Page 29 of Love Me

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“I have three kids. A thirteen-year-old daughter and a set of twins who are five years old. What about you? You have kids?” I asked her.

“Girl, yes, and they are a handful. I have an eight year old daughter and a five year old son. They keep me on my toes, but I love them to death,” she let me know.

I’m not going to lie, hearing her admit to having children had me looking at her with confused eyes because how the hell did she go from being straight to all of a sudden in a full blown lesbian relationship? I wasn’t one to judge, so I chose not to say anything. Yes, a divorce from Jerrod was something that I wanted more than anything right now, and he’s pretty much turned me off when it came to men, but I didn’t ever see myself switching over to the other side.

I laughed to myself because I started thinking of all the possible fucked up things that Breshay’s ex-boyfriend or whatever could have possibly done to her that was so much worse than Jerrod to make her switch over. His dick had to have been trash. It just had to have been.

“No, to your question. I was on and off with my baby daddy for years, but it just didn’t work. We beefed too much. No, his dick wasn’t trash or no crazy shit like that. In fact, my baby daddy’s dick is the fuckin’ devil,” she said, and I laughed out loud because it was almost as if this girl had powers to read my mind or something.

“That’s the type of dick that you need in your life,” Brooklyn said, breaking her conversation from Kassidy and turning my way.

I waved her off, paying her no mind, even though I knew it was true. I needed some devil dick. “No, I’m dead ass serious. Your ass is so boring now, and I just want my old friend back. I hope you find you a nigga tonight and you go home with him. A one night stand ain’t never killed nobody,” Brooklyn said, and I looked at her like she was crazy.

I instantly wondered how much of that wine her and Breshay were in there sipping on because now she was just talking crazy.

“Have you forgotten that technically I’m still married? When I do decide that I want to go out and get some dick, it’ll be well after both of us has signed those papers and ended our marriage for good. I’m not sure about Jerrod, but I actually take my vows seriously,” I let her know.

“Answer me something, Shrimp. You’ve been moved out of that house now for a little over two months. You really think Jerrod not out there fuckin’ hoes? I don’t want the answer that your heart is telling you to say. I want the answer that your head is saying. The real one,” Brooklyn said.

Usually, I had a quick comeback for just about everything, but it took me a few minutes to ponder her question. I wanted to be naïve and say that when he and I were living together, he barely had enough time for me, so there was no way that he was out entertaining any other women, but like Brooklyn said, I had been gone now for a little over two months. Yes, he tried to win me back every time that he and I were near each other, but I didn’t know what he was doing on his free time. I guess I never really thought of it like that.

“I’m not sure what he’s doing. To be honest with you, I don’t care either. I won’t sit here and act like I’ve been the happiest that I’ve ever been since I’ve left the house, but I will admit that I feel free. I feel independent again. When I was with Jerrod, all the money that I had coming into my bank account pretty much came from him. Nothing financially was coming to me off the strength of me working for it. I hated that feeling because, in the back of my head, I would always tell myself that this shit could stop any day, and I was right. The moment I decided to leave, he froze all my accounts, and he put the daycare up for sale. Now, I’m working, making money of my own, and I feel at peace.

“I’m thirty-three years old with three damn children, so you damn right I would love to come home to a man after a long day of work. I want my feet rubbed, I want somebody to sit up and watch movies with, but at the same time, I’m not going to settle. Back in the day, a one night stand would have been very enticing, but not now. My toys will just have to do the work for now,” I said.

Although I could tell that Brooklyn didn’t too much agree with my opinion, she respected it, so she nodded her head in understanding. That’s how it was whenever I got around my girls. Yes, we were best friends, but we weren’t robots who were trained to like the same thing and have the same opinions. Hell, half the time we could never really agree on something, but our friendship had respect and boundaries, so we didn’t clash with each other each and every time we had differences of opinion.

11:54 PM

“You can be the designated driver for tonight, Shrimp because everybody knows that you aren’t going to drink,” Kassidy said as her, Brooklyn, Breshay, and I walked out of Brooklyn’s home together.

After hanging with them earlier today, we’d all gone out to the mall to find outfits for tonight, and as much as I didn’t want to go, here I was, stepping out, already wishing that the night was over. I think the last time that I’ve been to the club was before any of my children were born. Club scenes really weren’t my cup of tea. I would much rather go to a fancy restaurant out on the beach, have a few drinks, and call it a night.

It was Brooklyn’s crazy idea to go to a damn strip club to celebrate her 33rd birthday. If I didn’t love this girl so much, I would have definitely taken a rain check. Kassidy was right about me not drinking tonight, so I didn’t mind driving. On the drive over to the club, they were already in the car pre-gaming, and we had City Girls’ new album, Period playing on my car’s Bluetooth, rapping each song word for word and not skipping a bit.

“Damnnnn, look at this long ass line.” I groaned the moment we pulled up, and I saw that the line to get into the club was pretty much wrapped around th

e entire building.

“Dion is working the door tonight. I’m texting him right now to let him know that we’re outside, so we don’t have to wait in the line,” Kassidy let me know, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Dion was her child’s father, and he did security as a side hustle. It was by the grace of God that he was working the door tonight. I hadn’t been in these red bottom pumps for a whole hour, and my feet were already killing me. As if the four of us were an R&B singing group, we were dressed in all black. I decided on a leather spaghetti strapped romper that fit my body like a glove. My little four pack was showing through the fabric, and one would think that I was in someone’s gym just about every day, but really, chasing behind two five year old kids all day was all the exercise I got.

The Christian Louboutin pumps that I wore had me looking taller than I really was, and instead of wearing my long hair parted down the middle like I usually did, it was curly from me washing it earlier and pinned up, giving off a little mohawk. I applied light makeup to my face, and I wore a little bit of gold jewelry. It still felt weird as hell walking around without my wedding band on my finger, but it was something that I was getting used to.

“I got eyes on y’all all night. Kassidy, don’t fuckin’ play with me in there, alright?” Dion let us know the moment he raised the velvet rope so the four of us could get through the door.

I laughed because although the two of them weren’t together and they just simply co-parented, you couldn’t tell Dion that Kassidy wasn’t still his girl. Honestly, I liked the two of them together, only when they were on good terms, though. I couldn’t tell you the number of drive-bys and pop ups that I had to do with Kassidy during the years that she was with him. Or the number of bitches that I’ve witnessed with my own two eyes her fighting or her busting out his windows. I wouldn’t say like all men because I honestly didn’t believe that all men cheated, but like the majority of men out here, Dion didn’t know how to keep his dick in his pants when he was with my girl. As a result of him making her look stupid one too many times, he lost her.

Dion was a handsome guy. He was on the heavy-set side, but the weight looked really good on him. He rocked long, thick dreads that reached way below the middle of his back. He was a chocolate fella with gold teeth that sat on the top and bottom row of his mouth. Although he was hood and came off as being rough around the edges, there was no doubt in my mind that he loved Kassidy, and the man was a damn good father to their son.

As if Dion’s words meant nothing to Kassidy, she waved him off, and the four of us walked inside the club together. I thought that I was dying in my own damn car from the three of them smoking weed on the way over there, but the weed smell that was going on inside this club topped the smell from my car. There were so many people in there, but the throwback Trina that they were playing on the loudspeakers had me in a groove, and I was able to relax and forget about the fact that people were bumping into me every few seconds as we walked to the section that Brooklyn had purchased for her birthday.

As if we were celebrities or something, the security that was standing near Brooklyn’s section quickly raised the velvet rope for the four of us to walk up the steps. There were food platters that had everything from hot wings to fruit and cheese. Not to mention, there were buckets filled with ice, and a few bottles of Hennessy, Patron, and whatever else was Brooklyn’s favorite chilling on the ice. I didn’t want to be boring tonight, so when Kassidy opened the bottle of Hennessey, I took a cup from the circular table let her know that she could fill mine up too.

“Whatttt? There is a God.” Brooklyn laughed once she saw that I had my cup out.

I quickly gave her the middle finger, and as a group, we all took the shot. I damn near died. I couldn’t do the Hennessy. While they drank, I stood up, rocking my hips and rapping along with just about every song that was being played.
