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My father was a shitty human being, but he was blessed with muscles, height, and brawn. I was lucky to have gotten the same genetics.

Derek scanned the restaurant until he found me. He put on a lazy smile and came my way quickly, taking the seat across from me.

“What’s up, man?” He sighed, immediately grabbing the carafe of coffee and pouring himself a mug.

“Everything all right?” I asked. Though he’d smiled when he arrived, I noticed the lines around his eyes and the tension in his shoulders.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m good. Just a long fucking morning. Nothing a little coffee and greasy lunch won’t cure.” If I thought my job was stressful, I was certain it had nothing on being a cop. He loved his job, but it wore him out daily. That much was clear.

I sensed that wasn’t the only thing bothering him. I knew not to budge, though. He’d cave eventually.

“How was your flight back?” he asked, stirring a spoon in his mug.

“It was decent. I’ll have to fly again this weekend.”

“All that flying,” he huffed a laugh. “I bet you’re sick of it.”

“Not when it happens to be on a jet.” I smirked. “No one to bother me. Quick trips. No phone calls or messages.”

“Oh, yeah. Not even from Kelly?” He picked his head up and cocked a brow, giving me a stern look like he knew something I didn’t.

“She’s been busy.”

“I call bullshit.” He sipped from his mug. “Mindy told me a few days ago that she called Kelly. Said they met up for brunch.” He placed his mug down. “She said she invited Kelly over for dinner, but Kelly declined because she didn’t think you would want her coming around when you two aren’t together anymore.”

I tipped my chin, locking my jaw. “I see.”

Derek’s eyes widened, and for a moment they reminded me of Kandy’s, when she was curious but also demanded answers.

I exhaled. “It’s…a long story.”

“I’ve got nothing but time, brother.” He sat back, still looking at me. “I thought she was a pretty cool girl. She was patient with you. Seemed like you guys had fun at the beach. What happened between then and now?”

I shrugged. “Apparently spending five days with me made her realize that we may not be a good fit for each other. She said I’m too distant because I don’t want to open up to her about my past.” I swallowed before speaking again. “She also thinks I’m hiding something from her…but I can’t let her know too much about my past, D. There’s—there’s too much. You know all about the shit I went through. I just don’t like reliving it. I feel like she knows enough.”

“Well, if you love her, you’ll have to tell her one day. Just like you told me to tell Mindy about my situation with the shooting, you have to tell Kelly yours, no matter how hard it might be to relive. You can’t keep that shit from her forever.”

I shook my head. “That’s the thing. I don’t really love her. Like? Yeah. But I don’t love her. Not like that. I wasn’t head over heels for Kelly like she was for me, and she sensed that, but she stuck around anyway.”

“Well, if you feel that way, why string her along? Why bring her to the beach and share a room with her for almost a week?”

“She begged to go, Derek. It’s not like I asked her to. She insisted—said it would be good for us, and a way for us to really get to know each other. Well, she got to know me, and I guess she didn’t like what she got.”

He sighed with a smile. “You’re a complicated man, Cane. Even I know that. You’re already difficult as a friend. I can’t imagine having to be in her shoes and trying to understand you as a lover.”

I shrugged. I wasn’t about to tell him the real reason why she didn’t want to deal with me anymore. What I told him was only part of it.

Our server arrived, and we both ordered hot turkey sandwiches and french fries. Derek’s phone chimed and he pulled it out to check. When he did, he sighed agitatedly.

“What’s up?”

He tucked his phone into his back pocket. “Mindy,” he mumbled. “Wants me to pick up dinner tonight since she’ll be working late.”


“She’s been working late all week, trying to catch up after our vacation. Get this, I went to visit her at the office to bring her some coffee and donuts yesterday, and I saw this guy in her fucking office.”

I narrowed my brows. “Who was he?”

“Her fucking boss. He’s laughing with her and shit, giving her compliments about her work and leaning all over her fucking desk. It annoyed the hell out of me, so when she got home, I told her I didn’t like the way her boss was all in her face. She insisted that it was harmless, but fuck that. I know men, and I also know Mindy. She’s too damn nice sometimes and always wants everyone to be satisfied, especially about her work.”
