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“Thanks, Ming, you’re really amazing. It’s no wonder Brady has a thing for you.”

“What?” I asked, sure I hadn’t heard her correctly.

Natalie smiled.

“I’ve seen the way you guys watch each other when you think no one is looking. You guys would be great together. Both caring, protective people, who’ve made it their jobs to help others in need. Plus, you’re both hot.”

I chuckled nervously, while my head spun. Had I been misconstruing my situation with Brady this whole time, sitting there thinking he preferred Natalie, when really the entire time he was as into me as I was to him? Did he just not know how to show it?

Natalie took my silence the wrong way.

“I’m so sorry if I overstepped, I didn’t mean to be unprofessional.”

Her hand was still in mine, so I squeezed it reassuringly and said, “No, not at all, you just surprised me. I didn’t think anyone noticed what was happening between me and Brady.”

“Most people probably didn’t,” Nat replied. “I’m a people watcher, and I tend to catch on to things that others don’t. Your secret’s safe with me.”

“Thanks, but actually, Brady and I decided just last night to start seeing each other, so everyone will know pretty soon, if they don’t already.”

“That’s wonderful, Ming. I’m so happy for both of you,” she replied, then her lips turned down, and I knew she was thinking about Zeke again.

“I’m sorry, we don’t need to talk about this,” I said, moving back to my original seat and picking up the paperwork. “I promise that my full focus will be on your case. Let’s get this resolved, and then we can celebrate your independence.”

Natalie sighed heavily and replied, “That would be great.”

She walked me to the door and I promised to be in touch soon.

“Thanks so much for helping me out.”

“I’m happy to do it,” I replied truthfully. “I’ll be in touch.”

Chapter Twenty-One ~ Brady

“Man, I went to the bar the other night, and this chick was all over me,” Doobie was saying as I drove through town. He’d been talking nonstop since we’d gotten in the car, and it was starting to drive me nuts.

“Maybe we should go back to not sharing,” I suggested, not kidding in the least.

Doobie laughed and proceeded to tell me what color thong the woman from the bar had been wearing before he tore it off of her.

I sighed, then tried to tune him out and let my mind wander.

I was thinking about Ming and the dinner date we had planned for that evening, when the radio signaled and Marsha’s voice came over the line.

“10-31 on Elm and Pike, suspect is armed and dangerous.”

/> My adrenaline spiked at her words, and I steered the car toward the location as Doobie responded that we were en route.

“The bank,” Doobie said.

Right as we were pulling up in front of the bank, I heard Smitty over the radio saying he was on his way. Doobie and I approached the building cautiously, prepared to wait for Smitty, when we heard a woman scream from inside the building.

My eyes caught Doobie’s and he nodded, indicating that we should go ahead and proceed. We needed to get inside the building and get a handle on the situation. When we were in position we went in through the front entrance of the bank. The lobby was empty, no tellers standing behind the counter, so I motioned that we should go toward the back.

“They must have everyone in a separate room somewhere,” I whispered as Doobie and I made our way down the back hallway.

We stopped before turning the corner, and I heard voices coming from our right.

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