Page 23 of Slipperless 5

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“And then what,” I said with a teasing tone. “Hire me back the next day and molest me on your desk?”

“Touché,” he quipped.

Just then, I looked up towards the heavens. Somewhere up there, far beyond a place my eye could see, were my loved ones. How would they feel about the choices I’ve made? Where I was in my life?

I looked at Gabe once again. Smiling, I said, “Okay, so long as we don’t go on a sailboat.”

A sly smile came to the corner of Gabe’s mouth.

“Deal. Come on, I’ve got a surprise for you.”

“A surprise? What is it?”

“Well, if I told you what it is, it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it?”


Of course I hoped the small crowd of people I’d assembled in our suite during the presentation would manage to keep it down long enough so as not to ruin what I had in store for Fiona. Pulling out my cell phone, I texted one of my friends to let them know we were on our way.

With Holly’s help, I’d managed to get all of Fiona’s friends on the island without her suspecting it. Now if my friends could just manage to not sleep with them before the surprise party kicked off, everything would be perfect.

Other than that, it was a beautiful evening for a walk.

It was hard to believe all of the things Fiona and I had been through together in the short time we’d known one another. With one hand interlocked in hers, I slid the other inside my pants pocket, running the tips across the suede covering of the jewelry box that contained her engagement ring.

I’d prepared myself for any outcome, but my expectation was, of course, she’d say ‘yes’.

Just then, we rounded the path leading towards our suite. As I’d instructed my friends, darkness shrouded the interior of the building. Without warning, Fiona tightened her grip, squeezing my hand a bit.

“Gabe, wait,” she said, as she stopped walking.

I looked at her as she hesitated.

“Yes? Something wrong?”

Fiona released my hand from hers and crossing her arms at her chest, she began to rub them with her palms as if she were cold.

“I feel strange all of a sudden.”


Her eyes never left the suite as she stared in the direction of the door.

“I don’t think we should go in there.”

Feigning disbelief, I looked at the door and then back in her direction.

“What? Why?”

Fiona remained frozen in place, seemingly paralyzed by a sudden twinge of paranoia.

“I don’t know, I can’t explain it. Something… it doesn’t seem right.”

Without a word, I reached down and snatched Fiona at the wrist. I grabbed her with enough pressure to get her attention but not enough to alarm her. After a gentle tug, I said, “You’re being silly. Now, come on. Let’s get inside and relax. I’m beat.”

As I nudged her along, Fiona’s first several steps were like ones she might take if she moved through vat of molasses. Without turning around to face her, I continued to pull at her arm with a study pressure, until at last, Fiona resumed a somewhat regular pace.

Within a matter of moments we made our way up the crushed shell trail leading towards the front door. As I reached for the key, from inside, a noise caught Fiona’s attention. Although I didn’t know what it was, something banged or hit the floor with a heavy thud. As soon as it happened, Fiona latched on to me, gripping me with all of her might.

“What the hell was that?” she gasped, as she pressed her body against mine. In a hushed whisper, she continued, “I told you something was wrong!”

I shrugged, “I’m sure it’s nothing. Don’t be so paranoid.”

With that, I slid the key into the lock and began to open the door.

“Gabe, don’t!” she begged, as she pulled me in the opposite direction with all the force she could summon.

But it was too late. I flung the door inward and as I did the interior lights switched on.

A collective roar filled the air. “Surprise!”

Stunned, Fiona scanned the interior of the suite, and as her friends came into view, she raised her hands to her face and covered her mouth. As she did, they came across the room and descended on her, swallowing her in a sea of embraces.

Satisfied I’d gotten the better of her for now, I chuckled and walked away to join my friends while she caught up with hers.

Over the next hour or so, we mingled, drank and in general, had a terrific time. As far as the reason why her friends were there, I’d sworn them to secrecy in exchange for a two-week, all expenses paid vacation.

Although I was happy to have them there for Fiona, I didn’t want to risk the chance she might discover the true reason they’d come.
