Page 18 of Love Me

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She had finally brought her ass in the room after we were in that bitch damn near two hours waiting for her. Takari ended up falling asleep in the hospital bed, and I had to wake her up when the doctor came into the room. When the doctor told her that her arm was broken, her ass went to crying like the car accident was happening all over again. Usually, all that crying would annoy the fuck out of me, but she was good in my book. I think my ass would have dropped a few tears too after finding out that my arm was broken and knowing that they were going to have to snap my shit back in place.

“Boyfriend, can you come console girlfriend over here?” the doctor said to me.

He was an older, white male, and I wanted to correct him on what he’d just said, but I didn’t. I stood up from the chair that I was sitting in, and I walked over to the bed where Takari was. The doctor stood off to the side with one of the nurses as they prepared themselves for whatever they were about to do to Takari’s arm. I played the perfect role of a boyfriend as I stood in front of Takari and used my hand to wipe her tears away.

When they started working on her arm, I stood behind her and placed one hand on her shoulder, massaging it. I could tell that I was helping to alleviate some of the pain because she wasn’t as distraught as she was before. In no time, they had the cast on, and the doctor went to get the medicine that he prescribed her with for pain, and then we could be on our way.

“Fuckin’ crybaby! You talk way too much shit for you to be crying like that. I should have recorded your ass!” I told her the minute the doctor, and the nurse walked out of the room.

She gave me the finger and put her head down because I knew she was embarrassed. Once she had her medicine and everything, we were on our way.

“Where you want me to drop you off at?” I asked her the minute we made it back to the car.

“You can take me to the projects. That’s where my mom stays. My kids are over there. That’s where I was on my way to before I slammed in the back of your car. I don’t usually drive like that, but I was upset. My husband was supposed to go and pick them up tonight, but like always, work comes before me and our fuckin kids. He called me in the middle of my sleep, and I was upset, so I was driving like an angry person. I’m sorry. Listen to me” she said followed by a sarcastic laugh. “I’m sitting here airing out all of my damn dirty laundry. I’m sorry,” she apologized again.

I knew her marriage was on the rocks, even without her telling me the shit. When she talked all that shit at the movie theater to me that night and wouldn’t let the shit go, I could tell that she wasn’t happy in her marriage once I saw the ring on her finger. I could be wrong, but happily married women just weren’t going to trip off something so minor.

The light was on in the car, so I had the perfect view of her face. Seeing her, it made me think back to a few weeks ago when I ran into her daughter in the wee hours of the morning, and she was seconds away from letting that little nigga, Raheem, beat her ass. Out of all the fast ass, teenage girls that could have been there that night, it just so happened to be her daughter. I didn’t want to stick my nose in family issues, and from the looks of things, she was already stressing, so I didn’t want to add more to her stress, especially if she didn’t know about it.

I knew Raheem from around the way. Although he and I were nowhere near the same age, news traveled fast as hell around Miami, especially in the projects. It was no secret that he put his hands on pretty much any girl or woman that he was involved with. I didn’t care what his ass did in his spare time, but I wasn’t about to walk past and pretend that I didn’t hear a girl screaming in the hallway like she was afraid for her life.

When it came to any type of woman, I always had a soft side because I believed in karma. I was raising a little girl, and if I disrespected women, I knew when the time came, and my daughter was old enough to start dating, niggas was going to disrespect her. I was trying to avoid that at all cost.

“Shit, you don’t have to apologize. I think we all have breaking points. At the same time, think about what you just said to me. You were on your way to pick up your kids. Meaning, you have other people in the world that you’re living for. You can’t be driving all crazy like

that because you’re upset. Anything could have happened tonight. You lucky to just have walked away with a little cut on your forehead and a broken arm. Your kids only get one mama. Remember that shit,” I let her know, and she nodded.

“You’re not that much of an asshole as I thought you were,” she said, followed by a smile.

For whatever reason, I ended up smiling when she did. Her shit was not only contagious, but it was beautiful too. This time, the ride home was a quiet one because she’d fallen asleep on the way to her ole girl’s spot. Maybe it was a mixture of her catching up on the sleep that she said she was woken up from and all the fuckin’ crying that she’d been doing, plus the pain pills that the doctor had given her. All I know was that I had the radio completely off as I listened to her softly breathing next to me. Her breathing was so fuckin’ calm that it put me at ease.

I laughed to myself because I was thinking about Breshay and the way she slept. Her mouth would be wide the fuck open, and she would be snoring and shit. With Takari, her head was turned facing me, and she calmly slept. I ended up taking the long route to the projects just so I could have her in my presence for a little while longer. The reality was, she was married with three kids, so it was no telling the next time that I would be this close to her again.

It took about another twenty minutes, but I was finally pulling the car into the projects where her ole girl lived, and the same projects where my grandma stayed. I couldn’t get enough of this part of town. I quickly brought the car to a stop, and because she was a light sleeper, her eyes quickly shot open and she looked around at her surroundings.

“Told you I wasn’t going to fuck with you. I brought you back in one piece to your kids,” I let her know. She released a small smile as she took my jacket from around her and placed it back on the back seat.

“Thank you again, Za’Kai,” she said.

Hearing her say my government like that was like music to my ears. I hardly let anyone call me by my name because I’ve grown up with people calling me Bully almost my entire life, but I didn’t even bother correcting her when she said it. She made my name sound sexy when. I was parked right in front of her mother’s building, so I stayed behind in the car. I didn’t pull out until I watched her go up the stairs, and I saw for myself that she was safely inside the house. I don’t know what the hell was going on with me, but I think I wanted that man’s wife!

The next morning

“Daddyyyy!” both my kids yelled the minute I walked through their mama’s house.

I helped pay bills around this bitch, so it was only right that I had my own key to her apartment. As if I hadn’t just seen them yesterday morning before I dropped them off over there so that I could head up the road to Tallahassee, both my kids came running toward me full speed. I proceeded to hug both of them and place kisses on each of their foreheads. With my son, I had to get all the loving that I could now because pretty soon, his ass was going to be at the age where he wouldn’t think that it was cool anymore for me to be hugging his little ass.

My son loved himself some football, so a few months ago, I’d taken him down to the park, so he could play. His little ass had the nerve to tell me that he was embarrassed when I told him I loved him in front of the other boys before I let him go onto the field. If only his little ass knew how at five years old, I would have given anything to hear my ole boy tell me he loved me face to face instead of on the other end of the phone when he called from prison, or from when I went to visit him.

Zakiya, on the other hand, she was eight years old, and baby girl would take all the kisses and hugs that I would give to her any day. Like always, when I picked the kids up from their mama’s house, they were dressed nicely, and their hair was always kept up. Breshay did her thing when it came to taking care of our children.

“What y’all was in here doing?” I asked as I walked further into the house with them.

We walked into the kitchen together, and they both went back to the dining room where they were sitting before so they could finish their breakfast.

“We were eating. Mommy made our favorite; oatmeal,” Zakiya said right before she put a spoon filled with oatmeal into her mouth.

I listened to my kids babble off to me about the movie night that they had over there last night with their mama, and the latest elementary drama before I headed to the back to see what their mama was doing. It was Sunday morning, and I knew she was probably in her room getting ready to head to the hospital for work.

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