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Music began to play. Live music. A band was playing a wedding march melody.

Lora appeared, trotting around the corner. “Okay, you guys ready?” she asked breathlessly.

“Nervous,” I admitted.

“Oh, don’t be,” she said, meeting up to my side. “This is your big day, and remember that at the end of that aisle is a man who loves you and can’t wait to make you his wife.”

“Okay.” I drew in a breath before exhaling. “Let’s do this.”

“Thatta girl.” She winked before stepping in front of us. “Follow me.”

We followed after Lora, my arm linked through Dad’s. My heart thundered with each step we took, moving closer and closer to the music. Before I knew it, we were at the end of the hallway, where the double doors were perched wide open. From where we stood, I could see the lined up chairs and the tall white arch in the large backyard, past the pool.

We followed Lora down the cement steps that led to a gold runway, covered in creamy white flower petals. I felt Dad tense up as everyone looked back at us, all of them standing and staring.

“Oh boy,” he muttered.

There were so many eyes—and most of them were stranger’s eyes. I’d never met half of these people, but I visually sifted through the crowd until I found my first familiar face. Miss Cane was standing at the end of the second row, holding Chance. She smiled at me, and relief swam through me as I smiled back. I looked at the row in front of hers and saw Mom next, who had her hands clasped, holding them above her lips. Her eyes were filled with tears—I could see that from where I stood. I smiled at Mom and noticed Frankie a few seats over, waving like a damn maniac. Morgan and Gina were next to her, grinning as I made my way up.

I giggled quietly and looked away before I got too distracted and allowed my best friend to make a fool out of me in front of everyone.

Finally, my eyes shifted over to the middle, right at the end of the altar, and there he was.

Mr. Cane.

My Cane.

He had his hands clasped in front of him, and my God, he looked so, so handsome. His ivory tuxedo, gold bowtie, and gold vest looked amazing on him and fit him well. His hair had been trimmed, and I could tell it’d been fingered with gel, a sleek look that only he could pull off. His beard was gone now, his face bare and clean. His gray-green eyes locked on mine, pulled me in, and from that moment forward, he was all I could focus on.

I didn’t care about the crowd.

Didn’t care that everyone was gawking over me.

Didn’t care that my heart was about to beat out of my chest due to my nerves.

He was right there, waiting for me like he’d promised he would be. His eyes were full of wonder and surprise and awe, and I sucked in a breath, holding in most of the air until I was at the step that led up to my Cane.

The arch was beautiful, swathed in white, gold, and beige flowers. Creamy drapes hung down from the beam, lightly shifting with the fall breeze.

I lowered my gaze to Cane’s again, and as the minister requested my dad to hand me over to Cane, Dad didn’t hesitate like I thought he would. I peered up at my dad, who cupped my face and kissed my forehead. He smiled down at me before putting his focus on Cane.

“Take care of my girl,” Dad murmured.

“Always,” Cane said.

Dad gave a slight nod, offering my hand to Cane’s, and when our hands connected, I released the trapped breath in my lungs. Finally.

“I don’t even have the words to describe how I feel right now,” Cane murmured as the minister began talking. His eyes were lined with tears, and when he blinked, the tears spilled down both his cheeks. “You are, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.”

My heart boomed, and I couldn’t fight the tears that left me too. Cane wasn’t a man who cried, I knew that, but he was emotional in this moment, just as much as I was. We knew getting married was a big step. But we were here—right here—doing this. Together. After fighting so hard, we were here. We’d made it. And if I thought what he said before was sweet…well, his vows blew me away.

“Kandy…I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you again. I love you. I love you so much it hurts sometimes. There was a point in my life when I almost lost you, and when it happened I, um…I didn’t know what to do with myself.” He looked up, and his eyes were watery again. I gave him an encouraging smile, letting him know it was okay. “I thought I had loved you hard before, but when you’re about to lose someone, that love changes. I realized that if I’d lost you, my world wouldn’t have been the same. I wouldn’t have my soulmate standing right here with me. I wouldn’t have my beautiful son, who we fought so hard to have. I wouldn’t be able to wake up to your smile, or your angelic face. I wouldn’t even know what true happiness was if you hadn’t come into my life. I was drowning, but you pulled me up for air—gave me life, baby—and I never want to lose that. I promise to be here for eternity, Kandy. I promise to put a smile on your face every single day, even on your lowest days. I promise to be here during every stage of your life as you grow. To hold your hand when you don’t have enough courage. To push you through, and help you gain whatever motivation you need when you want to accomplish something. My heart will beat only for you, because my heart belongs to you. I vow to be here with you for the rest of my life, till my dying breath. You are mine, and I am yours, and it will be that way forever.”
