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Fed up, he charges for her, snatching out the knife from his holder. It’s just as sharp—if not sharper than I expected. Silver and thick. “Hold out your fucking tongue. Now!” he barks. “I’ll make sure you don’t say another fucking word.”

She flinches with thick tears in her eyes, but she doesn’t resist. She can’t, really. She sticks her tongue out, and he pinches the end of it as tightly as he can while she wails. Clutching the handle of the knife, he slices right through it. Her scream is full of agony as the blood gushes out. It’s a shrill scream—one I’m sure I will never forget.

I want to look away, but I can’t. I’m frozen.

When he’s done, I hear her tongue land with a wet slap on the floor. My blood runs cold as I hear her cries for help, the crimson pouring down like a waterfall.

He wipes the knife off on her stained blue dress and then turns to look at Bain. “Your turn.” He looks him over. Bain challenges his stare.

“Look at you,” Bain chuckles, his voice thick and croaky, trying to straighten his back and stand taller than Draco. “Pussy whipped by this cunt. Never thought I’d see the day The Jefe killed his own men over a worthless gringa bitch.”

Draco doesn’t blink. Doesn’t speak. I grimace.

Instead, he walks past Bain, his hand touching the gun in his waistband. He starts to pull it out, but I step forward and hold a hand up, demanding that he waits.

“What the hell are you gonna do, bitch?” Bain scowls at me, his white hair oily, clinging to his forehead.

“I’m not doing anything,” I respond. “I’m just here to see you die.”

He scoffs. “What? I don’t get any last words like your driver did?”

“I think you’ve had plenty,” I say as calmly as possible.

He gives a small smirk. “I don’t think you realize just how worthless you really are.”

“Fuck you,” I spit.

“Enough.” Draco’s deep voice booms, causing Francesca to flinch. He steps in front of Bain, face-to-face with him, glaring him down. “You face death and you still talk like you’re a fucking king.” He grabs Bain by the roots of his hair and Bain hisses through gritted teeth. “You are not the king. You are not the boss. You would have tried to steal the position from me the very day I let my guard down around you. I trusted you, Bain. I gave you more than you’ve ever had in your entire life, and yet you still betrayed me.” Draco clicks his tongue. “A shame that such a smart man has to go to waste like this.”

He finally lets him go, but shoves the back of his head against the wall before stepping back. I hear the crack from the blow, almost like he’s split his skull.

“Anything else you’d like to say to him before he’s gone, Gianna?” Draco asks, looking at me through the corner of his eye as he cleans off his gun.

I step forward, mouth twitching. Oh, I have plenty to say. Just the mere sight of him is enough to send me into a black rage.

“I never did anything to you, Bain,” I proclaim. “Why would you plan to kill me? To rape me?”

“You were getting in the way. Making the boss blind to what you really are—just another piece of pussy. You were unnecessary.”

“Hmm. Well, now it seems the roles have reversed, huh?” I smile.

He grimaces. “You’re a no good, stupid, insignificant bitch with a dry cunt. Fuck you!”

I rush to him, gripping his disgusting balls in hand and squeezing them tight, until he hollers out in pain, yanking his arms and causing the chains to rattle. “You know, maybe I should cut you to pieces and sell you, instead of having him kill you, yeah?” I seethe in his ear. “Isn’t that what you wanted to do to me? Tear me apart? Get rid of me?” I squeeze them even tighter, to the point where they’ll probably burst if I hold on long enough. “These are what’s worthless. Always have been. Maybe we should get rid of them first. Let you live a little longer, so you can really see how it feels to live with no cojones. Let you see them hanging around your neck by a thread every day, until they shrivel up and turn to dust. Killing you would be satisfying, but torturing you a little more would be so much better, don’t you think?” I flash a smile up at him, still holding on tight, twisting them to make him yell again.

Veins appear on his forehead as he strains for relief, for strength, and words.

“You…” he rasps out, “are so…fucking…stupid.” He laughs hoarsely. “I can…still kill you. Still…fuck you. You leave me in here…long enough…and I’ll…find a fucking way out. And when I do…I’ll do much worse than what…Pico did to you in there. Oh, you dumb bitch, I would fuck your little cunt until even your blood can’t get it wet anymore. And even when you can’t,” he grumbles, clearly, as if he can’t feel a thing anymore, “I’d still keep going, all while I choke the life right out of you and then break the neck that he finds so fucking precious!” He laughs some more.
