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“So, you’re not mad?” she asked.

“Nah, bae, I’m good. This just means that I gotta go harder now. Ima always go hard for the ones I love, including your skinny ass,” I joked.

“Nigga, you what? Did you just say you loved me?” she asked and cocked her head to the side.

“You trippin’. A nigga ain’t say all of that. It’s just an expression that I was using,” I casually said, not even able to look her in the eye when I said it.

I would feel vulnerable like a motha fuck if I were to let those three words fly out of my mouth. Although I didn’t necessarily say it, I think we both knew what it was. Mahogany looked at me with a smile on her beautiful ass face.

“Awww, Bari. I love you toooo,” she cooed and leaned up to kiss me.

Only Mahogany could have me out here with her wrapped in my arms, kissing her, and not giving a fuck who was looking at us. I always thought it was lame as fuck to be in love. As a man, I felt like it took away from my dominance or it made me feel like when it came to swag, I just didn’t have it like that anymore. I was wrong, though. Cuffing one broad and keeping her was some shit that should be an aspiration.

This love feeling was good, after all.

Taylor Owens

I felt terrible. Like, so fuckin’ terrible. It was by the grace of God that I hadn’t miscarried this baby. I cried pretty much every day. I cried for Vonte. I cried for hurting his mother. I cried because I was sure she knew the truth now. I wasn’t a bad person. I swear to God I wasn’t. Being in love and wanting Vonte to just take a few minutes away from his hectic ass schedule is what had me looking like the devil, but I swear, I wasn’t.

My grades in school were horrible because I simply couldn’t function whenever I decided to go to school, which was maybe once a week. I had to reach out to Vonte’s mom regarding my baby. I owed her that much. I was actually scared to face her, though. What if she tried to harm my child and me? Maybe I had been watching too many Lifetime movies and overreacting, but still. She had every reason to hate me and to become physical with me.

I was pretty much going through all of this on my own. I couldn’t talk to my mother about it because I didn’t want to tell her what I’d done. I damn sure couldn’t talk to Reggie because then I would have to expose myself and let him know that in the beginning, I was lying and saying that this was Vonte’s baby. Besides, Reggie wasn’t even talking to me. He and I weren’t on the best of terms. Ever since Toddrick embarrassed him that day after we’d left from my doctor’s appointment, he hadn’t really been talking to me. He demanded to know what Toddrick had talked to me about tha

t day, but like a stubborn kid, I wouldn’t say. I guess after that, he called himself dumping me, but these days, I couldn’t care less about Reggie and his damn feelings.

All I cared about was Vonte. I missed him so fuckin’ much. Any other time, I would have been worried sick about what Reggie was doing, especially since he hadn’t been calling or texting just to check up on me, but I swear I was so over it. I needed to get right with myself and come forward with the truth. Of course, I wasn’t stupid enough to tell Vonte’s mom that I was the one who took his gym bag, but I would be woman enough to apologize for lying to her and leading her to believe that I was carrying her grandchild.

Today was the day that I was going to do that. My heart just couldn’t continue to suffer like this. Coming clean was the only way that I would be able to have a healthy pregnancy. Well, in my case, coming clean about part of what I had done.

Here I was, a block away from Vonte’s home, and I was driving at the same pace that a turtle walked. I was scared, so of course, I was stalling. I think it was the love that I had in my heart for Vonte that made me want to fess up to his mother. If I didn’t care so much about Vonte, I honestly couldn’t have cared less about his mother’s feelings. Even in spirit, I wanted him to continue loving me, so if this was what I had to do, then so be it.

I finally made it to the house, and his mother’s car parked in the driveway along with a royal blue Maserati Levante SUV. The music was blasting from the SUV, and I could see the lights on outside the car, which let me know that someone was inside. I assumed that the way I was parked in front of the house after creeping to get to it is what had the driver getting out of the car.

I sucked my teeth when I saw who it was. What was he? Her fuckin’ bodyguard? I couldn’t even get mad because he was so damn fine. Vonte’s mom was so lucky. His attitude sucked, and he was so fuckin’ rude, but aside from all that, this man was beautiful. I watched him as he peered at my car from where he was standing, more than likely trying to see who I was.

I was driving my mom’s car, and her tints were pretty dark. Helping him out a little, I rolled down the passenger window since he was standing closer to that side. When he saw that it was me, I noticed the scowl that I felt he permanently had on his face grew harder as he walked over to me.

Even his walk was sexy. The way he had a little sag in the white jeans that he was wearing, and I could see his brown Louis Vuitton belt, and the way the white Louis Vuitton hoodie fit him had my young ass wishing that I was a little bit older, so I could have him.

“Fuck is you doing here? You lost or something?” he asked, getting right to the point.

The way he hated me; you would have thought that Vonte was his child. Over the years, Vonte had told me how close he and Miami were. He let it be known that prior to Miami moving back down here, their relationship had faded a little bit, and that was only because of the busy schedule that they both had. From what Vonte told me, though, Miami would tell text and call him just to check up on him and see if he needed anything. Vonte was so closed in when it came to his feelings, but I knew that he loved Miami. Actually witnessing Miami go hard for the ones he loved, I could see why Vonte loved him.

“I wanted to talk to her. Is she inside?” I asked.

He could tell how nervous I was from the way my voice shook as I talked. He put fear in my heart. His whole demeanor was enough for me to hightail it away from her home, but I needed to do this.

“Yo, shorty, you did enough! Ain’t shit to talk to her about. Wanna know why I’m over here so early in the damn morning?” he asked, walking a little closer to the car. I didn’t answer him. If anything, I just stayed quiet and waited for him to let me know why. “There’s a family that’ll be here in a few minutes, and in about another month, they going to give birth to their first child. Shae said that she saw the mother in the grocery store a few days ago, and after finding out that the family was going through some financial issues, she decided to give everything in that nursery to them. The same nursery that she thought her grandchild would spend some of his days in.

“When it’s two o’clock in the fuckin’ morning, and my girl is in the room, the bathroom, or the kitchen crying because her son is no longer here or because she will no longer have a piece of him, which was supposed to be your child, you won’t be nowhere to be found. It’ll be me trying to get her to calm down for hours at a time, so nah, you can’t see her. You played a role in her hurt. As her nigga, I won’t allow people who hurt my woman to be in proximity to her, so go on. It ain’t shit here for you!” he spat.

For about thirty seconds, I didn’t move. I just sat in my car, trying to see if I should try him or not by getting out of the car and going to the front door. After all, I was pregnant, and who the hell was going to harm a pregnant chick?

“I’m crazy, shorty. Crazy about what’s mine. You and this Corolla better raise the fuck up out of here,” he spat.

The crazed look in his eyes had me putting the car back in drive and moving away from in front of her home. I felt my eyes become a little misty because I’d driven all the way down there basically for nothing. I was back on the main road, and all of a sudden, my phone started to ring. It was on the passenger seat, and I looked over, only to see that it was Reggie calling.

I ignored his call because it’s been almost a fuckin’ month, and now, all of a sudden, his ass wanted to call and check up on me. As I approached a red light, my phone went off again, but it was letting me know that I had a text message. Curiosity had gotten the best of me, so I looked at the message that was sent to my phone. It was Reggie texting me in bold letters, telling me to call him, and in parenthesis, he said that it was important. It wasn’t important. That was just his narcissistic ways coming out and him thinking that he could say something like that to me, and I was supposed to be so stupid and actually call.
