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“Toya, what are you doing here?” I asked her as I took a seat on the steps.

I needed to catch my damn breath after running through this damn house like that.

“If you would have just stayed your ass home then you would eventually know why, Monae. Look how you come down here showing your ass like this,” Quay said, and that pissed me off because I hated when he tried to talk to me like I was a damn child.

“Well, you lied! You said that you were with my brother. What did you expect me to do? Don’t act like I’m wrong for spazzing out like this because had you been truthful, then you wouldn’t have to worry about me coming down here in the first place!” I fussed at him.

“Yeah, but it was a fuckin’ surprise, so I had to lie about the shit, Monae! Do you really think that I’m out here cheating on you, girl? I was fuckin’ serious when I said that I wanted this thing to work. I’m mad that you would even think of me like that. I bought this house for us, and I wanted to see it one last time before I signed anything, that’s why Toya is here,” he said.

I wanted to just crawl my ass up under a hole because I was so damn embarrassed. Quay walked away and Toya came and sat next to me on the step.

“Damn, bitch, you could have gave a bitch a hint or something. Save my ass the damn embarrassment,” I told Toya and she laughed.

“I didn’t know you was about to bring your ass down here like you work for the fuckin First Forty-Eight, trying to solve a damn case. Plus, I had promised Quay that I wouldn’t say anything about it because like he said, he wanted to surprise you. Girl, that man loves your ass. You know how much this damn house cost?” Toya asked me and then opened her folder. The price for the house was $2,691,000.

“Damnnn,” I said, looking at the price of the house. That’s why my ass was so damn tired, looking at the features of the house on the paper, I had just run through a house that had six damn bedrooms and five full baths.

“I don’t even know how to start off my apology. I bet he thinks I’m the stupidest bitch on the damn planet,” I said.

“Girl, not even because I would have reacted the same way if Dre said he was some place but he really wasn’t. I normally try to stay out of other people’s relationship business, but in your case, your ass was wrong, so man up and apologize,” Toya said and then stood up.

This was the first time I’d actually looked at her closely since she had been there, and something was different. Number one, she was glowing something serious, and number two, her ass was fuckin’ perfect in her white MK pantsuit, no homo shit either. Not to mention, her hips had spread too. I don’t know what her and Dre were over there doing, but the work he was putting in on her was sure as hell paying off.

“Why you staring at me like that?” Toya asked as she flipped her hair over her shoulders.

“Nothing, something is just different about you, and I just can’t put a finger on it,” I told her, standing up and wiping off the back of my pants from sitting on the steps.

“My God, you sound just like Charlie’s ass! I had lunch with her yesterday and she said the exact same thing,” she said.

Hell, then maybe what I was thinking was right.

“While you go and apologize, I’m going to go out to my car right quick to get the rest of the paperwork,” she said and I nodded my head and went to look for Quay.

I found him outside. That damn backyard was huge and the pool was beautiful. If he accepted my apology, I couldn’t wait for the times that I could come out back and swim around in the pool. I crept up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist with my face in his back.

“I’m sorry,” I said.

He didn’t reply.

“Come on, Quay, don’t act like this. You know I love you and I appreciate you, but what was I to think? I had been trying to get in contact with you since this morning, and when I found out that you really weren’t with my brother, I just snapped,” I said, wrapping my hands around him tighter.

He removed my hands from around his waist and turned around to face me.

“Any other time, I wouldn’t have forgiven your ass so fast, but I can see why you felt like something was up. Monae, I’m thinking about our future together, that’s why I went and bought this house for us. This is the house where I want to have our kids grow up, and I want us to grow old together, but before we can master all of that, baby we got to have trust. The shit I did when we were apart, that’s the past, so you got to stop hanging that shit over a nigga’s head. Trust me the way I trust you, and we gone be good,” he told me and I nodded my head.

“I trust you, baby,” I said and kissed his lips. “So, when can we move in?” I smiled, looking up at him.

“Shit, I’m about to sign them papers now. I’m leaving all of that decorating shit to you. Just take my damn card, that’s the only part I’m helping with,” he told me.

“Ohh perfect, I already know what I want to do with our bedroom.”

After we finishing kissing, we headed back inside where Toya was in the kitchen area with a few papers spread out for Quay to sign. Like he said, this is the house where we would grow old together and I couldn’t wait. As far as kids, as badly as I wanted kids of my own one day, I at least wanted to get my degree first.

Both my best friends were out doing positive shit, and it was time for me to start taking life more seriously. I had about another semester left at Broward College and then hopefully I would be able to get in at the University of Miami. I felt like I haven’t done anything in a while that was worth me being congratulated for. Quan didn’t go to college, so my mother never got the chance so see any of her kids master that milestone in life. Since he wouldn’t be the one to do it, then if not for myself, I wanted to earn that degree to make my mother proud.

Chapter 12: Dre

One Month Later

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