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“Come on.” She looped her arm around my waist and walked with me to her bedroom as if I was too injured to do it myself.

“I like Nurse Melissa.”

She urged me toward her bed and watched as I lay down on top of the covers. Smiling, she reached for an extra blanket and pulled it over me.

“Do you need anything?” She ran her finger across my head lightly, inspecting the wound. “Dean, that looks really awful.”

“I know.”

I’d checked it out in the mirror earlier this morning. The wound was puffy and pink, its edges dark with dried blood. I guess if I’d gotten stitches like the cop recommended, it wouldn’t have pulled open again.

“Can I get you some more aspirin or water?”

Sensing that she wanted to be helpful, I let her. “Sure. Both would be great.”

Melissa left for only a moment before she returned to place the aspirin in my palm and the glass of water in my other hand. After I swallowed the pills, she reached for the glass and set it on her nightstand. Then to my surprise, the bed dipped as she crawled in next to me, and rubbed my back as I closed my eyes. It was a small gesture, kind and comforting.

I fell asleep to the feel of her fingertips drawing loops on my shoulder blades.

Blood, Sweat, and Tears

Even though I’d promised Jack I wouldn’t drive around and look for the guy, I still did. It had been three weeks since the assault, and I couldn’t sit there and do nothing when I knew that I was the only one who would recognize the jerk the moment I laid eyes on him. I imagined seeing him on the street and wondered what I’d do, not having the faintest idea.

Which was exactly why Jack was better at being bad than I was. He knew exactly what he’d do, and he’d do it without hesitation.

He scoured the Internet every night, searching all the resale websites, and visited every pawn shop in the area personally, describing the camera and asking them to keep an eye out. I’d also looked online, checking out Craigslist for not only our county, but the next two counties over, just in case the guy was smarter than we’d given him credit for.

I’d avoided telling Gran what happened that night and she never asked, but I had a sneaking suspicion that she somehow knew anyway. She was psychic like that.

After that weekend, I’d convinced Jack to stop only hanging out at Cassie’s place and to bring her by the house more. Not that I didn’t want to go over there and see Melissa, but I’d asked him more for our grandparents’ sake¸ knowing that they missed him and would never ask him themselves.

He’d done as I asked, which thrilled Gran and Gramps. They loved it when we were all at home, and adding Cassie to the mix was icing on the cake. Gran said it was too quiet when we were gone, and I wondered how lonely she’d be once Jack got drafted. Granted, I’d still be living there, but it wouldn’t be the same. Jack had always been the louder one.

My cell phone rang as I sat reading a textbook on my bed. I didn’t recognize the number. “Hello?”

“Is this Dean Carter?”

I stopped reading and placed the book to my side. “Yes?”

“This is Officer Santos from the Fullton State Police Department,” he said, as if I wouldn’t remember who he was.

“I remember you. Did you get him?”

“We got him,” he said with a smile in his voice. “He was trying to pawn the camera he’d stolen. He’s at the downtown station. Do you think you could come here and ID him?”

I sat up immediately and hopped to my feet. “I’ll be right there.”

“Great. Thanks.”

I grabbed my keys and jumped into Gran’s car. Once I arrived at the station, I dialed Jack’s phone before I left the car, knowing that he’d be in the middle of his new after-practice ritual of driving the streets, looking for the guy.

His breathing was heavy when he answered. “What’s up?”

“They got him,” I said, cutting straight to the chase.

“The guy?”

“They caught him trying to pawn Cassie’s camera. He’s in jail. I have to head down there to identify him.” I hoped he could hear the relief in my voice.
