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"Why would he not?" she asked.

"'Well, in truth, I do not know," Smythe said. "But he was nothing at all like Marlowe's evil villain. He seemed a decent enough fellow, and struck me as no different from any other Englishman."

"Did you expect him to be different somehow?"

Smythe shook his head. "I do not know that I expected anything, in truth, having never met a Jew. Perhaps I had expected that a Jew would look different somehow, more like Marlowe's Barabas, I do not rightly know. But then, Thomas Locke's father is an Englishman."

"And so is he," Elizabeth replied. "Or, I should say, was he," she added sadly. "Did he not go to church? I seem to recall Portia telling me that they had gone together."

Smythe nodded. "Aye, since you mention it, I recall he did say so. Thomas told us that he had been raised in his father's faith, and not his mother's. Was that not the only way a Jew could have remained in England?"

Elizabeth shook her head. "I truly know nothing of such things. But from what I understood from Portia, 'twould make no difference to her father yea or nay. Once he had discovered that Thomas's mother was a Jewess, then that made Thomas a Jew, as well, even by the standards of his own people."

"Curious. I wonder how Mayhew would have known that," Smythe said. "And how did he happen to discover that Thomas's mother was a Jewess?"

"Portia made no mention of it," Elizabeth replied. "But 'tis an interesting question, I must say. Unless he had found out from Thomas."

"'Why would Thomas even mention it, especially to Mayhew?" asked Smythe. "Knowing that Jews had been barred from England since King Edward's time, one would think 'twould be the last thing he would do."

Elizabeth glanced at him. "You have become all caught up in this, I see."

"And you have not?"

"To the extent that Portia is my friend, I have," she replied. "But for me, it ends with my concern for her. Not so with you, however."

"Well, as I told you, I feel at least in part responsible for what has happened," he replied.

"And as I have told you, even had you not spoken with Thomas at all, he still would have at least considered an elopement, if not purely on his own, then certainly after Portia told him that she was willing to run off with him."

"Except by that time, he would already have been dead," said Smythe. "'Tis the timing of it all that troubles me. Like a hungry dog that worries at a bone, I cannot seem to let it go. Did Portia happen to mention if Thomas had any other enemies? Perhaps someone with whom he may have quarrelled of late?"

Elizabeth frowned, thinking for a moment, then shook her head. "Nay, I do not think she mentioned Thomas having any enemies. Of course, that does not mean he did not have them. Are you thinking that Henry Mayhew may not have been the one who did it?"

"Well, 'twould seem unlikely he would have done it by himself," said Smythe. "He could have hired someone and had it done, which would not have been very difficult at all." He glanced around. "We could probably find men willing to perform such work right here. And yet, the more I dwell upon it, the more it troubles me, Elizabeth. I do not think. Mayhew could have acted so quickly to have had it done within so brief a span of time."

"Unless he had already planned to do it earlier," Elizabeth replied.

"'Tis possible," said Smythe, nodding as he considered it.

"And yet, methinks 'twould seem unlikely."

"Why so?" she asked.

"Consider this," he said. "Mayhew discovered somehow that Thomas was a Jew, and let us not trouble for the moment about how he happened to come by this knowledge, although that is a point which puzzles me considerably. We shall assume, for the moment, that he was outraged and infuriated by this knowledge to the point where he was willing to commit murder, or else hire someone else to do it. Well then, why not simply go ahead and have it done? "Why bother formally withdrawing his permission for the marriage? Why bother saying anything at all, to Portia or to Thomas or to anyone, for that matter, Would it not have been simpler by far for him to have poor Thomas killed, and then feign ignorance and commiserate with his daughter over the terrible tragedy that had occurred? In that event, would anyone have seen any reason at all to tie him in with it? Assuming that he was not an utter fool, which he could not have been, else he would not have made such a success in business, then would he not have found such a course much more expedient?"

"Indeed, 'twould seem so," Elizabeth replied, after considering it a moment. "So then, why did he not do so?"

"Perhaps," said Smythe, "because he was not the one who did it."

"But… if that is true…" Elizabeth began with a worried frown.

"Then the sheriff's men may very likely be arresting an innocent man even as we speak," said Smythe.

Chapter 7

Built to house the company of players known as the Lord Admiral's Men, the Rose Theatre was the crown jewel of Philip Henslowe's various enterprises, among which were also a pawnshop and a number of thriving Southwark brothels situated conveniently nearby. Originally hexagonal in shape, the playhouse was three stories high and timber framed, with thatch-roofed galleries and an open yard. At considerable expense, the Rose had recently been renovated and enlarged by pushing back the walls behind the stage, along with the stage itself and the tiring room behind it, then lengthening the sides of the building. This expansion increased the available area for the groundlings, those members of the audience who paid the cheapest admission price of one penny and stood in the open yard, the surface of which had been mortared and sloped upward, so that those who stood toward the rear could enjoy an unobstructed view. This sloping of the yard also facilitated drainage, so that rainwater and other natural fluids could run down to the wooden box drain that ran from just behind the stage to a ditch beyond the playhouse walls. This made cleanup after the performances easier and, with the regular changing of the rushes, helped keep down the smell. Now shaped like an asymmetrical polygon, the playhouse was currently home to both the Lord Admiral's Men and Lord Strange's Men, the company to which Smythe and Shakespeare now belonged.

They had left their first company, the Queen's Men, though not without some regret, for they had thought of the Theatre as their home ever since they came to London. Dick Burbage, the son of the owner, James Burbage, was a fellow player and had become a good friend to them both. However, despite the Theatre's legacy of lending its name to other stages — all playhouses in London were now increasingly being called "theatres" -the Queen's Men had fallen upon hard times. The company had been in decline ever since the death of Dick Tarleton, their celebrated comic player, followed by the defection of their star, the celebrated Edward Alleyn, who had joined the Lord Admiral's Men. Ned had subsequently married Henslowe's daughter, thereby cementing his relationship to the entrepreneur and assuring his own future. To make matters worse, the Queen's Men had then lost both of their juvenile apprentice players when one had died of the plague and the other, perhaps fearing the same fate, ran off.
