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“Okay, like I told you over the phone, Mrs. Williams here seems to have taken a pretty nasty fall down a flight of stairs. Any injury during a pregnancy would have to be severe enough to seriously injure Mrs. Williams before it could directly harm the baby. Since she is very early in the pregnancy, the uterus is tucked behind the pelvic bone, which provided more protection for the baby during the fall.

“Everything is fine, the baby is fine, as well as Mrs. Williams, but her right arm is sprained and she does have a few cuts on her leg. But that’s minor to something that could have been very major. When she fell, luckily there were people outside who witnessed and they quickly called the EMTs and she was rushed here, which is when I called you,” nurse Jackie said.

“Thank you,” Quan told the nurse after she finished running down everything that was going on.

“No problem,” nurse Jackie responded.

“When can I go home?” Charlie spoke up.

“We want to keep an eye on you and the baby, so you’ll be discharged within a day or two,” the nurse said and then left the room.

“Y’all give me a minute with my wife right quick,” Quan said.

Toya stood up from the bed… well, tried to stand up, but Charlie pulled her back down with her good arm. I could tell that she didn’t want to be left in the room alone with Quan, but I knew my nigga, and I knew that he wasn’t about to hit her or no shit like that. He may call her a few names here and there, but I knew for a fact that he wasn’t going to lay a finger on her.

“Charlie, stop playing around and let Toya get up,” Quan barked.

Toya raised up and walked over to me. We walked out to give Quan and Charlie some privacy.

Chapter 4: Quan

“You know I’ll never forgive you for this if something happens to China, right?” I asked my wife.

I watched as the tears silently fell from her eyes. I hated to sound so cruel, but how would I be able to go on with the rest of my life without having my daughter with me? This whole situation could have been avoided, and she let something as simple as this just slip right through the middle of her hands. I just couldn’t fathom the fact that Charlie let someone play her like this, especially when she saw the red flags. She should have stuck with her gut instincts, which were to leave and take our daughter with her.

“But, Jaquan, you’re mad at me like I did the shit on purpose. You’re going about the whole situation like I would deliberately put our daughter in harm’s way. I fucked up, I know I did. It’s killing me right now not knowing where China is, and I don’t need you calling me dumb every chance you get because I already feel like shit,” she said, wiping her eyes.

I wish she was in good condition for about five minutes so I could just choke some sense into her. I’ve never laid hands on Charlie before, but I could honestly s

ay that had she not been pregnant right now and lying in a hospital bed, I know for a fact that I would have gone upside her head a few times for fuckin’ up.

“Who the fuck is Nita anyways? How his bitch look?” I stood in front of her bed with my arms crossed against my chest.

“That’s Kassidy’s mother, the little girl in China’s class.”

“I’m saying, though, how does she look? I damn near know everybody in Miami or know of them, so explain the bitch to me so I can fully put my finger on this whole situation,” I said.

“I mean, I don’t know how to describe her. She’s about my height or maybe a few inches taller. Dark skin, big booty, and every time I see her she was coming from work, so I know that she works at Walmart because she always has that uniform on.”

“What’s her real name? Because I think I know a Nita with a big booty that work at Walmart, but the Nita I know, her real name is Lanita.”

Charlie sucked her teeth, and I know it was because she probably thought that I had fucked the bitch or something.

“Yeah, I think that’s her because that’s what it would say on her name tag.”

I blew out a breath of frustration.

“What happened?” Charlie asked, trying to sit up in the bed.

“I think Chantel got something to do with this shit,” I said, pacing the room back and forth.

“Wait, Chantel as in the bitch you were fuckin’, Chantel? What motive would she have for taking my baby? If memory serves me correctly, isn’t she supposed to be having your baby in a few months?” Charlie’s smart ass asked me.

“We talked about this shit already, and I already told your ass that baby isn’t mine.” I hoped I sounded convincing enough because hell, I wouldn’t know until the baby was here and we did a DNA test. “Now, the reason I think her ass got something to do with it is because I know Nita through Chantel. I remember chilling at the house with Chantel before and Nita came over, but Chantel only let her stay for a few minutes before she kicked her out. When she came over, she had on a Walmart uniform and the way you described her is pretty much the same woman I saw,” I said.

“I’m still not understanding their motive though. That shit is so fuckin’ lame to me! And you couldn’t recognize the voice that called you and said that they had her?” Charlie asked me.

“Nah, it was a nigga, though, so they got somebody with them that’s helping. I got to swing by the crib to pick up the money, but I ain’t handing them shit. As soon they hand me over China, I’m bussing my damn guns. You think I’m about to let a nigga eat off of me for free and then live to talk about it? Hell no!” I barked.
