Page 20 of Slipperless

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“Why did you ask me here, Gabe?” I whispered. “What do you want from me?”

Gabe’s expression changed. It was the same one he’d shown me on the elevator on the day of my interview. I continued to move away from him until I bumped against the edge of a coffee table across from the couch. Nearly losing my balance in the process, I reached down and grabbed hold of it as I steadied myself at the last instant. But no sooner had I done so than I turned back towards Gabe to find him less than a foot away from me.

I swallowed hard as I looked at him. Raw excitement, verging on fear, sent blood racing through my veins as I struggled to focus.

“You didn’t answer me,” Gabe began. He stepped even closer, and I caught his scent. I heard the sound of breath draw into his mouth ahead of his challenge. “Are. You. A. Virgin?”

“I… I don’t have to answer that.” I said, as I looked past him towards the door. My entire body pulsed with lust in spite of my anxiety. The mix of emotions, not to mention his presence, overwhelmed me. Fear and worry consumed my thoughts. Would I have to sleep with him to keep my job? Is that why he’d called me here? As soon as that notion occurred to me, my mind went blank as I stared at him.

“Please,” I muttered at last. “I’d like to leave. I'm not… comfortable.”

Gabe looked at me for a moment and then drew his lips inward, thinning them in anger at my refusal to answer any of his questions, especially the last one.

“Okay,” he said, as he exhaled. He stepped back a bit and gestured towards his office door. “Go ahead. We’ll talk later.”

Talk later?

I studied him for a second or two. His gaze remained fixed on me, unbroken, as he held an extended arm pointing away from us. I blinked as I glanced at the distance between where we stood and my escape route. At last, I looked away from him. What just happened? Was I fired? Not fired? I didn’t know what to do or say. But above all else, my instincts told me to go, just get out and whatever happened, happened.

“Excuse me.” I said with a cautious tone. Tugging my hair behind my ears, I ducked a shoulder as I attempted to pass by him and leave. But I’d managed to get no further than about a foot when Gabe grabbed me with such force, one of my sleeves almost tore at the seam near my shoulder.

Blindsided by his speed and aggression, I gasped as Gabe crushed my body into his with a hard pull. He yanked me as if I were weightless, an experience I didn’t think possible. The power of his embrace was a hundred times greater than I expected. Just then, my eyes locked on his. Inexperienced though I was, there was no mistaking, none, about what he intended to do. My breath hitched in the middle of my chest as the muscles of Gabe’s arms flexed against my curves.

Without wasting a second, Gabe descended upon me, pressing his mouth into mine. I inhaled as he did, half-shocked, half-lustful. His lips were soft, moist and seemed to fit against my mouth as if by design. I flinched at first, thinking I ought to know better, do better, be better, but as Gabe’s tongue invaded my mouth, I felt my desire to be right slip away.

In its place, just a desire to be… desired… took its place.

Twisting our heads from side-to-side, Gabe and I continued to kiss for several seconds. His firm embrace eased as his strong fingers trailed along my curves. I reached up, squeezing the hard roundness of his biceps as he explored me. As the seconds drifted on, Gabe’s hands made their away around my backside and up towards my head where he snaked them amongst my silken strands, clutching small handfuls as he went. When at last we broke for an instant, I leaned away from him.

“I don’t understand why…” I muttered, as I looked at him through a lustful gaze. “You can’t want me.”

Gabe licked his lips in frustration.

“Oh Fiona, for fuck’s sake,” he said in disgust. “It's obvious I’m going to have to use words to communicate this to you because you literally think everything to death.”

“No I don’t. I…”

“Fiona, shut the fuck up. Right now. And listen. Don’t speak. If you say another word, you won’t enjoy what happens next. You got me?”

Gabe’s words offended me but his tone… commanded me. My jaw slackened as he spoke. I nodded.

Wordless, Gabe reached towards me, sliding his fingers in the space between my ears and my shoulders and hooking my neck with a gentle tug. I felt my pulse thump against the tips of his digits. My breathing stopped as he leaned in and started to speak.

“Fiona…” he began, in a voice not much above the sound of a whisper. “I don’t give two shits about what you think about what I want. Understand? My mouth literally waters when I see you. There’s not a pure thought in my mind when I watch you walk by me. Not a single one.”

Gabe paused for a moment and moved in closer. Hairs prickled along the back of my neck as he hovered. Goosebumps erupted along my arms.

“Do you know what I want in this moment, more than anything?”

I licked my parched lips, searching for any hint of moisture. I felt small before him, vulnerable, but still, safe. I drew my gaze towards Gabe, locking my eyes on his deep blue pools.

“No,” I whispered.

Gabe chuckled at my discomfort. As he finished, he pointed toward the leather couch where my lab coat hung. He licked his lips like a wolf. With a predatory intent, he made his carnal intentions clear as he drew his mouth near my ear once more. Shivers raced along my spine, causing me to tilt my head in his direction as he advanced towards me. The soft skin of his lips brushed against the curvature of my ear as he divulged his secret.

“I want to pin you down and fuck you until you lose consciousness.”

My eyes fluttered closed as I leaned into him. Turning my cheek towards him once again, I met his lips. Gabe claimed me, sliding his tongue in my mouth with a smooth, easy stroke. As he did, I moaned in submission, softening my entire body into the hardness of his embrace. Our bodies intertwined, fusing together as we began to grope one another in earnest.

I sensed his hands circle around my waist and before I realized it, he reached the front of my pants. In seconds, he had them partially undone. I gasped as Gabe slid his fingers between the fabric of my thong and against the delicate skin just above my pussy. His brazenness took me by surprise and as if on cue, my mouth fell open as he reached my swollen folds.

“Fuck baby, you’re soaked,” he hummed.

I hissed a whisper, a barely audible gesture of my agreement. Whether he’d known what I’d done in the lab or not, it didn’t matter, because as soon as the thick pads of his fingertips pressed into my wet flesh, I nearly came on the spot. As if he sensed the precariousness of my situation, Gabe let out a satisfied grunt and yanked at my pants as he ripped them from me.

In a semi-stupor, I acquiesced and stepped free of my clothing as Gabe walked me back and pinned me to the wall. Everything I’d worn from the waist down lay in a haphazard pile several feet away. I blinked myself back to a state of awareness as Gabe dropped to his knees and flung one of my thighs over his shoulder. As he did, I let loose with a high pitched moan, bordering on a squeal, as his mouth pressed against my clit. My upper body sagged against the wall while I sunk into the solidity of his broad shoulders. Wanton need surged within me. Any pretense vanished as I shifted my hips away from the wall and into the heat of Gabe’s lips with a hard snap. When I did, he paused for an instant, breaking his mouth free of my folds with a tender smack.

“Fuck, you’re ready aren’t you, Fiona?”

My eyes fluttered closed. “Mmm, hmm,” I moaned. “Yes.”

Just then, Gabe pressed his mouth into the aching heat of my pussy lips once more. As he did, I banged the back of my head into the wall. Not caring, I began to let it roll from one side to the other as Gabe consumed me. He licked and flicked and savored me until, with a masterful stroke of his thumb against my swollen bud, I slipped close to surrender.

“Oh God, oh Gabe… oh fuck, oh fuck.”

He paused again and pressed the heat of his palm against my belly. My breath came to me in gulps and fits.

“Are you coming, Fiona?”

I sucked in my lower lip. “Mmm, hmm…”

Just then, Gabe chuckled and stood before me.

“Hmm?” I muttered as I drew my head forward off the wall, uncertain as to why he’d stopped.

But as he did, I discovered the reason. Within seconds, Gabe peeled away his clothing and soon stood before me. A specimen unlike any other, everything about him screamed ‘fuck me’. Bulging muscles rippled with definition before my eyes as he pressed the hardness of his body against the softness of my curves.

My pussy… hurt. I’d never wanted to cum so bad in my life.

And I wasn’t altogether certain I’d survive it when I did. As I contemplated my fate, Gabe shocked me back into awareness as he slid his palms beneath my ass and hoisted me in the air with a single, violent motion. Friction from my back sliding along the wall warmed my backside as Gabe moved between my thighs.

Cradling me with his strength, Gabe began to lower my hips as he held my ass firm in his palms. It wasn’t long before I felt the tip of his hard dick press against my slick folds. And then, all of a sudden, the moment was upon me. I flipped my eyes open and snapped my head forwards as he lingered there, restrained, on the precipice of claiming me.
