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"Yeah, eventually, but I'm thinking about other things right now."

"So you'd say no?" I blurted out.

"I'd decline if it clashed with something that was important to me." I frowned, sitting up. "What is it, babe?" he asked, putting his warm hand on my back.

"I don't know," I said shaking my head. "It's everything. I feel so close to you, but then every time I think I have you back, I have to remember that I have to share you."

"Please don't be upset, Ron," he said, sitting up, as well.

"It's dumb. I'm being dumb. I'm sorry," I said, feeling embarrassed. He pulled me into his lap where he was sitting up against the headboard. We were both naked, but all I felt was comfort in his arms. I buried my face in his chest. "I know this is not your only priority. I just wish I could be selfish."

"Right now, fixing what I did and making it work between us is all I'm trying to do."

"Don't say that if you don't mean it," I told him.

"I swear, Veronica," he said, rubbing a reassuring hand over my back.

I didn't want to cry, but I felt like I might. I hadn't felt like this when he had said it to me last week before our date. I had heard him and known he wasn't lying to me, but now I felt it. He loved me.

"I really want to make it work, too," I whispered.

"Then we will," he said. "Can we go to sleep?" We did. I fell asleep pressed against his large, warm chest, our fingers laced together.

Chapter Twenty Seven


I woke up and checked the time. A little while before six, typical. I shut my eyes, rolling over, pulling Ron into my chest. She had spent the night after co

ming over Saturday. It was Monday today. Out of the last two weeks, I'd say maybe I'd woken up alone four or five times?

Veronica's apartment was nicer, I'd admit to that, but she hadn't said no once when I had asked her to come over. I hadn't when she had asked me, either. I didn't know whether that meant we were living together or what. All I knew was it was great. Really great.

Her alarm started ringing. She buried her face in my chest with a groan. I chuckled. I had tried to get her to bed at a reasonable time last night, but she had had other ideas. As a result, we were both still naked.

"What time is it?" she asked, not moving.

"Time to hit the snooze button," I said, kissing her forehead. She sighed heavily and sat up, reaching down to the floor for her phone. Whenever she did that I'd tell myself I had to get nightstands, but I hadn't gotten round to doing it yet. She stopped the alarm and fell back into the pillow.

"You alright, babe?" I asked, brushing her messy hair off her forehead.

"It's too early," she grumbled.

"You're right. It is. Stay here."

"Huh?" she said, looking at me. Her lips were swollen, pouty from sleep, and her brows were furrowed like she was upset.

"Stay," I said again, simply. I leaned over and kissed her. She moaned, running her hand over my chest.

"I have to get ready to leave. It takes longer to get to school from here than it does from my place."

"You can miss your early class, right?" I asked lightly. She giggled as I kissed her neck.

"With the amount of debt I'm going to owe, I need to get my money's worth," she said.

"It's one class," I insisted, kissing down her chest. I cupped her tit, rolling her nipple between my fingers. She moaned again, pushing her chest into my hand.

"Not now, babe," she said, running a hand through my hair.
