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I’d only worked with my parents back in Haven to help further my art career. Some projects I’d done for their clients had appeared in magazines. So it was a win-win for both of us.

My stomach churned as we strolled down the main hallway. It was too quiet. Where were the assistants and architects they hired? I poked my head into the offices, which had papers scattered on the desks and floors as if someone had gone through every cabinet and drawer.

I glanced over at Marcello, who poked his head into the offices. We had spent little time together since I returned to Devil’s Creek. Luca had claimed his possession of me, keeping me primarily to himself. I hadn’t woken up from many nightmares after the night he climbed into Luca’s bed with us. And when I awoke from one, Luca was at my side, rocking me back to sleep.

“Aiden,” I called out.

I heard a rustling coming from my office, then Aiden’s blond head popped out the door.

“Where is everyone?” I asked him.

“I don’t know where the rest of the staff is hiding. I’ve been alone all morning.” He hugged me. “It’s always been just the two of us. That will never change.”

“We have a new family,” I pointed out, nodding at Marcello, who stood at my side like a good bodyguard.

Aiden released me from his grip and then looked at Marcello. He stretched out his hand, and the two of them shook hands. “Thanks for taking care of my sister.”

Marcello bobbed his head. “Of course. I made a promise.”

I glanced at Marcello. “Can you give us some time alone?”

Marcello studied my face for a moment as he considered my request. “I’ll be in the hallway. Keep the door open.”

I rolled my eyes. “Okay, drill sergeant.”

Before he could comment, I turned on my heels and entered the office with Aiden in tow.

“You should give Marcello a break,” Aiden said as I sat behind my desk. “He’s looking out for you.”

“I know. I’m just so sick of people following me around.”

“It’s for your protection,” he shot back. “Just let him do his job without complaining.”

“How would you feel if you had people watching over you every moment of the day?”

He plopped into the chair across from the desk. “I’d hate it. But I’m not the Queen of The Devil’s Knights. Look, I’ve hated the idea of you and Luca from the second I met him. But you can do this. You have what it takes to become our queen.”

“How do you feel about the ceremony?”

Disgust scrolled across his face. “I’m not happy about it. But it’s tradition, a way to bind you with the Knights.”

Aiden rested his elbows on his knees and leaned forward. “Do you understand what’s involved? Because I don’t think you do.”

“I have to consummate my marriage to Luca in front of the Knights. We’ve had sex in front of them before.”

I left out the part about us doing a trial run before I’d lost my memories. The Knights had no secrets, but there was no point in rubbing it in his face.

Aiden shook his head and lowered his gaze. “Please, spare me, Lexie. He might be the leader of the Knights, but you are still my twin sister. This whole thing makes my stomach turn.”

“You worry about me too much.”

“Maybe not enough,” he challenged with venom in his tone. “If I hadn’t been so obsessed with The Serpents, we wouldn’t be here now.”

“Luca told me about them. But I want to hear it from your mouth. Why was it so important you join them? They’re criminals.”

“Pops,” he muttered. “When I turned eighteen, he took me to the Founders Club.” My eyebrows lifted, and he smirked. “Don’t give me shit after what you did with Luca at the club. I heard the rumors.”

“They’re not rumors.”

“Yeah, let’s forget about that.” He blew out a deep breath. “Anyway, on my eighteenth birthday, Pops told me I had to join The Devil’s Knights. He said I had to stop pursuing my street art. I wasn’t interested in joining a secret society, especially not one the Salvatores controlled.”

“You didn’t know about the Salvatores’ connection to The Serpents.”

“Nope. I got their attention on my own. But it wasn’t until Marcello pointed me in the right direction that I knew I was in too deep. Then Luca made the introductions at The River Styx. I had to commit.”

“Why did you want to join them?”

“Because I wanted to impact the world. I could have gone down the traditional art route like you, but I wanted to do something that mattered.” He bit his bottom lip. “I mean… Not that your art doesn’t matter.”

I held up my hand. “I get it. You wanted to make a social impact.”

He nodded. “I blame our shitty parents. Maybe I wouldn’t have been so desperate for attention if they’d shown us an ounce of their time. They never loved us. Never even acknowledged us.”
