about the wives. ” He glanced at me before returning his focus to the highway.

“They’re just really nasty. They won’t talk to me. ”

“At all?”

“At all. ”

“What’d you do to them?” he asked with a chuckle.

“Shut up!” I pursed my lips together before swatting his shoulder with my hand. “I didn’t do anything to them except join their stupid team with my boyfriend. ”

“How dare you!” he exclaimed, his voice animated and I laughed. “So do they just completely ignore you?”

I nodded. “Pretty much. It’s like I’m not even there. ”

His lips formed a slight snarl. “You women are rather mean to one another. Why is that?”

“You’re asking the wrong girl. I’m not one of those women. Unless you’re mean to me first; then I’m a bitch. But really, you asked for it, so you can’t blame me,” I smiled innocently.
