Page 64 of 10 Years Later

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“Shit.” My stomach dropped. I wanted to see her, needed to see her.

“What?” she said in a low voice.

“I’m not in town.”

“Where the hell are you?”

“In New York.” Annoyed and angry at being too fucking far away from the girl I’d been in love with for most of my adult life, I wanted to kick something.

“Damn it. Why?” she yelled, and I took her reaction as a good sign. A real good sign.

“They pulled my informant’s body out of the Hudson River last night. It’s been a real shit day,” I said, feeling horribly guilty about Eddie’s death.

No matter what anyone said, I couldn’t shake the feeling that his dying was on me. He was my informant, and he paid for that indiscretion with his life. I knew that Eddie was by no means a stand-up guy. He was a scumbag who only turned informant to protect his own ass. He knew what he risked by being a snitch, but I still never wanted him to die for it. I’d promised him on multiple occasions that I’d always do my best to keep him safe, but couldn’t help feeling as if I’d failed him in some way, even though what had happened was beyond my control.

“Oh, Dalton, I’m so sorry.” Cammie’s voice pulled me back into the present as I sighed into the phone. “When are you coming home?”

“When do you want me to come home?” I decided to turn her questions around on her, hoping it would get her to admit she wanted me back and put me in a better mood where I felt less like a pile of shit.

She breathed out a laugh into the line. “I want you here right now. I have so much I want to tell you, Dalton, but I don’t want to do it over the phone.”

“I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“Any idea when that will be?”

“Probably not before a couple of days. Can you wait that long?” I asked, hoping she’d give me a fucking hint as to where her head was at, even though I sensed we were going to be okay.

“I guess. I mean, I wanted to bake some cookies for you, but I don’t want them to go bad,” she said with a hint of a smile in her voice.

My mouth watered at the thought. “I love your cookies.”

“I’ve heard. I’ll wait for you to get here. Dalton, I’m really sorry for everything. I’m sorry I pushed you away. I want you to at least know that much.”

I couldn’t stop the ridiculous grin that covered my face. “Don’t be sorry. I completely understand, and I’m sorry for not driving that day and leaving my phone in my car. I really hate being away from you.” All I wanted to do was pull this girl into my arms and never let go.

“That makes two of us.”

When her voice turned into a soft whisper, I could picture her lips in my mind as she spoke. I wanted those lips all over me.

“Don’t talk like that, babe. You’re turning me on.” I stared down at the bulge growing in my pants.

She laughed. “Well, that sucks for one of us. I’m not entirely sure which one. Hey, speaking of dicks.” She huffed out another laugh, and I wondered where she was going with this. “I can’t believe you went and saw my mom! What the hell did you say to her anyway?”

“She didn’t tell you?” I asked, my tone incredulous.

“Obviously not if I’m asking you,” she huffed out.

“Well, then. I’m not telling you either.”

“I hate you both. But I bet I can figure out a way to get it out of you,” she teased, and my dick sprang to life again.

“Damn it, Cammie.”

She was right. I’d tell that girl anything she wanted to know for the rest of my life, as long as she was by my side. And she wouldn’t even have to work that hard, but I planned on leaving that part out if she asked.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “Kind of. Hurry home. I miss you.”

“I miss you too.”
