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Before I knew it, my college graduation had arrived. I worked tirelessly and consistently. I did it, through all the sleepless nights and ups and downs, and everyone was there.

“Oh, honey. I’m so proud of you!” Mom was jumping up and down with me wrapped in her arms, hugging me tight after the graduation ceremony.

“Thanks, Mom.”

She released me, and I looked at Dad, who had a bouquet of flowers in his hands. “For my baby girl,” he said, offering the peonies to me. Peonies had become my favorite. Since I had spent more time in the house during the pregnancy, and even more so after having Chance, I decorated the house a lot, giving it different accents and making it fresher. Flowers were one of my favorite ways to spruce things up.

I accepted the flowers and hugged my dad then I looked to where Cane, Lora, and Miss Cane were. Miss Cane had Chance in her arms, smiling at me. Cane had his fingertips tucked in his front pockets and was watching me. He wore a sky-blue button-down with a charcoal tie, and pants to match the tie. His beard had been trimmed down so that it was just a light dusting of hair along his jawline. His sleeves were rolled up, showcasing his beautiful ink.

I swear, my fiancé was the most handsome man in the world. Every time I looked at him, a frenzy of butterflies went haywire inside me. I went up to him, and he stretched his arms open, pulling me close.

“Look at you,” he breathed in my hair. “My baby. I’m so proud of you.”

I picked my head up, and he dropped a kiss on my cheek. When he opened his arms, I turned to Lora and Miss Cane.

“Congrats, chick,” Lora sighed over my shoulder as she hugged me. I squeezed her back and then handed my flowers to Cane, nabbing Chance out of Miss Cane’s arms. My adorable baby smiled at me when I cooed to him, like he was just as proud of me as everyone else.

“Your mama made it, little baby,” I sang, nuzzling my nose on his cheek. “Yep, I’m going to use this degree to take care of you and show you that anything is possible!”

Chance made an innocent noise and my eyes watered up, filling with warm tears. His little hand grabbed my cheek, but before the dam could break, I hugged him to my chest and rubbed his back.

“What do you say we eat at my place?” Cane asked. “All of us,” he offered, focusing on my parents. “I ordered food from a good friend of mine who is catering food from his Italian restaurant.”

“Sure. Sounds good,” Dad agreed with a head bob.

When we got home, the Italian food was already waiting for us, set up on Cane’s large dinner table. We all ate and celebrated. Lora filled me in on her wedding planning. Granted, she always had an update about it, but I didn’t mind. She was doing a great job, and I’d much rather spend my time with the baby. The color scheme was going to be gold, beige, and ivory, and I couldn’t wait to see it all come together.

I would be going for my first dress fitting in just a few weeks, but I still had a few pounds to shed before then.

It was getting surreal. In exactly four months, I was going to be a bride—and not just any bride: Quinton Cane’s bride. That alone was special. I looked up at my fiancé and grinned as he held Chance. As if he felt my eyes, he picked his head up and smiled right back at me.

“I love you,” he mouthed.

“I love you more,” I mouthed back.

Chapter 19


One thing I loved was that no matter the circumstances, my parents visited as often as they could. Unless Dad had to work late, they were always there and always hogging Chance.

Mom constantly came bearing new gifts, like bottles and clothes and even playsets. She loved spoiling him. They loved their grandson so much and had definitely put their differences with Cane behind them for the most part.

“I know I say it all the time, but he’s perfect,” Mom said while we all sat in the den. She was holding Chance, watching him sleep.

“He seriously is,” Lora agreed. “I love his chunky little face.”

Miss Cane and Mom hummed in agreement while Dad and Cane sipped their beers.

“Oh, Kandy, I found the perfect decorations for the arch,” Lora said, coming to sit next to me. “I don’t want to show you just yet. I want you to be surprised, but just know it is going to be amazing!”

“I really love how you are handling everything for the wedding. Seriously, with Chance and schoolwork, I don’t think I would have had time to do much of anything as far as planning it.”
