Page 19 of Slipperless 5

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“Consider it your wedding gift to Fiona.”

After my response, Holly tapped her foot lightly against the carpet in my office. “Okay, Gabe. I’ll do it for Fiona. But, if I were you, I’d make sure I took credit for it if I could.”

I winked at her.

“I’m not worried about it, Holly. Not in the slightest.”

“Hmm, perhaps you should be. Do you happen to know who any of her friends are? Or where I can find them?”

I shook my head and smiled, as I began to walk back towards my desk.

“Absolutely no idea. But, that’s what I pay you the big bucks for, isn’t it?”

After sliding into my chair, I rolled it beneath my desk and looked up at her. Holly wagged her finger at me and started to say something but before she could, I continued.

“Oh, and obviously, it goes without saying that this is to be kept completely secret. Fiona can’t find out about it at all.”

Holly grimaced and rubbed her forehead as she contemplated her course of action.

“So let me make sure I understand this… You want me to find Fiona’s friends, who you don’t know, and then tell them that you’re going to ask Fiona to marry you and then they are expected to keep that a secret until you all somehow show up in St. Barth’s. Do I have that correct?”

I nodded as I looked at her.

“Perfect. That’s exactly what I want.”

“Gabe! Do you have any idea how utterly impossible this is! There’s no way I’m going to be able to…”

I waved her off, interrupting her before she could get off on a wild tangent.

“Holly,” I began, as I interlaced my fingers and dropped my hands on top of my desk. “You’re making this out to be far more difficult than it has to be. I have every confidence that you can pull this together. Now, I have a massive amount of work to do before we leave for the islands. You’re excused, but keep me updated on the progress.”

Holly exhaled a long, jagged breath.

“Fine. I’ll handle it.”

I nodded at her and smiled. “I know you will.”

Before she turned to leave, a small smile came to the corners of her mouth.

“Do you mind if I see it again?”

I shook my head and reached inside my coat pocket, pulling out the jewelry box as I did. Pinching the suede exterior between my thumb and forefinger I held it up in her direction. Holly took the box from me and rotated it back towards her face. Prying it open once more, she eyed the brilliant stone as her facial features turned bright.

“She’s going to love it, Gabe. I know she will. I’m so happy for you.”

“Thank you, Holly, my dear. That means a lot coming from you.”


After I thanked her, Holly gestured towards my office door and said, “Okay, I’ll get to work on that right away.”

I nodded.

“Excellent Holly, I really appreciate it.”

After smoothing the lines of her clothing, she turned and walked away from me. Just as she reached the open office door, she paused and looked back in my direction one last time.

“Gabe, you already know how wonderful I think you are. But I just want to say that I think Fiona is terrific. It will be the surprise of a lifetime for her, and I’m thrilled to be part of it.”

I glanced up towards her, and as I did another voice caught my attention.

“Surprise?” Fiona said as she suddenly appeared in the doorway.

“O-Oh…” Holly stammered, as she snapped her head towards Fiona. “U-Uh, yes it’s…”

Without wasting a second, I pressed my palms flat against the top of my desk and shoved myself into a standing position. Fiona turned her attention away from my stammering assistant and looked at me.

As she did, I headed in their direction.

“Fiona,” I said, as I gestured for her to enter. “Please come in.”

As she walked inside, Holly stared at her, slack-jawed and speechless.

“Thank you, Holly,” I said, as I nodded in her direction. “You know what I need, so be sure and keep me updated on the progress.”

By now, Fiona had nearly reached the conference table, and Holly thankfully disappeared from sight. As Fiona began to sit, she looked up at me.

“What’s going on with her? And what’s this about a surprise?”

I frowned and waved my hand in a dismissive manner.

“Oh that? It’s nothing. She’s been putting in some long hours recently.”

Fiona arched an eyebrow of suspicion at me as she slid into the chair.

“Why don’t I believe you?”

I shrugged and tried to be as nonchalant as possible.

“I have no idea, Fiona.”

Fiona never broke eye contact with me as I walked around the table and took a seat across from her and continued.
