Page 18 of The Boss 4

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“Fine,” I snapped in spite of myself. “I have known her for a few months now and have been fond of her since the very first time I laid my eyes on her.”

“That’s a rather odd way to put it, don’t you think?” she asked, giggling as though ensuring that the tone of the conversation remained outwardly light. “You couldn’t very well be fond of somebody just by looking at them. If you hadn’t spoken to her yet then surely you mean you just thought she was attractive?”

I tried hard not to grunt. I cared about Aria a lot and I was here in her mother’s house for the second time in the past week because she was important to Aria. Therefore, the fact that she approved of me for Aria had become very important to me. I didn’t want to ruin that just because Molly was asking too many questions I didn’t feel like answering.

Deciding to do my best to keep my cool and humor her, I said, “Sure, I pursued her at first because I thought she was attractive. Let’s be honest, isn’t that why anyone pursues anyone? All these talks people have about superficiality is such complete bull, because physical appearance is the first thing anyone can see and that’s always what draws people in. But that said, after the initial attraction passed, it became so much more. Every time I spoke with her she sounded brighter and more intelligent than half the staff in my bank put together. Her wits, her charms, her sheer confidence, all those things blew me away. I wasn’t exactly expecting or preparing to fall for your daughter, Molly. We have quite a large age gap and I assure you, I am aware of it. I’m not simply exploiting a young woman. She is so mature for her age! I am sure you know! You raised her to be this way. Most women my age wouldn’t be able to live up to half of what Aria has in terms of personality and brilliance. You should be proud of your daughter. You have created quite an extraordinarily exquisite human being.”

“Wow,” she said, stopping her chopping and looking like she had just escaped from underneath a train track. “I don’t know what to say…You’re right, she is quite extraordinary and obviously, I am proud of her. I just wasn’t sure what you were…I mean, someone of your stature and prominence, I just wondered how someone like you would take interest in my little Aria…And then you have been paying all this money for my hospital bills…don’t get me wrong, I appreciate it. But as a mother, you can’t exactly blame me for thinking it all seems a little too good to be true?”

“I love your daughter, Molly,” I heard myself say, startling the both of us. I had yet to say it to Aria herself or even admit it to myself, but it had just come out of my mouth in front of her mom, defiantly, as though daring her to question me any further.

“You do?” Her eyes were wide open. She was certainly taken aback and the effect was satisfying. Within a few seconds, Molly reverted back to her jovial self. “Of course you do! Well, I am glad to hear it. Aria deserves the best, Zayden. She has been through a lot and lives an extremely tough life for a twenty year old. She deserves more happiness than the world can even offer.”

“I plan to make her happier than in your wildest imaginations. I agree with you that she deserves it. So there is not much point having this discussion, really. Should we carry on with preparing the dinner then?”

She said cheerfully, “Of course! You seem to be doing a marvelous job with that steak. I can’t wait to try it.”

Glad that she was finally done quizzing me, I put all my efforts into dinner, making sure to perfect it to really impress her. My words were all well and good but I suddenly felt this burning need to outdo her somehow; to show her that I could make Aria as happy as she does, if not more. While I appreciated her mother’s concern – in some ways it only showed how much Aria was cared for – I also felt that I had already proven my dedication by meeting with her the second time. Not to mention all the money I had invested into their family.

Trying not to dwell on that aspect very much, I began to set up the table where Aria was waiting for us.

“How did the dinner preparations go? Did mom drive you too crazy?” she asked, looking genuinely concerned.

“Not at all. We had a good time considering we have a whole lot in common.”

“Do you?” She raised her eyebrows.

“Well, for one, we both care a lot about you.” I grinned, making her blush once more.

Chapter 10


So far the evening hadn’t gone completely awry and I was grateful for that. Zayden and my mom seemed to have had a pretty good time making dinner together and I was glad to see the potential for them to get along.

He had made a truly delicious dinner, which sure as hell helped my mom decide in his favor. Once or twice I had caught his eyes during dinner and he seemed somewhat amused by the whole ordeal. I wondered what he had talked with my mom about and debated asking him later, but decided that it was best that I left it alone. For some reason, I suspected it was best to just accept that they were getting along – for whatever reason – and not push it very much further.

I turned on the tap in the bathroom to wash my hands, thinking about how Zayden had been looking at me endearingly as my mom narrated stories of when I was a kid. I hadn’t thought he would find any of the tales of me eating pudding with my hands as a three year old interesting, but he had looked delighted and kept asking mom for more. It was a side of him I had never seen before and I wondered if he would be reacting the same way, with as much enthusiasm if it was his mother we were having dinner with and she was telling me his childhood stories.

That made me realize, with a sinking feeling, I didn’t know very much about his childhood or his family. I knew his mother was a little difficult and pushy from everything he had told me about her, especially in her trying to get him back with his ex-wife. But had she always been this way? What had his dad been like? I knew he had passed away six years ago, leaving Zayden in charge of everything. From the way he mentioned him on the odd occasion, it seemed that Zayden had been rather fond of him. Somehow I had never thought to ask more. I resolved to ask him about his childhood and his dad the next time we were alone together – maybe the car ride back – and maybe even suggest meeting his mom, if he didn’t completely hate the idea.

As I started wiping my hands off, I heard the door behind me and jumped.

“Holy shit!” I exclaimed rather loudly. “What are you doing here?”

The look in his eyes said everything. They were raw with desire and his topmost shirt button was undone. I gasped.

“My mom! Where is my mom?”

“She went to give your neighbors the leftovers. She looked rather happy about it. I am assuming there is some kind of a romance going on there,” he said, taking another step toward me. “Which is good for us.” He leaned down and planted a kiss on my neck while his bulging shaft rubbed against me, making my arm hairs stand. “Cause we can have some romance of our own. There is nothing as good as spontaneously fucking.”

Trying to ignore the fire igniting throughout my whole body as he nibbled on my neck, I said, “She won’t be very long and I told her I was just in here to wash my hands. Zayden, we can’t.”

“Oh,” he said, breaking off the skin contact and for a second I really thought he was going to back off. I couldn’t help but feel disappointment. But then he shoved me against the bathroom wall and pulled down my panties so fast, my heart started thudding rapidly. He leaned back down on to my neck and removed my hair to the other side of my shoulders. He ran his tongue over my neck as his hands crawled across my back and up the hem of my skirt. By the time he cupped my throbbing center with his palm, I would have let him do just about anything he wanted to me whenever he pleased, wherever he pleased.

I moaned, “Zayden.”

He broke off abruptly, leaving me burning and folded his arms. “I thought we couldn’t do this right now.”
