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Chapter 13: Chantel

“Oh shit! Chantel, did you see this shit?” my cousin Nita asked me as she walked into the kitchen where I was making a bowl of soup.

Nita was my flesh and blood, but the bitch was very messy and I believed that she sought enjoyment when it came down to the shit that I was currently going through. The fact that I may be left alone to raise a baby on my own was really weighing heavy on me. First off, I knew without a doubt that the baby wasn’t Quan’s because when I went to the doctor’s office after what went down with Quan and I, the night I damn near raped him, the test concluded that I was already one month pregnant. That left me to be stuck with the confusion of not knowing who my baby’s daddy was. I thought by threatening Quan to have a DNA test done, it would, at least, scare him into thinking it was his. That might lead him to drop me off a couple of bands for abortion money, but of course, I was going to spend the money on some new weave, or maybe a new purse or some shit, but damn, his ass didn’t even jump at that. I was living dirty and the thought of getting an abortion had weighed heavy on my mind lately, but I felt like I had come too far to give this shit up now.

“See what?” I asked.

Nita showed me her phone and there was a video playing on Instagram. I looked and baller alert on Instagram had uploaded a video and in the video Quan and that bitch were walking, holding hands and right before the video went off, she showed the camera her ring. I must admit, that shit was huge and I was so fuckin’ angry.

“You think they got married?” I asked Nita.

I tried my best to will myself not to cry, but it was so fuckin’ hard. I’ll admit, at first when I got with Quan, I probably came off as a money hungry bitch, looking for a meal ticket, but I honestly did love that man. I never really got to see his sweet side like how he is with his daughter and his bitch. Every time I was around him, all we did was fuck, and if I did manage to get caught running the streets with him in the tabloids, it would be because I damn near would beg him to take me out. I know one thing, he can never fault me for having feelings for him because it’s not like I’m some psycho ex that just doesn’t know how to let go, or was led on. He was doing this to me and for me, as if we were in a relationship, even though I knew we weren’t. He had even brought me to a few of his shows before and introduced me to his boys.

“Think? Bitch, I know! He even said the shit early this morning on his Twitter page,” Nita told me.

All of sudden, a thought came to mind. I no longer wanted to get the abortion, in fact, this only made me want to go through with my decision. I had a couple of tricks up my sleeve. He scorned the wrong bitch, and I didn’t take well to hearing the surprise of him going out and marrying that bitch.

“Your daughter, Kassidy, is still in the class with their daughter China right?” I asked her.

“Yes, why you ask?” she said, taking a seat next to me at the kitchen table.

“And your friend, Linda, still works down at Memorial Hospital correct?” I asked her, not bothering to answer the question that she had asked me.

“Yes, she still works there. Why you want to know all of this? What’s your motive?”

Nita knew me well enough to know that I was always plotting and always had something up my sleeve.

“I got a plan, and I know that some big money will be involved with this one too. I just need you to promise that you’ll help out with it.” I said to her and watched as she gave me a skeptical look. “Come on, Nita! You know you need the money, and that little bullshit job that you have with Walmart is barely paying your damn bills. You hardly get any hours over there,” I said, trying to bribe her.

Nita worked part-time as a cashier at Walmart and it was kind of a struggle for her to pay her bills and be a single mother altogether. I knew that she could use some money, which is why I would only give her the money if she were to agree to the plan.

“I know you, Chantel, and I also know what you will do some low down shit when it comes to what you are willing to sacrifice for some money. So, I just want to make sure that whatever I’m about to agree with does not put my child or me in danger,” she said.

Nita thinking too much into it and she was starting to annoy the hell out of my ass. At this point, I needed her because she was close to people that could help me out in the long run.

“You don’t have to worry about any of that,” I said to her.

“Okay, so what you need me to do?”

I could sense that she was still a little bit on the fence about the entire situation, so I tried to make it as simple as possible.

“I need you to plan a sleepover at your house for Kassidy, but only invite China. When you tell Charlie about the sleepover, make sure you make it seem like you’re inviting a few other girls from the same classroom,” I said. My mind was in overdrive as all type of thoughts were coming to me.

“Wait, and what the fuck do we get out of that? How does that benefit us at the end of the day?” she asked stupidly.

I banged my fist on the table out of frustration. This dumb bitch was pissing me off with her theatrics.

“Nita, can you not see the big picture? There will be no damn sleepover! We’re going to hold his daughter up for ransom with the help of someone that I know, named Tracy,” I said.

“So let me get this straight. You want me to set up a bullshit ass sleepover at my house and have a seven-year-old little girl involved, with the possibility of you bringing another man in that could possible rape or even worse, kill her! And here’s the finale, you then want me to believe that if we do make it out alive once Quan finds out that we all took part in the kidnapping of his daughter, that we might get paid a little bit of money in the end. That nigga is from the streets! Do you really believe that he will just allow you and this Tracy nigga to simply hand back over his daughter and then you’ll get the money and live happily ever after and walk away from this shit? Hell no! I don’t love money that much and I have a daughter that I have to raise who needs me, so no! I will not take part in this shit!” she said to me, pissed off.

“Oh yeah?” I asked.

I walked over to the kitchen counter, opened the top drawer, pulled out my gun and pointed it right between her eyes. “Seems to me that you don’t have a fuckin’ choice anymore! So, what’s it’s gonna be, Nita? You in or you out?” I asked with a menacing look on my face.

I watched as tears fell from her eyes and her body shook of fear. I hated that it had to come down to this. All her ass had to do was just agree to my plan, and then I would never have had to pull out a gun on her. Cousin or not, if she didn’t say what I wanted to hear, I was killing her ass dead right here at this very moment, and would think nothing of it tomorrow.

“I’m in,” she said as she wiped her face.
