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It was Thursday afternoon, and She and I were in Aventura mall doing some shopping. I was going to enjoy these next few days because starting Monday, I was taking my ass back to work. Luckily, I was the type of person who never took off from work, so I was able to use my time to be there for Jashae when she needed me, but my friend was getting better as the days went by, so I knew that it was time for me to head back to work. Besides, she told me that she planned to go back to work the following week as well, so that was more progress on her part.

She wasn’t fully back to her old self, but we were getting somewhere. Right now, while she and I were in Macy’s baby department, she was picking up so many baby clothes that she had to end up getting a cart from the home section to put the clothes in. I was sure why, but that was worrying me for some reason. I’ve been having my worries about this whole grandbaby thing for quite some time now. I guess because Shae was so excited about the fact that she would have a piece of her son on the way in a few months that she was ignoring all the red flags.

Jashae had told me about Taylor coming over, and that’s pretty much the last that the two of them have been in contact. Jashae told me that she’d texted Taylor a few times, and she never responded. When I asked her if she thought that the shit was kind of strange, she shrugged it off and said that Taylor was probably busy with finals and things like that. The only ultrasound picture that any of us ever saw was the one that Jashae found months back in Vonte’s tux pants.

By this time, Taylor should know the gender, a baby shower should have been in the works, and she wasn’t reaching out to Jashae about shit. This was my best friend, and I just didn’t want her to get excited for nothing. She would go back to the same person she was months ago when she was walking around here looking like a damn zombie.

“Shae, you don’t think you bought enough shit already? We done been inside Kid’s Foot Locker, Gucci, Gap, you not tired of shopping yet?” I asked.

“Mahogany, this is my first grandbaby. This is actually making me happy right now. I didn’t get to splurge like this when I was pregnant with Vonte, let alone maybe the first ten years of his life. I wasn’t able to start buying him good stuff until I got into my career. This is the last store, I promise,” she said, throwing all types of clothes on her shoulders that she was going to buy.

“You don’t even know if she’s having a boy or a girl yet. Look at all these dresses you’re buying,” I said.

I couldn’t even hold back the smile that was on my face as I held onto the little tutu that was in her hands. It was adorable. For half a second, I pictured myself having a daughter. As quick as the thought came into my mind, I dismissed it.

“I just feel it in my gut that it’s going to be a girl. When I got pregnant, and I finally accepted the fact that I was going to be a mom, I wanted a girl. I didn’t want a son because I was afraid that he would be like Trip. I loved Trip to death, but we all know that his ass was bad as hell as a child, and I didn’t want that. I ended up getting a son, and he turned out to be the exact opposite of his damn daddy,” she spoke.

“What’s going on with him? You don’t talk about him much these days. I don’t see you sneaking off to go somewhere when he calls,” I said.

Jashae hadn’t talked to Trip since the day she went down there to see him for visitation. I still didn’t know what happened that day. Hopefully, right now she would tell me. I wasn’t even trying to be nosy, or no shit like that just wanted to make sure that mentally, she was okay because I knew that that nigga had what it took to bring her down.

“We got into it when I went and saw him. Somebody told him that I was hugging Miami after the funeral, and he snapped on me. I’m talking dragging me across the visitation table and slamming me down on my back. The guards got a hold of him, and he’s in solitary confinement. As mad as I am, I still love him, and I care about his well-being, so I ended up calling the prison, and he’s going to be locked down for the next 90 days. We have about a month and some change left to go,” she let me know.

For about ten seconds, I didn’t even say anything because I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t believe that his silly ass would do some shit like that.

“You don’t have to say anything because it’s nothing to say. You probably think that I’m crazy for buying this baby all these clothes, but with everything that’s going on right now in my life, this is honestly the only thing that’s keeping me sane. I know I shouldn’t care, but I don’t like when they lock Trip down like that. He’s in that little ass room for twenty-three hours out of the day, and I can’t help but think about whether he’s eating or if he’s trying to harm himself. We both lost Vonte, and in the midst of that depression, they throw him in there like that. I just don’t want him to harm himself, that’s all,” she said.

It was understandable for her to be concerned about him. I wasn’t questioning that at all.

“You love him, so you have every right to be worried, but Shae, they didn’t throw him in there for nothing. What do you think he would have done to you had it just been the two of y’all together and he found out that you hugged Miami? If he could drag you and slam you like that in a room filled with security guards, what the hell do you think he would have done with just y’all two? I wish you would have never told me this because now I’m going to be so fuckin’ worried about you,” I said, and she laughed.

“You think I’m crazy enough to take my ass back down to that prison once he’s able to come out of solitary confinement? I won’t lie and say I’m not going to pick up the phone when he calls, but I’m not going back down there. Hell no!” she said, and I believed her.

After about thirty more minutes or so, we were finally walking up to the cash register so she could pay for all of the shit that she’d bought. We literally had to have security come and help us take the bags outside to the car. Once everything was in the car, Jashae got in the driver’s seat, I jumped in the passenger seat, and she pulled out.

Five minutes into the drive, my phone started buzzing in my lap. When I saw that it was Jabari calling, I found myself smiling. All signs were telling my ass to leave him the hell alone because he was going to break my heart the same way that I got my heart broken in high school, but that dick was too good to just walk away like that. Every time we had sex, both of my walls would get broken down some more. I could feel myself catching feelings, but I had to keep reminding myself who the hell I was.

The night after I saw him in Five Guys, he texted me to come over, and my foolish ass went, even though I was so hurt behind him seeing him with that bitch. I boldly asked him if he’d had sex with her, and he boldly let me know that he did. I don’t know why I was expecting him to stop fuckin’ bitches because I’d stopped fuckin’ niggas after I fucked Jabari the first time in the bathroom. My body has only been given to him these past few months, and I think that’s why I’ve been so in my feelings when it came to him.

“Hello?” I answered.

I could hear a lot of shuffling going on, and I knew from all the noise that he must have butt dialed me. I was getting ready to hang up, but I all of a sudden heard a bitch’s voice.

“So, you not seeing nobody, then?” I heard someone ask him.

“Shorty, I just told you that I’m single. Fuck is you trying to ask me, yo? If you want to fuck me, it’s a bathroom around the corner,” I heard him say.

I rolled my eyes listening to him say that.

“But that’s not all I would want with you. I would want to eventually be your girlfriend,” she said, and I sucked my teeth.

“I ain’t looking for no girlfriend, shorty. I’m not on that type of time, so if that’s what you looking for, I suggest you look in the other direction,” I heard him say.

Everything was telling me to hang up because I felt like I was going to hear something that I didn’t want to necessarily hear, but I was in too deep now to just stop listening.

“Why? Because you fuckin’ that skinny bitch, Mahogany?” she asked, and I heard him laugh.

Whoever the bitch was had to have known me or known of me.
