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“You aren’t mad that I didn’t tell you?” I asked, standing with her.

“What? No! Fuck no! I’m just glad to know I’m not the only one with a naughty side. You play the good girl role well, my friend.” She grabbed my upper arms. “Seriously, though, you didn’t have to hide shit like that from me. I’m your best friend, K.J. You’re my only real friend. I would never betray you by telling anyone about that.”

“I know…but Cane didn’t want anyone to know, so I kept it to myself. I didn’t want him to lose trust in me.”

“I understand, but from now on, I’m the exception.” She shook her head and stepped back. “Wow. Now I see why you’re so pissed about Kelly being here. I would be too, if I knew he wanted me.”

“Yeah,” I laughed.

“I mean…shit! It’s just crazy! He was kissing you like he…like he fucking owned you, K.J. He was all over you. He can try and deny whatever he wants, but from what I saw, he wants you just as badly as you want him.”

“I don’t know.” I shrugged and sat down on the bed again. “I can’t tell. I mean, he told me he wouldn’t bring Kelly, and he brought her anyway. He told me to break it off with Carl, so I did. He told me to use my lips only for him, so I am, but then he brings her? I don’t get it. He’s so fucking confusing sometimes. The only time he’s not is when it’s just the two of us.”

“Hmm…well, maybe he brought her because he didn’t want what just happened on the balcony to keep happening. And because there would be a huge possibility of the two of you getting caught without someone being in the way. Fuck, if your dad even catches wind of this, he’ll fucking kill him. You do realize that, right?”

“I know, I know! Trust me, I feel bad about it. My parents adore Cane, and if they find out what we did, they’ll flip out. I think that’s why Cane brought her, too. I think he’s trying to escape me, you know? Like he’s trying to have a reason not to be around me. He knows how I feel about her. He’s not an idiot. The sad thing is Kelly is so nice! She’s super sweet, but she has Cane and can do whatever she wants with him publicly or privately, and it makes me hate her.”

“Dude…this is some crazy shit,” she laughed, flopping backwards on the bed. I fell back with her, and we stared up at the vaulted ceiling. “If I were in your shoes, I don’t think I’d be able to hold back either. You see how hot he is? I’d prefer someone as experienced as him to take my V-card. It would make the experience better, unlike my first time.” She looked at me. “Wait…is that what you want?”

I nodded and felt heat rise to my cheeks. “I wouldn’t mind it, but I know he won’t do it.”

“You never know. Maybe there will be another time where you two are alone. You took what you wanted twice before. Why not do it again? From what you’ve told me, he doesn’t seem to be able to resist you.” She sat up, smiling hard. “Isn’t that fucking bizarre to you? That a thirty-five year old CEO of a million-dollar company can’t resist you, an eighteen year old? I would walk around like my shit doesn’t stink every fucking day. Hell, I’d make him my sugar daddy for life. Make him pay for my tuition, my car—every-fucking-thing!”

I busted out laughing, playfully pushing her away and going for my suitcase. “He’s just Cane to me. Not a millionaire CEO.” I shrugged. “Gah, I’m so rattled. I think I need to hit the pool. You joining?”

“You know I’m down. And hey!” Frankie rushed to the area where the kitchenette was. She opened the mini fridge and took out something and then came back. “Look what I took out of my mom’s liquor cabinet.” She held up a glass bottle of clear liquid with a blue label on it.

“Tequila?” I gasped. “Frankie, that shit is going to fuck us up!”

“That’s the point,” she laughed. “We’ll sneak a shot or two and take a swim. It’ll be fun!”

I laughed and shook my head. After that kiss, I needed something to take the edge off. We got dressed in a flash. Afterward, we found plastic cups near the small kitchen area and took two shots of the tequila.

By the time we made it down to the pool, I could feel the alcohol kicking in, swimming through my veins and giving me a slight buzz. Mom and Kelly were sitting in lounge chairs by the gate. Dad and Cane were sitting at the outside bar, watching a soccer game on the TV.
