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“That’s why I’m so pissed,” he said hotly. “She didn’t even ask me what happened. She just shut me out without even giving me a chance. And I haven’t done anything to deserve that.”

I sat at the table and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Witnessing my brother spill his heart like this was eye opening, to say the least. I always knew he had a heart, but I’d never seen him use it before.

Gran patted his hand. “You need to talk to her, Jack. Instead of sitting here with us, you need to be over there with her. Let her explain her side, but stand up for yourself as well. Be understanding and compassionate, but still be firm. Relationships aren’t easy,” she said, pinning him with a stern gaze, “but the right ones are worth the work.”

Her words resonated with me, reminding me of my situation with Melissa. Was she the girl for me? I thought so, but convincing her that I was right for her seemed to be an uphill battle.

But about the rest of what Gran said, was she right? Was Melissa worth the work?

I pictured in my mind the blue-eyed girl that dominated my thoughts, and the answer was a big fat yes.

“You’re right,” Jack said, pulling me from my thoughts. “Thanks, Gran. Love you guys.” Jack bolted from the table and ran to his room.

He must have changed clothes, because a minute later he yelled, “Be back later,” before the screen door slammed and his truck started.

I stood up and leaned over to give my grandmother a hug. “How’d you get so smart, Gran?”

Letting out a little huff, she pushed up from the table. “Years of practice,” she said with a pointed glance at Gramps before grabbing Jack’s glass and walking it to the sink.

Meeting the Grandparents

I assumed Jack and Cassie worked out all their issues since he came home that night wearing a huge smile. So when Gran insisted that he bring Cassie over one night the next week so she could finally meet the family, he was all too agreeable.

“You think they’ll like her?” he asked me before leaving to pick her up Wednesday night.

I curled my lip in mock disgust. “No, of course they won’t.”


“Don’t be stupid. What’s not to like? She’s great. I love her. If you ever break up with her, I’m going for it,” I teased, not meaning it at all, but the look on his face made it worth it.

“Back off.” Jack practically growled at me, and his reaction only made me want to mess with him more.

“Just go get her already,” I said, shoving him in the shoulder.

When he finally left, I realized that Jack had never brought a girl home before. Ever. And our entire family buzzed with the anticipation.

“Am I going to like her,” Gran whispered to me, although I had no idea why she was whispering.

I nodded. “You’re going to love her.”

“How about me? Will I love Kitten?” Gramps said with a laugh.

“Is there any girl you don’t love?” I rolled my eyes at him and he shrugged, playing with the unlit pipe in his mouth.

“I better get back in the kitchen,” Gran said. ”I have a pie in the oven.”

A little while later, I yelled, “Th

ey’re here,” like a kid on freaking Christmas morning. Why I was so damned excited, I didn’t really know.

Before they could reach the door, I pulled it open and greeted them with a smile.

“It’s about time.” I winked at Jack before pulling Cassie into a bear hug.

“I will hurt you. Get off her,” Jack said as he playfully shoved me away.

Cassie laughed before lifting her chin and sniffing at the air. “It smells incredible in here.”
