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“Look at that. There are always good things,” Mom murmured to him. “Always.”

“You’ve always wanted a boy,” Cane said, and Dad looked up at him, his eyes wet and red at the rim. “We can’t raise him alone, D. He needs family. Support.”

“Oh, trust me,” Dad murmured, head shaking. “I’ll be here.” He studied the baby. “I’ll be here every step of the way.”

A tear fell down my cheek as I watched my parents with the baby. Cane gave me a sweet, comforting smile before coming up to my side. He planted a kiss on the top of my head, rubbing my shoulder.

There was another knock on the door, but this time it was Lora and Miss Cane. Miss Cane had a bouquet of flowers in hand. Lora came up to me, hugging me tight around the neck. “You ever scare me like that again and I’ll beat your ass!” she playfully threatened with a laugh. “You’re lucky Cane sent me a text saying you were okay.”

Miss Cane had placed the flowerd down and walked around the bed to hug me when Lora let go. “I’m so glad you are okay, love. I knew you would be.”

“Thank you,” I murmured.

They both washed their hands and then walked to where Cane was now standing. Dad was still holding the baby, not even caring that others were waiting to hold him too. “Okay, Dad. Don’t be a baby hog,” I joked.

“Yeah, dude. Don’t. I want to hold my nephew.” Lora stepped up to Dad, extending her arms, her fingers practically screaming the word gimme.

Dad handed the baby over proudly, and as soon as Lora had him in her arms, she gushed and said, “Oh my gosh! He’s so fucking beautiful! I’m going to die from all of this cuteness!”

Everyone broke out in a laugh, even Dad.

“Look, if you’re going to be around when he grows up, you can’t bring that potty mouth with you,” Dad scolded lightly.

“I’ll try…but only for him.” Lora ran a finger over the baby’s chin, then she turned to look at me. “Kandy? What are you going to name him?”

Everyone turned to face me, waiting for a response. Little did they know that while I was laying on the bed, waiting for the bleeding to the stop, I prayed. I prayed so hard that it would stop and that I would meet the person who’d been kicking and punching me from the inside for the past few months. I wanted to meet him and raise him and do everything for him that I could, so much so that the last thing I’d worried about was his name. That said, I did have an idea, but it wasn’t set in stone yet.

“We talked about names, but I’m not sure yet,” I murmured.

“Well, it’s up to you, babe,” Cane said. “You did the hard work, you get the honor.”

“What about Duncan?” Lora asked.

“Uh, hell no,” Cane laughed, head shaking.

Mom and Dad shook their heads too, Mom’s nose scrunched a bit.

“Hey, Duncan is classic and cool as hell. You guys are tripping.” Lora waved a hand and shrugged.

I couldn’t fight my smile.

Chapter 18


For the first time in years, I was surrounded by nothing but complete and utter joy. There were no attitudes or resentment. No ugly looks were passed, no hate. I couldn’t stop thinking about it, as I sat on the hospital bed. Mom kept busting out in cry-laughing spells, and Dad couldn’t stop smiling as he cooed and babbled to the baby.

Who would have thought that someone so tiny could bring us all together in this way? I’m certain Dad still had his issues with Cane, but it seemed, for the most part, he was shoving those issues aside for the sake of the baby and me, and that was all I’d ever wanted—for him to see the bigger, grander picture. To know that even though we had our broken moments, we were still a family.

To my surprise, Frankie came to visit that same day. She walked into the room with blue balloons and a gift basket, unloading it all next to the bed and then squeezing me around the neck. I had Cane send her a text from my phone shortly after the baby was delivered, but I never dreamed she’d be able to get here so soon.

“Oh my gosh, K.J.! You’re officially a mama!” she shrieked.

“Isn’t that weird?” I laughed.

“Where is the little minion?” Frankie released me and turned to where everyone was. Cane had the baby in his arms and was rocking him gently. He was nervous before, probably scared he’d drop him or something, but the way he looked at Chance…gah, it was everything.

“Oh my goodness!” Frankie cupped her mouth, stepping closer to Cane. “Geez, he’s, like, the cutest, chunkiest little thing ever. Look at those cheeks!” Frankie went to the sink to wash her hands then walked back to Cane with her hands out. “Can I?”
