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I strode to him and he lifted his free arm to pull me in for a side hug. I ignored the “awes” from the girls in the crowd and basked in the moment, then found my way back to center stage.

“Enough of that shit, let’s kick it up a notch!” I yelled, smiling when the crowd cheered, then signaled Brady to start his solo.

He might not like the limelight, but my brother killed it on drums.

We finished up the set with a couple of encore songs, then it was time to see the fans and have a couple drinks. We had a few local guys that acted as our “roadies,” tearing stuff down and putting it away until our next gig. They wanted the experience and extra cash, and it was a bonus that we didn’t have to do it ourselves.

I said goodbye to Brady and gave another quick hug to Brock, who was going home to his family.

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Brock said with a wink before he headed out.

“Where’s the fun in that?” I responded with a chuckle. I thrust my chin up at the two most important people in my life, then turned to see what kind of trouble I could get in to.

“Hey, Nat, can I have an IPA?” I called out to one of the regular waitresses.

“Sure thing,” Nat responded, her eyes as sad as always. I didn’t know what her story was, she pretty much kept to herself, but I always felt a stab of worry whenever the raven-haired beauty got up the courage to look me in the face. “Here you go, Bren.”

“Thanks, babe,” I said, then lowered my voice and asked, “Everything good?”

She brought her large, startled eyes to mine, before shifting her gaze to the right.

“Yeah, of course.”

I knew she was lying, but I also knew I couldn’t help her if she didn’t want me to. Brock, Brady, and I were ready to tear apart her husband for putting the fear of God in her, but she’d always tell us everything was fine.

“Okay,” I replied, letting her off the hook as I took the cold beer from her hand. “But you know we’re here if you ever need anything … yeah?”

Natalie nodded sharply, then slipped away.

I sighed loudly, then turned when I heard the twitter of giggles to my right.

Suddenly surrounded by women of every shape and size, I turned on the charm and drawled, “Ladies, enjoy the show?”

I listened to them shower me with praise, each trying to nudge the other out of the way to get closer and get the coveted slot on my arm. I kept the smile on my face, but tuned them out when I zeroed in on Freckles. She was standing at a tall table, still with her friends, but her eyes were on me. It was like a jolt to the system.

I had to have her. Now.

Without a word to the girls around me, I started walking toward her. She stood taller, tipping her chin up, as if to show me she was in no way intimidated.

Thank Christ, I thought. The last thing I wanted was some cowering girl who was too meek to tell me what she wanted.

Everything about this woman was turning me on. I was hard as steel and hadn’t even spoken to her yet.

I walked right up to her, dipped my head so my lips would be close enough for her, and only her, to hear me. “Want to get out of here, Freckles?” I caught the scent of something fruity, maybe from her shampoo, and inhaled deeply to capture the sweet smell.

Her nose wrinkled at the nickname, but she tilted her head to look me right in the eye and answered, “Absolutely.”

Chapter Two ~ Bronagh

I barely registered my surroundings as I followed the lead singer of Whiskey Heat up the stairs and into his open-air loft. I caught glimpses of a record collection, a bicycle hanging from the ceiling and walls covered in drawings, but quickly lost focus when his lips found the base of my neck and began to kiss their way up.

“What’s your name, Freckles?” he asked huskily when he reached my ear.

We’d rushed out of the bar and onto the back of his motorcycle before we’d had the chance to exchange pleasantries.

“Bronagh,” I replied, unashamed that it came out breathless.

“Gorgeous,” he stated, and I wasn’t sure if he was talking about me or my name. “I’m Brendan.”

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